
JLog 2 CSV

This converts ALMA JLog XML files to CSV-4180 format (as used in Excel).
Download the JLog2Csv jar file, and run
java -jar JLog2Csv  <filename>
The tool writes progress messages to STDERR, while the resulting CSV goes to STDOUT.
Updated: November 2012

scp vs bashrc

Prepend this to .bashrc to make scp work. It suppresses echoing to stdout in scp shells.
# disable echo when running for scp
if [ -z "$PS1" ] ; then
function echo { 
   while [ "$1" ] ; do

any shell

A polyglot script that runs on both Windows and Linux.
@goto windows \

   echo "Running on Linux/MacOS"
   [... more bash commands here ...]

exit 0

   @echo Running on Windows
   [... more DOS commands here ...]

make alias

This alias takes the pain of DOS-formatted Makefiles away.
alias make='if [ `file Makefile | grep -c CRLF` != 0 ] ; then echo "Makefile contains CRLF, converting." ; dos2unix --quiet Makefile ; chmod 775 Makefile ; fi ; make'