Instructions for enabling ssh login to stargate1 (or any other host).

Short (functional):

If you want to enable ssh access from host 1 to host2:

a) login as user1@host1 and as user2@host2; open a window on host1 and a window on host2

b) on host1: open $HOME_user1/.ssh/ on host1, copy content into $HOME_user2/.ssh/authorized_keys on host2

c) verify on host1 by 'ssh user2@host2'

Technical (John Pritchard):

As your account $USER on your mucx $HOST:

[ ! -e ${HOME}/.ssh/id_dsa ] && ssh-keygen -t dsa
scp ${HOME}/.ssh/ qc@stargate1:.ssh/${USER}@${HOST}
ssh -l qc stargate1 "cat .ssh/${USER}@${HOST} >> .ssh/authorized_keys"

Verify by:

ssh qc@stargate1

Last update: Reinhard Hanuschik, 2014-04-24