Name : Neraidorahi peak, Chelmos mountain,

Altitude : 2340 m

Lat-Long: 37.99 N, 22.21 E

Accessibility: asphalted road except the last 7 km

Distance from airport:
Athens airport, 3.5 hours (130 km in straight line from Athens)
Patras airport, 1.5 hours

Astroclimate: (first measurements)
Cloudiness <25%
Seeing ~0.9-1.0"
water vapour ?
temp (extreme: -15 in winter, +30 in summer, average 7C)
wind ? (extreme 200 km/h)
snow 90-120 days per year
seismicity 0.4 m/s2 peak (-0.15g peak acceleration for the next 50 years predicted at Chelmos mountain. During the last disastrous earthquake of June 15, 1995, Ms=6.1, MM=VIII, at Aegion city, 30km North from Chelmos mountain 0.2g vertical, 0.49 long, 0.53 trans. More details available.)

Dr. Emilios Harlaftis,
Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
National Observatory of Athens,
I. Metaxa and V. Paulou Street,
Palaia Penteli, 152 36
Athens, Greece

tel: 301 8040619, ext 11
fax : 301 8040453
personal www page:

Other reference: D. Sinachopoulos, F. Maragoudaki, P. Hantzios, E. Kontiza; Chelmos (Aorania): a new european telescope site for the 2.3-m telescope of the National Observatory of Athens; Preserving the astronomical sky, IAU Symposium, Vol. 196, 2001; R.J. Cohen and W.T. Sullivan, eds.