Astronomical Site Evaluation in the Visible and Radio Range

November 13-17, 2000
 Marrakech, Morocco


This is the third and final announcement for the "Astronomical Site Evaluation in the Visible and Radio Range"  workshop to be held in Marrakech, Morocco from Monday November 13  to Friday November 17, 2000, and hosted by the  University Cadi Ayyad Marrakech (UCAM).

As the meeting draws nearer you may find the following updated information of interest. The contents of this third announcement are

  • Updated Scientific Program.
  • Information to Contributors.
  • Registration Fee (methods of payment).
  • Conference Venue Information.
  • Hotel Information and Bookings
  • Useful Information: travel, about Marrakech...
  • This information is being continuously updated in our WWW home page http://www.eso.org/iau-site2000


    You will find here an updated version of the Scientific Program, including Social Program activities.

    We also include a list of registered participants with links to the author's contributions (oral and posters) abstracts.


  • Z. Benkhaldoun  Marrakech University  Morocco
  • M. Chun  GEMINI  USA
  • R. Giovanelli  Cornell University  USA
  • C. Muñoz-Tuñon  IAC   Spain
  • R. Racine  Montreal University  Canada
  • S. Radford  NRAO   USA
  • L. Rodrigez  UNAM  Mexico
  • M. Sarazin  ESO   Germany
  • J. Vernin Nice University  France



  • Abdelkader Mokhliss   Marrakech 
  • Benkhaldoun Zouhair  Marrakech
  • Brakez Abderahim  Marrakech
  • Chabab Mohamed  Marrakech
  • El Azhari My Youssef  Marrakech
  • Jabiri Abdelhadi   Marrakech
  • Kadiri Samir   Rabat
  • Khalla Tarik   Marrakech
  • Lazrek Mohamed  Rabat
  • Tanouti Boumediene  Marrakech
  • Touma Hamid   Rabat
  • REGISTRATION FEE (methods of payment)

    As you may know from the first Announcement, the conference registration fee is 2000 DHS (200 USD) (2500 DHS for late registration). The fee should be paid at the registration Desk upon arrival for those who did not pay yet. We can only accept cash or traveler's checks (no credit cards for registration). The conference fee includes the price of abstracts booklet and proceedings book, coffee breaks at the conference center and lunches at hotel KENZI SEMIRAMIS.


    Click here to see the instructions to authors. Remember the editing board should receive the final manuscript not later than December 17, 2000. Whenever possible, authors are welcome to bring their camera-ready papers at the time of the conference. Papers exceeding 10 pages will be subject to revision according to space availability at the time of editing.


    All the sessions will take place at the  Conference Centre of  University Cadi Ayyad, faculty of science SEMLALIA. It is located in the north of the city near the hotel KENZI SEMIRAMIS (5-10 mn walk) where most participants will be accommodated, and 1.5 miles from the University Club.
    University Cadi Ayyad
    Faculty of Science SEMLALIA
    CENTRE GEBER Amphitheatre X
    Av. Prince My Abdellah
    BP 2390 Marrakech
    Phone reception desk:
    +212 (4)4434649 (french speaking only)
    Phone LOC:
    +212 (0)63808126 (cell phone)

    This Conference Centre is provided with the necessary facilities for conference participants including:

  • A large conference amphitheater.
  • A small computing area with internet links will be installed by the LOC for the conference and will only be available during the conference timetable.
  • Slide and overhead projectors, video tape player and computer display facilities. Panels (1m x 1m) will be available in an area adjacent to the conference hall for the display of posters. Anyone requiring special facilities for presentation (e.g. a supplementary TV + video set for posters) must request this in advance to the LOC.

    Please take a look at the Scientific Program, where all the social events have been posted.
    Starting on November 10, a representative of the LOC will be available at hotel KENZI SEMIRAMIS to facilitate guests installation, including those lodging elsewhere. On Sunday 12, 18h30, a welcome cocktail is offered by the LOC at Hotel KENZI SEMIRAMIS.
    The bus for the visit to Oukaimeden starts on Friday 17 at 14h30 from hotel KENZI SEMIRAMIS and comes back the next day at about noon.


    Note applicable to  both hotels KENZI SEMIRAMIS AND L'OUKA: the room price includes the cost of accommodation plus the standard hotel breakfast. You pay for the breakfast whether or not you take it at the hotel.

    Cancellations: IMPORTANT
    If you plan to cancel your reservations, please contact directly Mlle Ibtissam PRIOR to October, 28 at 19:00 (local time). You will be charged the price of the complete stay otherwise.


    Marrakech Menara airport is well deserved from European countries.
    In most cases Casablanca Mohamed IV Airport will be used as transfer when coming from non-European countries. There are daily flights connecting worldwide locations and Casablanca. Casablanca-Marrakech is a half-an-hour flight operated by RAM Moroccan regular airlines and costs about 700 Dhs (70 USD) or less, but depends highly on early booking and offers.
    Casablanca-Marrakech (240 km) have good connections for ground transportation especially by train (consult this link).
  • Local Transport: In principle the Conference LOC will not provide transport from the airport to the Hotel or vice versa. Depending on the demand we can arrange a bus. See updated information on our Web page.

  • There is a  pretty good taxi service. Taxis are inexpensive compared to European or American standards. Renting a car may also be an alternative since car rentals in Marrakech are affordable (about 400-600 DHS a day for a small car). You can rent a car at your arrival in the airport.
  • Changing Money: If you need to change foreign currency upon arrival, there is a bank in the arrivals lounge at the Marrakech and Casablanca airports, which operates from Monday to Friday from 8:30h to 13:30h and an exchange desk available typically from 7:00h to 24:00h.
    Many banks are available in Marrakech, and open Monday to Friday from 8:30h to 11:30h and 14:30h to 16:30h. The current exchange rate is about 10-11 DHS per US dollar. Near the KENSI SEMIRAMIS hotel some offices to exchange foreign currency are also available.
    An abundant number of ATM or cash dispensers for a variety of cards for instant cash can be found on principals avenue: VISA, MasterCard, Cirrus, Maestro, AMEX, etc. There is a small charge involved.

  • Weather: The weather is generally fine in Marrakech in November (20-28 Celcius). However it may get chilly in the night: think of bringing along warm clothes for the ceremonial dinner of Thursday evening. The Oukaimeden is at 2800m altitude, typical nighttime outside temperature is -6 to -10 Celcius for this season.
  • VISA

    Finally, I recall that you may need a visa to enter the Morocco Kingdom.  If so, your application for such a visa should be made as early as possible, as unexpected delays (months) sometimes occur.  Neither the LOC nor IAU can help participants to obtain a visa if applications are made late or if we are notified of any problem at the last moment.

    Should you be unable to attend the Workshop, please notify the LOC immediately.


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    For questions and/or suggestions regarding the Workshop, please contact the LOC zouhair@unice.fr

    Last modified: Fri October 26 16:00:00 2000