IAU Technical Workshop
Astronomical Site Evaluation in the Visible and Radio Range
Marrakech, Morocco, 13-17 November 2000



Last Name ....: 
First Names ..: 
Institution ..: 
Address ......: 
Ex.: 11 av sidi abbad V , Marrakech, 40000, Morocco
Phone ........: 
Include country code
Fax ..........: 
E-mail .......: 


ABSTRACT (max 200 words):

After submission, you may print out the form which will appear on your screen

Submit any further questions regarding abstracts to:   <iausite@unice.fr>

Or contact:  Benkhaldoun Zouhair
Institution: Faculte des Sciences Semlalia
Street:  Bd. du prince My Abdellah
City:  Marrakech
Zip Code: 4000
BP :  2390
Country: Morocco
Phone:  212 4 43 46 49
Fax:  212 4 43 74 10
E-Mail:  zouhair@unice.fr