PWV forecasts for Chajnantor from the GFS model

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GFS analyses compared to local measurements at the APEX radiometer

PWV analyses (=forecasts at step 0) from the GFS model at 0, 6, 12 and 18 UTC are compared to the APEX radiometer measurements when available from October 2010 onwards. Analyses at 00UT are enlighted in red, at 12UT in green.

PWV APEX vs. GFS analyses


Ascii file description

The ascii file contains 6 columns of data that represent: [Year Month Day and Hour of forecast initiation, APEX measurement, GFS analysis]

Ascii File




GFS 120h forecasts compared to local measurements at the APEX radiometer

PWV forecasts at step 120h from the GFS model at 0, 6, 12 and 18 UTC are compared to the APEX radiometer measurements when available from October 2010 onwards. Analyses at 00UT are enlighted in red, at 12UT in green.

PWV APEX vs. GFS 120h forecasts


Ascii file description

The ascii file contains 6 columns of data that represent: [Year Momth Day and Hour forecasted, APEX measurement, GFS 120h forecast]

Ascii File