[ ESO ]  

La Silla Observatory
Mirror Site


Information concerning the La Silla Observatory Web Pages

ESO is in the process of installing a satellite earth-station on Paranal. As part of this activity, the electronics from the old La Silla earth-station are being moved to Paranal. To facilitate this move, the direct satellite link between Garching and La Silla was shut down on Saturday December 13 at 6:30 am La Silla time. Once the new Paranal earth-station is completed, a high bandwidth link will be restored to La Silla. This work is scheduled to be completed on 23 December.

As a consequence of these actions, direct Internet access to La Silla may not be possible or slow until 23 December. This naturally affects the La Silla Web service. In order to provide the best Web service during this period, we have installed a mirror of the La Silla Site on one of the ESO Headquarters Web Servers.

Accordingly, the links to the La Silla Observatory Site on the ESO Home Page and in the Observing Facilities area are pointing to this mirror. Please note that due to technical difficulties beyond our control some of the normal La Silla pages are not available.

After the new satellite link on Paranal is operational we will switch off the mirror. At this stage the performance of the new link with regard to connectivity to the La Silla Web Site is not known yet.

For comments and questions please contact the ESO Webmaster

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