Trending report for twilight flat raw frame stack stdev of the flux range.
QC parameter is derived from each detector of daily twilight flat frames.

On 2016-11-19 new CASU pipeline was adopted.

Fits header: QC.FLAT.MEDSTDEV,
QC1 DB: qc_flat_medstdev

Consider the fluxes of the raw frame twilight flats as a statistical sample. The standard devition as a rough measure of the flux range is derived.


These plots describe:
Fig. 1. chip4: The QC parameter for chip #4.
Fig. 2. chip3: The QC parameter for chip #3.
Fig. 3. Average: The QC parameter averaged over all detectors. This view is sensitive to common changes.
Fig. 4. chip1: The QC parameter for chip #1.
Fig. 5. chip2: The QC parameter for chip #2.
Fig. 6. Scatter View: The standard deviation of the QC parameter, obtained from the sample of all detectors. This view is sensitive changes of individual detectors.

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