
Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory −


#include <ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static maci::Manager_ptr getManager ()

static bool init (maci::Manager_ptr manager) throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ErrorLoadingCERNDLLExImpl)

static AlarmSystemType usingACSAlarmSystem () throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl)

static void done ()

static acsalarm::AlarmSystemInterface * createSource (std::string sourceName) throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl)

static acsalarm::AlarmSystemInterface * createSource () throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl)

static std::auto_ptr< acsalarm::FaultState > createFaultState (std::string family, std::string member, int code) throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl)

static std::auto_ptr< acsalarm::FaultState > createFaultState () throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl)

static void createAndSendAlarm (std::string &faultFamily, std::string &faultMember, int faultCode, bool active, std::string sourceName=asiConfigurationConstants::ALARM_SOURCE_NAME) throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl)

static void createAndSendAlarm (std::string &faultFamily, std::string &faultMember, int faultCode, bool active, acsalarm::Properties &faultProperties, std::string sourceName=asiConfigurationConstants::ALARM_SOURCE_NAME) throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl)

Private Member Functions

ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory ()

ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory (const ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory &)

ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory operator= (const ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory &)

~ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory ()

Static Private Member Functions

static void cleanUpAlarmSystemInterfacePtr ()

static void cleanUpSourceSingleton ()

static void cleanUpDLL ()

static void cleanUpManagerReference ()

static void initImplementationType (maci::Manager_ptr manager)

static bool initDLL ()

static acsalarm::AlarmSystemInterface * getSourceSingleton ()

Static Private Attributes

static void * dllHandle

static acsalarm::AlarmSystemInterface * m_sourceSingleton_p

static AlarmSystemType m_AlarmSystemType

static maci::Manager_ptr m_manager

static AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory * m_AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory_p

static ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex main_mutex

Detailed Description

The class to create sources and fault states. It extends the laser source but it returns different implementations of the sources depending of a value of a property of the CDB

The ACS implementation of the source logs a message for each alarm

Before using the static methods of this class, the init method must be called otherwise an exception is thrown.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory () [private] Default constructor.

ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory (const ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory &) [private]

ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::~ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory () [private]

Member Function Documentation

static void ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::cleanUpAlarmSystemInterfacePtr () [static, private]

static void ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::cleanUpDLL () [static, private]

static void ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::cleanUpManagerReference () [static, private]

static void ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::cleanUpSourceSingleton () [static, private]

static void ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::createAndSendAlarm (std::string & faultFamily, std::string & faultMember, int faultCode, bool active, std::string sourceName = asiConfigurationConstants::ALARM_SOURCE_NAME) throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl) [static] Convenience API for creating/sending an alarm in a single step, without user defined properties.


family a string indicating the ’family’ of the alarm (see alarm system documentation for explanation).
a string indicating the ’member’ of the alarm (see alarm system documentation for explanation).
an int indicating the ’code’ of the alarm (see alarm system documentation for explanation).
a boolean indicating if the alarm is active (true) or not (false)
the source name, defaults to ALARM_SOURCE_NAME constant defined in ’asiConfigurationConstants.h’


ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl if the alarm system has not been previously initialized.

static void ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::createAndSendAlarm (std::string & faultFamily, std::string & faultMember, int faultCode, bool active, acsalarm::Properties & faultProperties, std::string sourceName = asiConfigurationConstants::ALARM_SOURCE_NAME) throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl) [static] Convenience API for creating/sending an alarm in a single step, with user-defined properties.


family a string indicating the ’family’ of the alarm (see alarm system documentation for explanation).
a string indicating the ’member’ of the alarm (see alarm system documentation for explanation).
an int indicating the ’code’ of the alarm (see alarm system documentation for explanation).
a boolean indicating if the alarm is active (true) or not (false)
user-defined properties associated with the alarm.
the source name, defaults to ALARM_SOURCE_NAME constant defined in ’asiConfigurationConstants.h’


ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl if the alarm system has not been previously initialized.

static std::auto_ptr<acsalarm::FaultState> ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::createFaultState () throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl) [static] Create a fault state


ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl if the alarm system has not been previously initialized.

static std::auto_ptr<acsalarm::FaultState> ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::createFaultState (std::string family, std::string member, int code) throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl) [static] Create a fault state with the given family, member and code


family a string indicating the ’family’ of the alarm (see alarm system documentation for explanation).
a string indicating the ’member’ of the alarm (see alarm system documentation for explanation).
an int indicating the ’code’ of the alarm (see alarm system documentation for explanation).


ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl if the alarm system has not been previously initialized.

static acsalarm::AlarmSystemInterface* ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::createSource (std::string sourceName) throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl) [static] Create a new instance of an alarm system interface.


sourceName the source name.


ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl if the alarm system has not been previously initialized.


the interface instance.

static acsalarm::AlarmSystemInterface* ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::createSource () throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl) [static] Create a new instance of an alarm system interface without binding it to any source.


ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl if the alarm system has not been previously initialized.


the interface instance.

static void ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::done () [static] Release the resources: must be called when finished using the methods of this class

static maci::Manager_ptr ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::getManager () [static]

static acsalarm::AlarmSystemInterface* ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::getSourceSingleton () [static, private] Return the source singleton;

If the singleton is null, this method instatiates a new one.

static bool ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::init (maci::Manager_ptr manager) throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ErrorLoadingCERNDLLExImpl) [static] Init the object of the class: must be called before using the other methods of this class otherwise an exception will be thrown.


manager ptr to the acs manager.


acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ErrorLoadingCERNDLLExImpl if there was a problem loading the DLL


true if the initialization went ok

static bool ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::initDLL () [static, private]

static void ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::initImplementationType (maci::Manager_ptr manager) [static, private]

ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::operator= (const ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory &) [private]

static AlarmSystemType ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::usingACSAlarmSystem () throw (acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory::ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl) [static] Getter for whether we’re using the ACS Alarm system (true) or not (false).


ACSASFactoryNotInitedExImpl if the alarm system has not been previously initialized.


boolean indicating whether the ACS alarm system is in use (true) or not (false), where ACS alarm system means alarms are sent to the logs, otherwise they are sent to the alarm channel.

Member Data Documentation

void* ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::dllHandle [static, private]

AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory* ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::m_AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory_p [static, private]

AlarmSystemType ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::m_AlarmSystemType [static, private]

maci::Manager_ptr ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::m_manager [static, private]

acsalarm::AlarmSystemInterface* ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::m_sourceSingleton_p [static, private]

ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::main_mutex [static, private]


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