ACS Components Examples

Detailed Description
Typedef Documentation
Function Documentation
Variable Documentation


ACS Components Examples −


class AmsTestSeq

class Building

class Calendar

class ConstrErrorHelloWorld

class Door

class ErrorComponent

class FilterWheel

class FridgeThread

class FridgeControl

class HelloWorld

class InitErrorHelloWorld

class Lamp

class LampWheel

class Mount

Contains the defintion of the standard superclass for C++ components.

class PowerSupply

class RampedPowerSupply

class SlowMount


Antenna Mount System Sequence



Construction Error Hello World


Error Component

Filter Wheel




Power Supply

Ramped Power Supply

Slow Mount


typedef baci::ActionRequest(Mount::* Mount::ActionFunction )(baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

typedef baci::ActionRequest(SlowMount::* SlowMount::ActionFunction )(baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)


virtual AmsTestSeq::~AmsTestSeq ()

virtual void AmsTestSeq::setCoeff ()

virtual ACS::RWdoubleSeq_ptr AmsTestSeq::RWdoubleSeqPM ()

virtual ACS::ROdoubleSeq_ptr AmsTestSeq::ROdoubleSeqPM ()

virtual void AmsTestSeq::execute ()

void AmsTestSeq::operator= (const AmsTestSeq &)

virtual Building::~Building ()

virtual void Building::openFrontDoor ()

virtual void Building::closeFrontDoor ()

virtual ACS::ROstring_ptr Building::version ()

virtual void Building::execute ()

virtual void Building::cleanUp ()

void Building::operator= (const Building &)

virtual Calendar::~Calendar ()

virtual ::acsexmplCalendar::RWDaysEnum_ptr Calendar::day ()

virtual ::acsexmplCalendar::RWMonthEnum_ptr Calendar::month ()

virtual ::ACS::RWpattern_ptr Calendar::yearAttributes ()

virtual ::acsexmplCalendar::ROStateEnum_ptr Calendar::state ()

void Calendar::operator= (const Calendar &)

virtual ConstrErrorHelloWorld::~ConstrErrorHelloWorld ()

virtual void ConstrErrorHelloWorld::displayMessage ()

virtual void ConstrErrorHelloWorld::badMethod ()

DoorThread::~DoorThread ()

virtual void DoorThread::onStart ()

virtual void DoorThread::runLoop ()

virtual void DoorThread::onStop ()

Door::Door (const ACE_CString &name, maci::ContainerServices *containerServices)

virtual Door::~Door ()

virtual baci::ActionRequest Door::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest Door::openAction (baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest Door::closeAction (baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual void Door::open (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual void Door::close (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual void Door::move (CORBA::Double pos)

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr Door::position ()

virtual ACS::RWdouble_ptr Door::ref_position ()

virtual ACS::ROlong_ptr Door::substate ()

virtual ACS::ROstring_ptr Door::version ()

virtual void Door::execute ()

virtual void Door::checkSubstate (CompletionImpl *&error_p)

void Door::operator= (const Door &)

virtual ErrorComponent::~ErrorComponent ()

virtual void ErrorComponent::displayMessage ()

virtual void ErrorComponent::badMethod (CORBA::Short depth)

virtual void ErrorComponent::exceptionFromCompletion (CORBA::Short depth)

virtual void ErrorComponent::typeException (CORBA::Short depth)

virtual void ErrorComponent::corbaSystemException ()

virtual ACSErr::Completion * ErrorComponent::completionFromException (CORBA::Short depth)

virtual ACSErr::Completion * ErrorComponent::completionFromCompletion (CORBA::Short depth)

ACSErr::Completion * ErrorComponent::completionOnStack (CORBA::Short depth)

void ErrorComponent::outCompletion (ACSErr::Completion_out comp)

void ErrorComponent::generateSIGFPE (CORBA::Short way)

void ErrorComponent::generateSIGSEGV (CORBA::Short way)

void ErrorComponent::sleepingCmd (CORBA::Short nb_seconds)

virtual ACSErr::CompletionImpl * ErrorComponent::createCompletion (unsigned short depth)

virtual void ErrorComponent::buildErrorTrace (unsigned short depth)

virtual FilterWheel::~FilterWheel ()

virtual void FilterWheel::initialize ()

virtual void FilterWheel::execute ()

virtual void FilterWheel::cleanUp ()

virtual void FilterWheel::aboutToAbort ()

virtual baci::ActionRequest FilterWheel::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent *cob_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest FilterWheel::moveFilterAction (baci::BACIComponent *cob_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest FilterWheel::moveSlotAction (baci::BACIComponent *cob_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest FilterWheel::adjustAction (baci::BACIComponent *cob_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual void FilterWheel::moveFilterInBeam (const char *, ACS::CBvoid_ptr, const ACS::CBDescIn &)

virtual void FilterWheel::moveSlotInBeam (int, ACS::CBvoid_ptr, const ACS::CBDescIn &)

virtual void FilterWheel::adjust (int, ACS::CBvoid_ptr, const ACS::CBDescIn &)

virtual CORBA::Long FilterWheel::calibrateFilter (const char *name)

virtual CORBA::Long FilterWheel::calibrateWheel (int slot)

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr FilterWheel::position ()

virtual ACS::ROstring_ptr FilterWheel::desc ()

virtual ACS::ROlong_ptr FilterWheel::slots ()

void FilterWheel::readConfiguration (Descriptor *descr)

void FilterWheel::updateFilter (ACE_CString name, int delta)

void FilterWheel::updateWheel (int slot, int step)

void FilterWheel::operator= (const FilterWheel &)

FridgeThread::~FridgeThread ()

virtual void FridgeThread::runLoop ()

virtual FridgeControl::~FridgeControl ()

virtual void FridgeControl::cleanUp ()

void FridgeControl::updateTemperature ()

virtual void FridgeControl::on ()

virtual void FridgeControl::off ()

virtual void FridgeControl::open ()

virtual void FridgeControl::close ()

virtual ACS::RWdouble_ptr FridgeControl::refTemperature ()

virtual FRIDGE::ROOnOffStates_ptr FridgeControl::powerStatus ()

virtual FRIDGE::ROOpClStates_ptr FridgeControl::doorStatus ()

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr FridgeControl::currTemperature ()

virtual void FridgeControl::loadData ()

void FridgeControl::operator= (const FridgeControl &)

virtual HelloWorld::~HelloWorld ()

virtual void HelloWorld::displayMessage ()

virtual void HelloWorld::badMethod ()

virtual InitErrorHelloWorld::~InitErrorHelloWorld ()

virtual void InitErrorHelloWorld::displayMessage ()

virtual void InitErrorHelloWorld::badMethod ()

virtual void InitErrorHelloWorld::initialize ()

virtual Lamp::~Lamp ()

virtual baci::ActionRequest Lamp::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent *cob_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest Lamp::onAction (baci::BACIComponent *cob_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest Lamp::offAction (baci::BACIComponent *cob_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual void Lamp::on (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual void Lamp::off (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual ACS::RWdouble_ptr Lamp::brightness ()

void Lamp::operator= (const Lamp &)

virtual LampWheel::~LampWheel ()

virtual void LampWheel::initialize ()

virtual void LampWheel::execute ()

virtual void LampWheel::cleanUp ()

virtual void LampWheel::aboutToAbort ()

virtual baci::ActionRequest LampWheel::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent *cob_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest LampWheel::moveAction (baci::BACIComponent *cob_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual void LampWheel::move (CORBA::Short, ACS::CBvoid_ptr, const ACS::CBDescIn &)

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr LampWheel::position ()

virtual ACS::ROstring_ptr LampWheel::desc ()

virtual ACS::ROlong_ptr LampWheel::slots ()

void LampWheel::operator= (const LampWheel &)

int LampWheel::retrieveConfigurationFromCDB (std::list< SlotDescriptor > &config)

static void LampWheel::start_hndl (void *data, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr)

static void LampWheel::end_hndl (void *data, const XML_Char *el)

static void LampWheel::char_hndl (void *data, const XML_Char *s, int len)

virtual Mount::~Mount ()

virtual baci::ActionRequest Mount::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest Mount::obstarAction (baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest Mount::objfixAction (baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual void Mount::obstar (CORBA::Double ra, CORBA::Double dec, CORBA::Double pmRa, CORBA::Double pmDec, CORBA::Double radVel, CORBA::Double par, MOUNT_ACS::Mount::coordType type, ACS::CBvoid_ptr callBack, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual void Mount::objfix (CORBA::Double az, CORBA::Double elev, ACS::CBvoid_ptr callBack, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr Mount::cmdAz ()

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr Mount::cmdEl ()

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr Mount::actAz ()

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr Mount::actEl ()

void Mount::operator= (const Mount &)

virtual PowerSupply::~PowerSupply ()

virtual baci::ActionRequest PowerSupply::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest PowerSupply::onAction (baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest PowerSupply::offAction (baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest PowerSupply::resetAction (baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual void PowerSupply::on (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual void PowerSupply::off (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual void PowerSupply::reset (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual ACS::RWdouble_ptr PowerSupply::current ()

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr PowerSupply::readback ()

virtual ACS::ROpattern_ptr PowerSupply::status ()

virtual void PowerSupply::execute ()

void PowerSupply::operator= (const PowerSupply &)

RampedPowerSupply::~RampedPowerSupply ()

virtual baci::ActionRequest RampedPowerSupply::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest RampedPowerSupply::startRampingAction (baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest RampedPowerSupply::stopRampingAction (baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual void RampedPowerSupply::startRamping (CORBA::Long rampingSteps, ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual void RampedPowerSupply::stopRamping (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual ACS::RWstring_ptr RampedPowerSupply::rampingStatus ()

virtual ACS::ROlong_ptr RampedPowerSupply::rampingStep ()

void RampedPowerSupply::operator= (const RampedPowerSupply &)

virtual SlowMount::~SlowMount ()

virtual baci::ActionRequest SlowMount::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest SlowMount::obstarAction (baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest SlowMount::objfixAction (baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual void SlowMount::obstar (CORBA::Double ra, CORBA::Double dec, CORBA::Double pmRa, CORBA::Double pmDec, CORBA::Double radVel, CORBA::Double par, MOUNT_ACS::Mount::coordType type, ACS::CBvoid_ptr callBack, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual void SlowMount::objfix (CORBA::Double az, CORBA::Double elev, ACS::CBvoid_ptr callBack, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr SlowMount::cmdAz ()

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr SlowMount::cmdEl ()

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr SlowMount::actAz ()

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr SlowMount::actEl ()

void SlowMount::operator= (const SlowMount &)


baci::RWdoubleSeq * AmsTestSeq::m_RWdoubleSeqPM_p

baci::ROdoubleSeq * AmsTestSeq::m_ROdoubleSeqPM_p

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROstring > Building::m_version_sp

acsexmplBuilding::Door_var Building::m_door_p

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::RWpattern > Calendar::m_yearAttributes_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< RWEnumImpl< ACS_ENUM_T(acsexmplCalendar::DaysEnum), POA_acsexmplCalendar::RWDaysEnum > > Calendar::m_day_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< RWEnumImpl< ACS_ENUM_T(acsexmplCalendar::MonthEnum), POA_acsexmplCalendar::RWMonthEnum > > Calendar::m_month_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< ROEnumImpl< ACS_ENUM_T(acsexmplCalendar::StateEnum), POA_acsexmplCalendar::ROStateEnum > > Calendar::m_state_sp

Door * DoorThread::door_p

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::RWdouble > Door::m_ref_position_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > Door::m_position_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROlong > Door::m_substate_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROstring > Door::m_version_sp

DoorThread * Door::m_doorThread_p

char Descriptor::filterName [128]

int Descriptor::delta

ACE_CString FilterWheel::m_fullName

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > FilterWheel::m_position_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROstring > FilterWheel::m_desc_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROlong > FilterWheel::m_slots_sp

Descriptor * FilterWheel::m_wheelConfiguration

int FridgeThread::loopCounter_m

FridgeControl * FridgeThread::fridgeControl_p

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::RWdouble > FridgeControl::m_refTemperature_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< ROEnumImpl< ACS_ENUM_T(FRIDGE::OnOffStates), POA_FRIDGE::ROOnOffStates > > FridgeControl::m_powerStatus_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< ROEnumImpl< ACS_ENUM_T(FRIDGE::OpClStates), POA_FRIDGE::ROOpClStates > > FridgeControl::m_doorStatus_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > FridgeControl::m_currTemperature_sp

FridgeThread * FridgeControl::m_controlLoop_p

nc::SimpleSupplier * FridgeControl::m_FridgeSupplier_p

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::RWdouble > Lamp::m_brightness_sp

char SlotDescriptor::lampName [128]

unsigned int SlotDescriptor::warmUpTime

unsigned int SlotDescriptor::watt

unsigned int SlotDescriptor::pos

ACE_CString LampWheel::m_fullName

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > LampWheel::m_position_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROstring > LampWheel::m_desc_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROlong > LampWheel::m_slots_sp

std::list< SlotDescriptor > LampWheel::m_lampWheelConfiguration

ActionFunction Mount::m_actions [2]

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > Mount::m_cmdAz_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > Mount::m_cmdEl_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > Mount::m_actAz_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > Mount::m_actEl_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROpattern > PowerSupply::m_status_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > PowerSupply::m_readback_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< PowerSupplyCurrent > PowerSupply::m_current_sp

static const int RampedPowerSupply::START_RAMPING = 3

static const int RampedPowerSupply::STOP_RAMPING = 4

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROlong > RampedPowerSupply::m_rampingStep_sp

DevIO< CORBA::Long > * RampedPowerSupply::m_rampingStep_devio_p

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::RWstring > RampedPowerSupply::m_rampingStatus_sp

ActionFunction SlowMount::m_actions [2]

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > SlowMount::m_cmdAz_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > SlowMount::m_cmdEl_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > SlowMount::m_actAz_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > SlowMount::m_actEl_sp

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

typedef baci::ActionRequest(Mount::* Mount::ActionFunction)(baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut) [private, inherited] Definition of ActionFunction (member function of Mount class) ActionFunction is used to run the asynchronous methods from within invokeAction(...) without actually having to specify calls to each ...Action(...) method. This is easily accomplished since all ...Action(...) methods return an baci::ActionRequest.


component_p Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

typedef baci::ActionRequest(SlowMount::* SlowMount::ActionFunction)(baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut) [private, inherited] Definition of ActionFunction (member function of Mount class) ActionFunction is used to run the asynchronous methods from within invokeAction(...) without actually having to specify calls to each ...Action(...) method. This is easily accomplished since all ...Action(...) methods return an baci::ActionRequest.


component_p Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

Function Documentation

virtual void FilterWheel::aboutToAbort () [virtual, inherited] Called when due to some error condition the component is about to be forcefully removed some unknown amount of time later (usually not very much...). The component should make an effort to die as neatly as possible. Because of its urgency, this method will be called asynchronously to the execution of any other method of the component. If this method is overwritten in a chain of subclasses, the developer might need to make sure that all activities performed by the implementation of the base class take place. Check the documentation of direct parent class to know if this is necessary (and do not forget to document each class for the need to chain lifecycle methods in subclasses). The best way to do this is to call the implementation of the base itself explicitly, as would be done implicitly in a constructor chain. In this class the default implementation only sets the state of the component to acscomponent::ACS::ACS::COMPSTATE_ABORTING



virtual void LampWheel::aboutToAbort () [virtual, inherited] Called when due to some error condition the component is about to be forcefully removed some unknown amount of time later (usually not very much...). The component should make an effort to die as neatly as possible. Because of its urgency, this method will be called asynchronously to the execution of any other method of the component. If this method is overwritten in a chain of subclasses, the developer might need to make sure that all activities performed by the implementation of the base class take place. Check the documentation of direct parent class to know if this is necessary (and do not forget to document each class for the need to chain lifecycle methods in subclasses). The best way to do this is to call the implementation of the base itself explicitly, as would be done implicitly in a constructor chain. In this class the default implementation only sets the state of the component to acscomponent::ACS::ACS::COMPSTATE_ABORTING



virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr Mount::actAz () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the actAz property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


pointer to read-only double property actAz

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr SlowMount::actAz () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the actAz property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


pointer to read-only double property actAz

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr Mount::actEl () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the actEl property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


pointer to read-only double property actEl

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr SlowMount::actEl () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the actEl property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


pointer to read-only double property actEl

virtual void FilterWheel::adjust (int, ACS::CBvoid_ptr, const ACS::CBDescIn &) [virtual, inherited] Move the wheel of the specified number of step


the step to move the wheel

virtual baci::ActionRequest FilterWheel::adjustAction (baci::BACIComponent * cob_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of asynchrnous adjust() method This is the function that moves the wheel of some steps and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


cob Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

virtual void ErrorComponent::badMethod (CORBA::Short depth) [virtual, inherited] Simple method raises a remote exception within the calling client. Implementation of IDL badMethod().


depth depth of the error trace



virtual void HelloWorld::badMethod () [virtual, inherited] Simple method raises a remote exception within the calling client. Implementation of IDL badMethod().



virtual void InitErrorHelloWorld::badMethod () [virtual, inherited] Simple method raises a remote exception within the calling client. Implementation of IDL badMethod().



virtual void ConstrErrorHelloWorld::badMethod () [virtual, inherited] Simple method raises a remote exception within the calling client. Implementation of IDL badMethod().



virtual ACS::RWdouble_ptr Lamp::brightness () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the Brightness property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.

virtual void ErrorComponent::buildErrorTrace (unsigned short depth) [private, virtual, inherited] The aim of this method is to build an error trace. It builds the error trace using exception, but the same could be done using Completion. It simply throw an exception containing an error trace with the requested depth, if > 0 Otherwise just returns.

Notice that this method throws a LOCAL exception xxxExImpl and not a remote exception xxx

depth depth of the error trace



virtual CORBA::Long FilterWheel::calibrateFilter (const char * name) [virtual, inherited] Calibrate the delta of the filter by reading the actual position and the step of the slot where the filter is mounted (it also updates the value in the CDB)


name The name of the filter to calibrate


The new delta for the filter

virtual CORBA::Long FilterWheel::calibrateWheel (int slot) [virtual, inherited] Calibrate the step for the slot by reading the actual position (it also updates the value in the CDB)


slot The number of the slot to calibrate


The new step for the slot

static void LampWheel::char_hndl (void * data, const XML_Char * s, int len) [static, private, inherited] The handler for the char element

See also:

libexpat documentation for further info

virtual void Door::checkSubstate (CompletionImpl *& error_p) [private, virtual, inherited] Checks substate Checks for the device’s substate. If the device is busy it returns an error. The purpose of this function is to show how to handle local error information.


error completion return variable



virtual void FridgeControl::cleanUp () [virtual, inherited] Called after the last functional call to the component has finished. The component should then orderly release resources etc.

As required by the CharacteristicComponentImpl class, I call explicitly the cleanUp() of the parent class. This makes sure that all threads are stopped and the Component’s state set. Depending on what resources are used by a class implementing a Component and by the implementation of the parent class (if it does not inherit directly from acscomponent::ACSComponentImpl or baci:: CharacteristicComponentImpl) it might be necessary to call the cleanuUp() method of the base class AFTER having released resources allocated by the current class. This is demonstrated in this example where we want to make sure that the powerStatus is FRIDGE::OFF before letting the cleanUp() of the base class stopping all the threads, including the one that regulates the temperature. For an example where the cleanUp() of the parent class is called before any other step, see the Building class. Always check the documentation of the parent class and consider what resources are allocated by this class to extablish the requirements for the execution of lifecycle chained methods.


virtual void Building::cleanUp () [virtual, inherited] Called after the last functional call to the component has finished. The component should then orderly release resources etc.

As required by the CharacteristicComponentImpl class, I call first explicitly the cleanUp() of the parent class. This makes sure that all threads are stopped and the Component’s state set. Depending on what resources are used by a class implementing a Component and by the implementation of the parent class (if it does not inherit directly from acscomponent::ACSComponentImpl or baci:: CharacteristicComponentImpl) it might be necessary to call the cleanuUp() method of the base class AFTER having released resources allocated by the current class. For an example, see the FridgeControl class Always check the documentation of the parent class and consider what resources are allocated by this class to extablish the requirements for the execution of lifecycle chained methods.


virtual void LampWheel::cleanUp () [virtual, inherited] Called after the last functional call to the component has finished. The component should then orderly release resources etc. If this method is overwritten in a subclass, the developer has to make sure that all cleanup performed by the implementation of the base class take place. The best way to do this is to call the implementation of the base itself explicitly, as would be done implicitly in a destructor chain. If this method is overwritten in a chain of subclasses, the developer might need to make sure that all activities performed by the implementation of the base class take place. Check the documentation of direct parent class to know if this is necessary (and do not forget to document each class for the need to chain lifecycle methods in subclasses). The best way to do this is to call the implementation of the base itself explicitly, as would be done implicitly in a destructor chain. In this class the default implementation only sets the state of the component to acscomponent::ACS::COMPSTATE_DESTROYING



virtual void FilterWheel::cleanUp () [virtual, inherited] Called after the last functional call to the component has finished. The component should then orderly release resources etc. If this method is overwritten in a subclass, the developer has to make sure that all cleanup performed by the implementation of the base class take place. The best way to do this is to call the implementation of the base itself explicitly, as would be done implicitly in a destructor chain. If this method is overwritten in a chain of subclasses, the developer might need to make sure that all activities performed by the implementation of the base class take place. Check the documentation of direct parent class to know if this is necessary (and do not forget to document each class for the need to chain lifecycle methods in subclasses). The best way to do this is to call the implementation of the base itself explicitly, as would be done implicitly in a destructor chain. In this class the default implementation only sets the state of the component to acscomponent::ACS::COMPSTATE_DESTROYING



virtual void Door::close (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual, inherited] Closes the door Implementation of IDL close() interface. This method just registers the request in the asyncronous queue, together with the associated callback and returns control immediatly. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling Door::closeAction The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.


cb callback when action has finished
callback used for holding information on timeout periods



virtual void FridgeControl::close () [virtual, inherited] Close the door.



virtual baci::ActionRequest Door::closeAction (baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of asynch. close() method This is the function that actually closes the Door and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


component_p owner of the action
id of the callback to be notified
callback descriptor (passed by client)
action data (e.g., parameters to the original CORBA method)
error handing structure
callback descriptor which will be passed to client


request to be performed by BACI

reqNone - do nothing (action will be kept in queue)

reqInvokeWorking - invoke <type>Callback::working

reqInvokeDone - invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback

reqDestroy - destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function)

virtual void Building::closeFrontDoor () [virtual, inherited] Closes the FRONTDOOR Implementation of the IDL closeFrontDoor() interface.



virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr Mount::cmdAz () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the cmdAz property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


pointer to read-only double property cmdAz

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr SlowMount::cmdAz () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the cmdAz property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


pointer to read-only double property cmdAz

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr Mount::cmdEl () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the cmdEl property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


pointer to read-only double property cmdEl

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr SlowMount::cmdEl () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the cmdEl property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


pointer to read-only double property cmdEl

virtual ACSErr::Completion* ErrorComponent::completionFromCompletion (CORBA::Short depth) [virtual, inherited] Simple method that returns a REMOTE (CORBA) completion (ACSErr::Completion), where an error trace is added from a completion.


depth depth of the error trace, if <=0, returns OK completion



virtual ACSErr::Completion* ErrorComponent::completionFromException (CORBA::Short depth) [virtual, inherited] Simple method that returns an ACSErr::Completion, where an error trace is added from an exception.


depth depth of the error trace, if <=0, returns OK completion



ACSErr::Completion* ErrorComponent::completionOnStack (CORBA::Short depth) [inherited] This method is similar than completionFromCompletion, but it allocated C++ completion on the stack instead on the heap.


depth depth of the error trace, if <=0, returns OK completion



virtual void ErrorComponent::corbaSystemException () [virtual, inherited] Method that throws a CORBA::BAD_PARAM system exception to show how to handle CORBA System Exceptions

virtual ACSErr::CompletionImpl* ErrorComponent::createCompletion (unsigned short depth) [private, virtual, inherited] This method return a LOCAL (C++) completion which contains an error trace if depth > 0, otherwise it returns non error completion (ACSErrOKCompletion), i.e. completion w/o ane error trace


depth depth of the error trace

virtual ACS::RWdouble_ptr PowerSupply::current () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the current_p property (commanded current). Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


a pointer to the property

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr FridgeControl::currTemperature () [virtual, inherited] Property currTemperature shows the fridge’s actual temperature.


Reference to the BACI property

virtual ::acsexmplCalendar::RWDaysEnum_ptr Calendar::day () [inherited] Returns a reference to the day property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.

virtual ACS::ROstring_ptr FilterWheel::desc () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the desc property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.

virtual ACS::ROstring_ptr LampWheel::desc () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the desc property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.

virtual void ConstrErrorHelloWorld::displayMessage () [virtual, inherited] Displays ’Hello World’ to the console. Implementation of IDL displayMessage().

virtual void ErrorComponent::displayMessage () [virtual, inherited] Displays ’Hello World’ to the console. Implementation of IDL displayMessage().

virtual void HelloWorld::displayMessage () [virtual, inherited] Displays ’Hello World’ to the console. Implementation of IDL displayMessage().

virtual void InitErrorHelloWorld::displayMessage () [virtual, inherited] Displays ’Hello World’ to the console. Implementation of IDL displayMessage().

Door::Door (const ACE_CString & name, maci::ContainerServices * containerServices) [inherited] Constructor


poa poa which will activate this and also all other components
component name

virtual FRIDGE::ROOpClStates_ptr FridgeControl::doorStatus () [virtual, inherited] Property doorStatus shows the position of the door.


Reference to the BACI property

static void LampWheel::end_hndl (void * data, const XML_Char * el) [static, private, inherited] The handler for the end element

See also:

libexpat documentation for further info

virtual void ErrorComponent::exceptionFromCompletion (CORBA::Short depth) [virtual, inherited] Simple method raises a remote exception within the calling client. The error trace in the exception is added from a completion. Implementation of IDL method.


depth depth of the error trace



virtual void Door::execute () [virtual, inherited] Called after initialize to tell the component that it has to be ready to accept incoming functional calls any time. Must be implemented as a synchronous (blocking) call (can spawn threads though).





virtual void PowerSupply::execute () [virtual, inherited] Called after initialize to tell the component that it has to be ready to accept incoming functional calls any time. Must be implemented as a synchronous (blocking) call (can spawn threads though).





virtual void Building::execute () [virtual, inherited] Called after initialize to tell the component that it has to be ready to accept incoming functional calls any time. Must be implemented as a synchronous (blocking) call (can spawn threads though).





virtual void AmsTestSeq::execute () [virtual, inherited] Called after initialize to tell the component that it has to be ready to accept incoming functional calls any time. Must be implemented as a synchronous (blocking) call (can spawn threads though).





virtual void LampWheel::execute () [virtual, inherited] Called after initialize to tell the component that it has to be ready to accept incoming functional calls any time. Must be implemented as a synchronous (blocking) call (can spawn threads though). If this method is overwritten in a chain of subclasses, the developer might need to make sure that all activities performed by the implementation of the base class take place. Check the documentation of direct parent class to know if this is necessary (and do not forget to document each class for the need to chain lifecycle methods in subclasses). The best way to do this is to call the implementation of the base itself explicitly, as would be done implicitly in a constructor chain. In this class the default implementation only sets the state of the component to acscomponent::ACS::COMPSTATE_OPERATIONAL





virtual void FilterWheel::execute () [virtual, inherited] Called after initialize to tell the component that it has to be ready to accept incoming functional calls any time. Must be implemented as a synchronous (blocking) call (can spawn threads though). If this method is overwritten in a chain of subclasses, the developer might need to make sure that all activities performed by the implementation of the base class take place. Check the documentation of direct parent class to know if this is necessary (and do not forget to document each class for the need to chain lifecycle methods in subclasses). The best way to do this is to call the implementation of the base itself explicitly, as would be done implicitly in a constructor chain. In this class the default implementation only sets the state of the component to acscomponent::ACS::COMPSTATE_OPERATIONAL





void ErrorComponent::generateSIGFPE (CORBA::Short way) [inherited] A method wich will generate the SIGFPE signal This can be used to test what happens when there is a floating point exception in a component


way parameter used to specify the way to generate the SIGFPE way == 0: Send SIGFPE signal with the kill() function363 way == 1: Generate a floating point exception by dividing by 0

void ErrorComponent::generateSIGSEGV (CORBA::Short way) [inherited] A method wich will generate the SIGSEGV signal This can be used to test what happens when there is a segmentation fault in a component


way parameter used to specify the way to generate the SIGSEGV way == 0: Send SIGSEGV signal with the kill() function way == 1: Generate a segmentation fault by accessing to a null pointer

virtual void InitErrorHelloWorld::initialize () [virtual, inherited] This method in the example will throw an exception. The goal here is to be able to test the behaviour of ACS when a component throw an exception during the initialization.





Reimplemented from acscomponent::ACSComponentImpl.

virtual void LampWheel::initialize () [virtual, inherited] Called to give the component time to initialize itself. For instance, the component could retrieve connections, read in configuration files/parameters, build up in-memory tables, ... Called before execute. In fact, this method might be called quite some time before functional requests can be sent to the component. Must be implemented as a synchronous (blocking) call. If this method is overwritten in a chain of subclasses, the developer has to make sure that all initialisations performed by the implementation of the base class take place. Check the documentation of direct parent class to know if this is necessary (and do not forget to document each class for the need to chain lifecycle methods in subclasses). If necessary, the best way to do this is to call the implementation of the base itself explicitly, as would be done implicitly in a constructor chain. In this class the default implementation only sets the state of the component first to acscomponent::ACS::COMPSTATE_INITIALIZING and then to acscomponent::ACS::COMPSTATE_INITIALIZED.





virtual void FilterWheel::initialize () [virtual, inherited] Called to give the component time to initialize itself. For instance, the component could retrieve connections, read in configuration files/parameters, build up in-memory tables, ... Called before execute. In fact, this method might be called quite some time before functional requests can be sent to the component. Must be implemented as a synchronous (blocking) call. If this method is overwritten in a chain of subclasses, the developer has to make sure that all initialisations performed by the implementation of the base class take place. Check the documentation of direct parent class to know if this is necessary (and do not forget to document each class for the need to chain lifecycle methods in subclasses). If necessary, the best way to do this is to call the implementation of the base itself explicitly, as would be done implicitly in a constructor chain. In this class the default implementation only sets the state of the component first to acscomponent::ACS::COMPSTATE_INITIALIZING and then to acscomponent::ACS::COMPSTATE_INITIALIZED.


containerServices pointer to services provided by the container





virtual baci::ActionRequest PowerSupply::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Action dispatcher function This function is called whenever an asynchronous request has to be handled. It receives (as parameters) the description of the function and selects the proper implementation to call.


function action funtion to be invoked
owner of the action
id of the callback to be notified
callback descriptor (passed by client)
action data (e.g. value to be set)
error handing structure
callback descriptor which will be passed to client


request to be performed by baci::BACI

reqNone - do nothing (action will be kept in queue)

reqInvokeWorking - invoke <type>Callback::working

reqInvokeDone - invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback

reqDestroy - destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function)

Implements baci::ActionImplementator.
Reimplemented in RampedPowerSupply.

virtual baci::ActionRequest RampedPowerSupply::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Action dispatcher function This function is called whenever an asynchronous request has to be handled. It receives (as parameters) the description of the function and selects the proper implementation to call.


function action funtion to be invoked
owner of the action
id of the callback to be notified
callback descriptor (passed by client)
action data (e.g. value to be set)
error handing structure
callback descriptor which will be passed to client


request to be performed by BACI

reqNone - do nothing (action will be kept in queue)

reqInvokeWorking - invoke <type>Callback::working

reqInvokeDone - invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback

reqDestroy - destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function)

Reimplemented from PowerSupply.

virtual baci::ActionRequest SlowMount::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Action dispatcher function This function is called whenever an asynchronous request has to be handled. It receives (as parameters) the description of the function and selects the proper implementation to call.


function Action funtion to be invoked.
Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should have been called already by function).

Implements baci::ActionImplementator.

virtual baci::ActionRequest Lamp::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent * cob_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Action dispatcher function This function is called whenever an asynchronous request has to be handled. It receives (as parameters) the description of the function and selects the proper implementation to call.


function Action funtion to be invoked.
Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should have been called already by function).

Implements baci::ActionImplementator.

virtual baci::ActionRequest Door::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Action dispatcher function This function is called whenever an asynchronous request has to be handled. It receives (as parameters) the description of the function and selects the proper implementation to call.


function action funtion to be invoked
owner of the action
id of the callback to be notified
callback descriptor (passed by client)
action data (e.g., parameters to the original CORBA method)
error handing structure
callback descriptor which will be passed to client


request to be performed by BACI

reqNone - do nothing (action will be kept in queue)

reqInvokeWorking - invoke <type>Callback::working

reqInvokeDone - invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback

reqDestroy - destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function)

Implements baci::ActionImplementator.

virtual baci::ActionRequest LampWheel::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent * cob_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Action dispatcher function This function is called whenever an asynchronous request has to be handled. It receives (as parameters) the description of the function and selects the proper implementation to call.


function Action funtion to be invoked.
Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should have been called already by function).

Implements baci::ActionImplementator.

virtual baci::ActionRequest FilterWheel::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent * cob_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Action dispatcher function This function is called whenever an asynchronous request has to be handled. It receives (as parameters) the description of the function and selects the proper implementation to call.


function Action funtion to be invoked.
Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should have been called already by function).

Implements baci::ActionImplementator.

virtual baci::ActionRequest Mount::invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Action dispatcher function This function is called whenever an asynchronous request has to be handled. It receives (as parameters) the description of the function and selects the proper implementation to call.


function Action funtion to be invoked.
Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should have been called already by function).

Implements baci::ActionImplementator.

virtual void FridgeControl::loadData () [private, virtual, inherited] Converts this devices useful data into a temperatureDataBlockEvent structure and then publishes that onto an event channel.



virtual ::acsexmplCalendar::RWMonthEnum_ptr Calendar::month () [inherited] Returns a reference to the month property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.

virtual void Door::move (CORBA::Double pos) [virtual, inherited] Moves the door to the given position Implementation of the IDL move(...) interface. This method, while synchronous, only changes the reference position (i.e., m_ref_position_p) while DoorThread actually handles the change in the door position via an ACS thread.


pos requested position - must be between 0 and a 100.



virtual void LampWheel::move (CORBA::Short, ACS::CBvoid_ptr, const ACS::CBDescIn &) [virtual, inherited] Move the lamp wheel to a specification slot. The position of the slot is read from the database Implementation of IDL move(...) interface. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling LampWhell::moveAction The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.


n The number of the slot to move to
Callback when action has finished.
Callback used for holding information on timeout periods.

virtual baci::ActionRequest LampWheel::moveAction (baci::BACIComponent * cob_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of asynchrnous acsexmplLamp::Lamp::off() method This is the function that actually switches off the Lamp and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


cob Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

virtual baci::ActionRequest FilterWheel::moveFilterAction (baci::BACIComponent * cob_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of asynchrnous moveFilterInBeam method This is the function that actually rotate the wheel to the slot of the selected filter (it also take in account the per-filter adjustament represented by the delta filed in the description of the filter in the CDB) When completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


cob Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

virtual void FilterWheel::moveFilterInBeam (const char *, ACS::CBvoid_ptr, const ACS::CBDescIn &) [virtual, inherited] Move the filter wheel to a specification slot. Implementation of IDL moveFilterInBeam(...) interface. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling LampWhell::moveAction The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.

virtual baci::ActionRequest FilterWheel::moveSlotAction (baci::BACIComponent * cob_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of asynchrnous moveSlotInBeam method This is the function that actually rotate the wheel to the selected slot When completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


cob Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

virtual void FilterWheel::moveSlotInBeam (int, ACS::CBvoid_ptr, const ACS::CBDescIn &) [virtual, inherited] Move the filter wheel to a specific slot. Implementation of IDL moveSlotInBeam(...) interface. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling LampWhell::moveAction The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.

virtual void Mount::objfix (CORBA::Double az, CORBA::Double elev, ACS::CBvoid_ptr callBack, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual, inherited] (Pre)sets a new non-moving position for the antenna. The position coordinates are given in azimuth and elevation. The actual az and elev values are written to the properties cmdAz, cmdEl, actAz and actEl.

This method just registers the request in the asyncronous queue, together with the associated callback and returns control immediatly. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling Mount::objfixAction(...). The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.

az position azimuth (degree)
position elevation (degree)
Callback when action has finished.
Callback used for holding information on timeout periods



virtual void SlowMount::objfix (CORBA::Double az, CORBA::Double elev, ACS::CBvoid_ptr callBack, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual, inherited] (Pre)sets a new non-moving position for the antenna. The position coordinates are given in azimuth and elevation. The actual az and elev values are written to the properties cmdAz, cmdEl, actAz and actEl.

This method just registers the request in the asyncronous queue, together with the associated callback and returns control immediatly. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling Mount::objfixAction(...). The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.

az position azimuth (degree)
position elevation (degree)
Callback when action has finished.
Callback used for holding information on timeout periods



virtual baci::ActionRequest SlowMount::objfixAction (baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of asynchronous MOUNT_ACS::Mount::objfix() method This is the function that actually runs objfix(...) and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


component_p Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

virtual baci::ActionRequest Mount::objfixAction (baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of asynchronous MOUNT_ACS::Mount::objfix() method This is the function that actually runs objfix(...) and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


component_p Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

virtual void SlowMount::obstar (CORBA::Double ra, CORBA::Double dec, CORBA::Double pmRa, CORBA::Double pmDec, CORBA::Double radVel, CORBA::Double par, MOUNT_ACS::Mount::coordType type, ACS::CBvoid_ptr callBack, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual, inherited] (Pre)sets a new equatorial source for the antenna to track. The source position is given in geocentric equatorial J2000 coordinates. The actual ra and dec coordinates are written to the properties cmdAz, cmdEl, actAz and actEl.

This method just registers the request in the asyncronous queue, together with the associated callback and returns control immediatly. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling Mount::obstarAction(...). The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.

ra source right ascension (hour)
source declination (hour)
source sky proper motion in right ascension (arc-sec/year)
source sky proper motion in declination (arc-sec/year)
source radial velocity (kilometer/sec)
source parallax correction (arc-sec)
Apparent or Mean
Callback when action has finished.
Callback used for holding information on timeout periods



virtual void Mount::obstar (CORBA::Double ra, CORBA::Double dec, CORBA::Double pmRa, CORBA::Double pmDec, CORBA::Double radVel, CORBA::Double par, MOUNT_ACS::Mount::coordType type, ACS::CBvoid_ptr callBack, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual, inherited] (Pre)sets a new equatorial source for the antenna to track. The source position is given in geocentric equatorial J2000 coordinates. The actual ra and dec coordinates are written to the properties cmdAz, cmdEl, actAz and actEl.

This method just registers the request in the asyncronous queue, together with the associated callback and returns control immediatly. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling Mount::obstarAction(...). The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.

ra source right ascension (hour)
source declination (hour)
source sky proper motion in right ascension (arc-sec/year)
source sky proper motion in declination (arc-sec/year)
source radial velocity (kilometer/sec)
source parallax correction (arc-sec)
Apparent or Mean
Callback when action has finished.
Callback used for holding information on timeout periods



virtual baci::ActionRequest SlowMount::obstarAction (baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of asynchronous MOUNT_ACS::Mount::obstar() method This is the function that actually runs obstar(...) and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


component_p Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

virtual baci::ActionRequest Mount::obstarAction (baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of asynchronous MOUNT_ACS::Mount::obstar() method This is the function that actually runs obstar(...) and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


component_p Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

virtual void PowerSupply::off (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual, inherited] Switches off the power supply. Implementation of IDL off() interface. This method just registers the request in the asyncronous queue, together with the associated callback and returns control immediatly. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling PowerSupply::offAction The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.


cb Callback when action has finished.
Callback used for holding information on timeout periods

virtual void FridgeControl::off () [virtual, inherited] Turn off the fridge.



virtual void Lamp::off (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual, inherited] Switches off the lamp. Implementation of IDL off() interface. This method just registers the request in the asyncronous queue, together with the associated callback and returns control immediatly. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling Lamp::offAction The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.


callBack Callback when action has finished.
Callback used for holding information on timeout periods.

virtual baci::ActionRequest PowerSupply::offAction (baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of async. off() method This is the function that actually switches off the PowerSupply and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


component_p Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by baci::BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

virtual baci::ActionRequest Lamp::offAction (baci::BACIComponent * cob_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of asynchrnous acsexmplLamp::Lamp::off() method This is the function that actually switches off the Lamp and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


cob Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

virtual void PowerSupply::on (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual, inherited] Switches on the power supply. Implementation of IDL on() interface. This method just registers the request in the asyncronous queue, together with the associated callback and returns control immediatly. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling PowerSupply::onAction The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.


cb Callback when action has finished.
Callback used for holding information on timeout periods

virtual void FridgeControl::on () [virtual, inherited] Turn on the fridge.



virtual void Lamp::on (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual, inherited] Switches on the lamp. Implementation of IDL on() interface. This method just registers the request in the asyncronous queue, together with the associated callback and returns control immediatly. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling Lamp::onAction The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.


callBack Callback when action has finished.
Callback used for holding information on timeout periods

virtual baci::ActionRequest PowerSupply::onAction (baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of async. on() method This is the function that actually switches on the PowerSupply and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


component_p Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by baci::BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

virtual baci::ActionRequest Lamp::onAction (baci::BACIComponent * cob_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of asynchronous acsexmplLamp::Lamp::on() method This is the function that actually switches on the Lamp and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


cob Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

virtual void DoorThread::onStart () [virtual, inherited] Method which is executed before the body of the thread. It is the hook method for a user that wants to do some initialization before the thread execution (thread initialization), s/he has to override/implement this method in the implementation class. It is called by commonStart

Reimplemented from ACS::Thread.

virtual void DoorThread::onStop () [virtual, inherited] Method which is executed after the body of the thread, i.e. after the thread execution. It is the hook method for a user that wants to do some cleanup after the thread execution (thread cleanup), s/he has to override/implement this method in the implementation class. It is called by commonStop

Reimplemented from ACS::Thread.

virtual void Door::open (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual, inherited] Opens the door Implementation of IDL open() interface. This method just registers the request in the asyncronous queue together with the associated callback and returns control immediatly. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling Door::openAction The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.


cb callback when action has finished
callback used for holding information on timeout periods



virtual void FridgeControl::open () [virtual, inherited] Open the door.



virtual baci::ActionRequest Door::openAction (baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of asynch. open() method This is the function that actually opens the Door and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


component_p owner of the action
id of the callback to be notified
callback descriptor (passed by client)
action data (e.g., parameters to the original CORBA method)
error handing structure
callback descriptor which will be passed to client


request to be performed by BACI

reqNone - do nothing (action will be kept in queue)

reqInvokeWorking - invoke <type>Callback::working

reqInvokeDone - invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback

reqDestroy - destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function)

virtual void Building::openFrontDoor () [virtual, inherited] Opens the FRONTDOOR Implementation of the IDL openFrontDoor() interface.



void PowerSupply::operator= (const PowerSupply &) [private, inherited] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy operators should be disabled.

void FilterWheel::operator= (const FilterWheel &) [private, inherited] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy operators should be disabled.

void Calendar::operator= (const Calendar &) [private, inherited] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy operators should be disabled.

void Door::operator= (const Door &) [private, inherited] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy operators should be disabled.

void Lamp::operator= (const Lamp &) [private, inherited] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy operators should be disabled.

void FridgeControl::operator= (const FridgeControl &) [private, inherited] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy operators should be disabled.

void AmsTestSeq::operator= (const AmsTestSeq &) [private, inherited] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy operators should be disabled.

void Building::operator= (const Building &) [private, inherited] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy operators should be disabled.

void RampedPowerSupply::operator= (const RampedPowerSupply &) [private, inherited] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy operators should be disabled.

void SlowMount::operator= (const SlowMount &) [private, inherited] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy operators should be disabled.

void Mount::operator= (const Mount &) [private, inherited] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy operators should be disabled.

void LampWheel::operator= (const LampWheel &) [private, inherited] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy operators should be disabled.

void ErrorComponent::outCompletion (ACSErr::Completion_out comp) [inherited] Simple method that returns an ACSErr::Completion as an out parameter


comp Completion as out parameter

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr FilterWheel::position () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the position property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr Door::position () [virtual, inherited] Property for readback m_position_p Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


Read-only double pointer to the door’s current position

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr LampWheel::position () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the position property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.

virtual FRIDGE::ROOnOffStates_ptr FridgeControl::powerStatus () [virtual, inherited] Property powerStatus shows whether the power is on or off.


Reference to the BACI property

virtual ACS::RWstring_ptr RampedPowerSupply::rampingStatus () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the rampingStatus property (status). Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


a pointer to the BACI property

virtual ACS::ROlong_ptr RampedPowerSupply::rampingStep () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the rampingStep property. Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


a pointer to the BACI property

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr PowerSupply::readback () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the readback_p property (actual current). Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


a pointer to the property

void FilterWheel::readConfiguration (Descriptor * descr) [private, inherited] Read the CDB to build the actual configuration of the wheel


descr The list of descriptor describing the actual configuration of the wheel

virtual ACS::RWdouble_ptr Door::ref_position () [virtual, inherited] Property for reference position Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


Read/write double pointer to where the door should be physically located

virtual ACS::RWdouble_ptr FridgeControl::refTemperature () [virtual, inherited] Property refTemperature is like a thermostat for the fridge.


Reference to the BACI property

virtual void PowerSupply::reset (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual, inherited] Resets the power supply. Implementation of IDL reset() interface. This method just registers the request in the asyncronous queue, together with the associated callback and returns control immediatly. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling PowerSupply::resetAction The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.


cb Callback when action has finished.
Callback used for holding information on timeout periods

virtual baci::ActionRequest PowerSupply::resetAction (baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of async. reset() method This is the function that actually resets the PowerSupply and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


component_p Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

int LampWheel::retrieveConfigurationFromCDB (std::list< SlotDescriptor > & config) [private, inherited] Read the CDB and fill the list with the actual configuration of each slot


config The list describing the configuration


The number of slots found in the CDB

virtual ACS::ROdoubleSeq_ptr AmsTestSeq::ROdoubleSeqPM () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the ROdoubleSeqPM property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.

virtual void DoorThread::runLoop () [virtual, inherited] Basic used hook to implement the thread functionality in a periodic loop. The method is executed in a loop until the thread is alive and every responseTime 100ns by the run method. The thread can be exited from the lop by calling ACS::ThreadBase::stop or ACS::ThreadBase::exit command. If the run method is overridden than runLoop is not executed.

Reimplemented from ACS::Thread.

virtual void FridgeThread::runLoop () [virtual, inherited] Basic used hook to implement the thread functionality in a periodic loop. The method is executed in a loop until the thread is alive and every responseTime 100ns by the run method. The thread can be exited from the lop by calling ACS::ThreadBase::stop or ACS::ThreadBase::exit command. If the run method is overridden than runLoop is not executed.

Reimplemented from ACS::Thread.

virtual ACS::RWdoubleSeq_ptr AmsTestSeq::RWdoubleSeqPM () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the RWdoubleSeqPM property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.

virtual void AmsTestSeq::setCoeff () [virtual, inherited] Sets the coefficients of the pointing model.



void ErrorComponent::sleepingCmd (CORBA::Short nb_seconds) [inherited] A method that will sleep during nb_seconds seconds before to return This method could be used to test the behavior of components taking a long time before to reply.


nb_seconds the number of seconds to sleep before to return

virtual ACS::ROlong_ptr FilterWheel::slots () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the descavailableSlots property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.

virtual ACS::ROlong_ptr LampWheel::slots () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the descavailableSlots property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.

static void LampWheel::start_hndl (void * data, const XML_Char * el, const XML_Char ** attr) [static, private, inherited] The handler for the start element

See also:

libexpat documentation for further info

virtual void RampedPowerSupply::startRamping (CORBA::Long rampingSteps, ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual, inherited] Starts ramping the power supply. Implementation of IDL startRamping() interface. This method just registers the request in the asyncronous queue, together with the associated callback and returns control immediatly. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling RampedPowerSupply::startRampingAction The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.


cb Callback when action has finished.
Callback used for holding information on timeout periods

virtual baci::ActionRequest RampedPowerSupply::startRampingAction (baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of async. startRamping() method This is the function that actually starts ramping and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


component_p Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

virtual ::acsexmplCalendar::ROStateEnum_ptr Calendar::state () [inherited] Returns a reference to the state property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.

virtual ACS::ROpattern_ptr PowerSupply::status () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the status_p property (see acsexmplPowerSupplyImpl.cpp). Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


a pointer to the property

virtual void RampedPowerSupply::stopRamping (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual, inherited] Stops ramping the power supply. Implementation of IDL stopRamping() interface. This method just registers the request in the asyncronous queue, together with the associated callback and returns control immediatly. The actual action will be invoked asyncronously by the asynchonous call manager by calling RampedPowerSupply::stopAction The given callback is used to inform the caller when the action is performed.


cb Callback when action has finished.
Callback used for holding information on timeout periods

virtual baci::ActionRequest RampedPowerSupply::stopRampingAction (baci::BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, baci::BACIValue * value_p, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual, inherited] Implementation of async. stopRamping() method This is the function that actually stops ramping and, when completed, invokes the callback installed by the client when it requested the action.


component_p Owner of the action.
ID of the callback to be notified.
Callback descriptor (passed by client).
Action data (e.g. value to be set).
Error handing structure.
Callback descriptor which will be passed to client.


Request to be performed by BACI.

reqNone - Do nothing (action will be kept in queue).

reqInvokeWorking - Invoke <type>Callback::working.

reqInvokeDone - Invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback.

reqDestroy - Destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function).

virtual ACS::ROlong_ptr Door::substate () [virtual, inherited] Property for substate Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


Read-only long integer pointer to the door’s present state

virtual void ErrorComponent::typeException (CORBA::Short depth) [virtual, inherited] This method throws a REMOTE (CORBA) type exception if depth>0. If we want to throw a type exception we have to specfy this in the method signature. In this example the method can throw: ACSErrTypeCommon::GenericErrorEx or ACSErrTypeCommon::ACSErrTypeCommonEx exceptions. Although GenericErrorEx derives from ACSErrTypeCommonEx we have to specfy both in the method signature because IDL does not support hierarchy of exceptions.


depth depth of the error trace



void FilterWheel::updateFilter (ACE_CString name, int delta) [private, inherited] Permanently write the new delta for the given filter in the CDB


name The name of the filter
The new offset for the filter

void FridgeControl::updateTemperature () [inherited] Updates the temperature from the physical device



void FilterWheel::updateWheel (int slot, int step) [private, inherited] Permanently write the new position for the given slot in the CDB


slot,: The number of the slot to update
the new position of the slot

virtual ACS::ROstring_ptr Building::version () [virtual, inherited] Returns a reference to the version property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


A pointer to the string containing the version number

virtual ACS::ROstring_ptr Door::version () [virtual, inherited] Property for version Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


Read-only string pointer to the door implementation’s version

virtual ::ACS::RWpattern_ptr Calendar::yearAttributes () [inherited] Returns a reference to the yearAttributes property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.

virtual AmsTestSeq::~AmsTestSeq () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

virtual Building::~Building () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

virtual Calendar::~Calendar () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

virtual ConstrErrorHelloWorld::~ConstrErrorHelloWorld () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

virtual Door::~Door () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

DoorThread::~DoorThread () [inline, inherited]

References ACS_TRACE.

virtual ErrorComponent::~ErrorComponent () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

virtual FilterWheel::~FilterWheel () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

virtual FridgeControl::~FridgeControl () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

FridgeThread::~FridgeThread () [inline, inherited]

References ACS_TRACE.

virtual HelloWorld::~HelloWorld () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

virtual InitErrorHelloWorld::~InitErrorHelloWorld () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

virtual Lamp::~Lamp () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

virtual LampWheel::~LampWheel () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

virtual Mount::~Mount () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

virtual PowerSupply::~PowerSupply () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

RampedPowerSupply::~RampedPowerSupply () [inherited] Destructor

virtual SlowMount::~SlowMount () [virtual, inherited] Destructor

Variable Documentation

int Descriptor::delta [inherited]

Door* DoorThread::door_p [private, inherited]

Referenced by DoorThread::DoorThread().

char Descriptor::filterName[128] [inherited]

FridgeControl* FridgeThread::fridgeControl_p [protected, inherited]

Referenced by FridgeThread::FridgeThread().

char SlotDescriptor::lampName[128] [inherited]

int FridgeThread::loopCounter_m [protected, inherited]

Referenced by FridgeThread::FridgeThread().

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> Mount::m_actAz_sp [private, inherited] m_actAz_sp is the antenna’s actual azimuth

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> SlowMount::m_actAz_sp [private, inherited] m_actAz_sp is the antenna’s actual azimuth

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> Mount::m_actEl_sp [private, inherited] m_actEl_sp is the antenna’s actual elevation

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> SlowMount::m_actEl_sp [private, inherited] m_actEl_sp is the antenna’s actual elevation

ActionFunction Mount::m_actions[2] [private, inherited] Please see ActionFunction. m_actions[0] = obstarAction(...) m_actions[1] = objfixAction(...)

ActionFunction SlowMount::m_actions[2] [private, inherited] Please see ActionFunction. m_actions[0] = obstarAction(...) m_actions[1] = objfixAction(...)

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::RWdouble> Lamp::m_brightness_sp [private, inherited] m_brightness_sp is the lamp’s setable brightness.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> Mount::m_cmdAz_sp [private, inherited] m_cmdAz_sp is the antenna’s commanded azimuth

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> SlowMount::m_cmdAz_sp [private, inherited] m_cmdAz_sp is the antenna’s commanded azimuth

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> Mount::m_cmdEl_sp [private, inherited] m_cmdEl_sp is the antenna’s commanded elevation

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> SlowMount::m_cmdEl_sp [private, inherited] m_cmdEl_sp is the antenna’s commanded elevation

FridgeThread* FridgeControl::m_controlLoop_p [private, inherited] m_controlLoop_p is only started once the fridge has been turned on(). This thread is used to simulate the fridge’s temperature trying to reach equillibrium with the reference temperature. Once the fridge has been turned off(), this thread is suspended.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<PowerSupplyCurrent> PowerSupply::m_current_sp [private, inherited] m_current_sp is the commanded current.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> FridgeControl::m_currTemperature_sp [private, inherited] m_currTemperature_p is the temperature the fridge actually is.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< RWEnumImpl<ACS_ENUM_T(acsexmplCalendar::DaysEnum), POA_acsexmplCalendar::RWDaysEnum> > Calendar::m_day_sp [private, inherited] m_day_sp represents the day of the year.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROstring> FilterWheel::m_desc_sp [private, inherited] m_desc_sp is the description of the wheel.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROstring> LampWheel::m_desc_sp [private, inherited] m_desc_sp is the description of the wheel.

acsexmplBuilding::Door_var Building::m_door_p [private, inherited] The door that belongs to this building.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< ROEnumImpl<ACS_ENUM_T(FRIDGE::OpClStates), POA_FRIDGE::ROOpClStates> > FridgeControl::m_doorStatus_sp [private, inherited] The fridge’s door can be either opened or closed.

DoorThread* Door::m_doorThread_p [private, inherited]

nc::SimpleSupplier* FridgeControl::m_FridgeSupplier_p [private, inherited] This is the Supplier derived class used to publish data to the event channel.

ACE_CString FilterWheel::m_fullName [private, inherited]

ACE_CString LampWheel::m_fullName [private, inherited]

std::list<SlotDescriptor> LampWheel::m_lampWheelConfiguration [private, inherited] The list of descriptions of each slot of the wheel: it is the configuration of the lampWheel It is built reading the CDB

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< RWEnumImpl<ACS_ENUM_T(acsexmplCalendar::MonthEnum), POA_acsexmplCalendar::RWMonthEnum> > Calendar::m_month_sp [private, inherited] m_month_sp represents the month of the year.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> LampWheel::m_position_sp [private, inherited] m_position_sp is the position of the wheel.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> FilterWheel::m_position_sp [private, inherited] m_position_sp is the position of the wheel.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> Door::m_position_sp [private, inherited] m_position_sp is the Door’s actual position

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<ROEnumImpl< ACS_ENUM_T(FRIDGE::OnOffStates), POA_FRIDGE::ROOnOffStates> > FridgeControl::m_powerStatus_sp [private, inherited] The fridge can be either turned on or off.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::RWstring> RampedPowerSupply::m_rampingStatus_sp [private, inherited] m_rampingStatus_p is the RampedPowerSupply’s status in the ramping process.

DevIO<CORBA::Long>* RampedPowerSupply::m_rampingStep_devio_p [private, inherited] m_rampingStep_devio_p is the DevIO subclass passed to the RampingStep property when it is created. Essentially the DevIO is used to interact with hardware directly without tying ACS to any specific hardware drivers resulting in added flexibility. Please see acsexmplLongDevIO.h to understand exactly how this is accomplished.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROlong> RampedPowerSupply::m_rampingStep_sp [private, inherited] m_rampingStep_p is the RampedPowerSupply’s present step in the ramping process.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> PowerSupply::m_readback_sp [private, inherited] m_readback_sp is the actual value of PowerSupply’s current.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::RWdouble> Door::m_ref_position_sp [private, inherited] m_ref_position_sp is the position the Door should be in

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::RWdouble> FridgeControl::m_refTemperature_sp [private, inherited] m_refTemperature_sp is the temperature we want the fridge to be.

baci::ROdoubleSeq* AmsTestSeq::m_ROdoubleSeqPM_p [private, inherited] m_RWdoubleSeq_p is all the coefficients that the client can set.

baci::RWdoubleSeq* AmsTestSeq::m_RWdoubleSeqPM_p [private, inherited] m_ROdoubleSeqPM_p is all the coefficients currently set.

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROlong> LampWheel::m_slots_sp [private, inherited] m_slots_sp is the number of available slots in the wheel

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROlong> FilterWheel::m_slots_sp [private, inherited] m_slots_sp is the number of available slots in the wheel

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< ROEnumImpl<ACS_ENUM_T(acsexmplCalendar::StateEnum), POA_acsexmplCalendar::ROStateEnum> > Calendar::m_state_sp [private, inherited] m_state_sp represents how good are we with the plan this year...

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROpattern> PowerSupply::m_status_sp [protected, inherited] m_status_sp is the PowerSupply’s state (values are in CDB).

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROlong> Door::m_substate_sp [private, inherited] m_substate_sp is the state the door is currently in

See also:


baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROstring> Door::m_version_sp [private, inherited] m_version_sp is the Door’s current version

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROstring> Building::m_version_sp [private, inherited] m_version_sp is a string which shows the version of class Building being used.

Descriptor* FilterWheel::m_wheelConfiguration [private, inherited] The array describing the actual configuration of the wheel: It is built by reading the CDB The number of item in the array is given by the number of available slots defined in the CDB

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::RWpattern> Calendar::m_yearAttributes_sp [private, inherited] m_yearAttributes_sp is the calendar’s year ’attribute’

unsigned int SlotDescriptor::pos [inherited]

const int RampedPowerSupply::START_RAMPING = 3 [static, inherited] One of these function IDs will be passed to invokeAction().

const int RampedPowerSupply::STOP_RAMPING = 4 [static, inherited]

unsigned int SlotDescriptor::warmUpTime [inherited]

unsigned int SlotDescriptor::watt [inherited]


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