
Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation


ACSErr::ACSbaseExImpl −


#include <acserrACSbaseExImpl.h>

Inherits ACSErr::ErrorTraceForBaseEx, and ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper.

Public Member Functions

ACSbaseEx getACSbaseEx ()

ACSbaseExImpl (const ACSbaseExImpl &t)

ACSbaseExImpl & operator= (const ACSbaseExImpl &t)

Protected Member Functions

ACSbaseExImpl (ACSErr::ACSErrType et, ACSErr::ErrorCode ec, const char *file, int line, const char *routine, const char *sd, ACSErr::Severity severity)

ACSbaseExImpl (const ACSErr::ErrorTrace &pet, ACSErr::ACSErrType et, ACSErr::ErrorCode ec, const char *file, int line, const char *routine, const char *sd, ACSErr::Severity severity)

ACSbaseExImpl (const ACSErr::ErrorTrace &et)

ACSbaseExImpl (ACSErr::ErrorTrace &et)

ACSbaseExImpl (ACSErr::ErrorTrace &et, int depth)

Detailed Description

this class shall not be instantiated by user but only bt the derived classes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ACSErr::ACSbaseExImpl::ACSbaseExImpl (ACSErr::ACSErrType et, ACSErr::ErrorCode ec, const char * file, int line, const char * routine, const char * sd, ACSErr::Severity severity) [protected]

ACSErr::ACSbaseExImpl::ACSbaseExImpl (const ACSErr::ErrorTrace & pet, ACSErr::ACSErrType et, ACSErr::ErrorCode ec, const char * file, int line, const char * routine, const char * sd, ACSErr::Severity severity) [protected]

ACSErr::ACSbaseExImpl::ACSbaseExImpl (const ACSErr::ErrorTrace & et) [protected]

ACSErr::ACSbaseExImpl::ACSbaseExImpl (ACSErr::ErrorTrace & et) [protected]

ACSErr::ACSbaseExImpl::ACSbaseExImpl (ACSErr::ErrorTrace & et, int depth) [protected]

ACSErr::ACSbaseExImpl::ACSbaseExImpl (const ACSbaseExImpl & t) copy constructor

Member Function Documentation

ACSbaseEx ACSErr::ACSbaseExImpl::getACSbaseEx () [inline] convertion to remote ACSbaseEx exception

ACSbaseExImpl& ACSErr::ACSbaseExImpl::operator= (const ACSbaseExImpl & t) assignment operator


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