
Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


ACSErr::CompletionImpl −


#include <acserr.h>

Inherits ACSErr::CompletionInit.

Public Member Functions

CompletionImpl ()

CompletionImpl (ACSErr::ACSErrType t, ACSErr::ErrorCode c)

CompletionImpl (ACSErr::ACSErrType t, ACSErr::ErrorCode c, const char *file, int line, const char *routine, const char *sd, ACSErr::Severity severity)

CompletionImpl (const ACSErr::Completion &pc, ACSErr::ACSErrType t, ACSErr::ErrorCode c, const char *file, int line, const char *routine, const char *sd, ACSErr::Severity severity)

CompletionImpl (ACSErr::Completion *pc, ACSErr::ACSErrType t, ACSErr::ErrorCode c, const char *file, int line, const char *routine, const char *sd, ACSErr::Severity severity)

CompletionImpl (CompletionImpl *pc, ACSErr::ACSErrType t, ACSErr::ErrorCode c, const char *file, int line, const char *routine, const char *sd, ACSErr::Severity severity)

CompletionImpl (const ACSErr::ErrorTrace &et, ACSErr::ACSErrType t, ACSErr::ErrorCode c, const char *file, int line, const char *routine, const char *sd, ACSErr::Severity severity)

CompletionImpl (ACSErr::Completion *c, bool del=true)

CompletionImpl (ACSErr::Completion_var &c)

CompletionImpl (const ACSErr::Completion &c)

CompletionImpl (const CompletionImpl &c)

virtual ~CompletionImpl ()

ACSErr::Completion * returnCompletion (bool deletion=true)

ACSErr::Completion * outCompletion (bool del=false)

bool isErrorFree ()

ErrorTraceHelper * getErrorTraceHelper ()

void log (ACE_Log_Priority priorty=LM_ERROR)

template<typename T > void addData (const char *name, T value)

CompletionImpl & operator= (CompletionImpl &)

CompletionImpl & operator= (Completion *c)

CompletionImpl & operator= (Completion_var &c)

Protected Attributes

ErrorTraceHelper m_errorTraceHelper

Detailed Description

Implementation / Helper class for handling ACSErr::Completion

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ACSErr::CompletionImpl::CompletionImpl ()

ACSErr::CompletionImpl::CompletionImpl (ACSErr::ACSErrType t, ACSErr::ErrorCode c) [inline]

ACSErr::CompletionImpl::CompletionImpl (ACSErr::ACSErrType t, ACSErr::ErrorCode c, const char * file, int line, const char * routine, const char * sd, ACSErr::Severity severity) [inline]

ACSErr::CompletionImpl::CompletionImpl (const ACSErr::Completion & pc, ACSErr::ACSErrType t, ACSErr::ErrorCode c, const char * file, int line, const char * routine, const char * sd, ACSErr::Severity severity) [inline]

ACSErr::CompletionImpl::CompletionImpl (ACSErr::Completion * pc, ACSErr::ACSErrType t, ACSErr::ErrorCode c, const char * file, int line, const char * routine, const char * sd, ACSErr::Severity severity) [inline]

ACSErr::CompletionImpl::CompletionImpl (CompletionImpl * pc, ACSErr::ACSErrType t, ACSErr::ErrorCode c, const char * file, int line, const char * routine, const char * sd, ACSErr::Severity severity) [inline]

ACSErr::CompletionImpl::CompletionImpl (const ACSErr::ErrorTrace & et, ACSErr::ACSErrType t, ACSErr::ErrorCode c, const char * file, int line, const char * routine, const char * sd, ACSErr::Severity severity) [inline]

ACSErr::CompletionImpl::CompletionImpl (ACSErr::Completion * c, bool del = true) Wrapper constructor for remote (CORBA) completions (ACSErr::Completion).


c remote CORBA completion del flag which indiactes if the completion should be deleted. Its default value is true, so the remote completion is deleted.

ACSErr::CompletionImpl::CompletionImpl (ACSErr::Completion_var & c) Wrapper constructor for remote (CORBA) completions (ACSErr::Completion) that is contained in a Completion_var.


c reference to Completion_var Completion from Completion_var is copied, so after that the Completion_var still contains the completion.

ACSErr::CompletionImpl::CompletionImpl (const ACSErr::Completion & c)

ACSErr::CompletionImpl::CompletionImpl (const CompletionImpl & c) Copy constructor

virtual ACSErr::CompletionImpl::~CompletionImpl () [inline, virtual] Destructor

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T > void ACSErr::CompletionImpl::addData (const char * name, T value) [inline]

References ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::addData(), isErrorFree(), and m_errorTraceHelper.

ErrorTraceHelper* ACSErr::CompletionImpl::getErrorTraceHelper () [inline] Returns pointer to the ErrorTraceHelper. If there is no error trace it returns NULL.


pointer to the errortrace helper object

References m_errorTraceHelper.

bool ACSErr::CompletionImpl::isErrorFree () [inline] Tells if CompletionImpl is error-free or not (i.e. if is it contain error trace or not)


true if CompletionImpl is error-free otherwise false.

Referenced by addData(), and baciTestCBdouble::working().

void ACSErr::CompletionImpl::log (ACE_Log_Priority priorty = LM_ERROR) Logs Completion/errortrace into the logging system


priorty priorty with which the completion/error trace will be logged If priorty is not specified the completuion/error trace will be logged with ERROR priorty.

Referenced by BulkDataTestNotificationCb::done(), and baciTestCBdouble::working().

CompletionImpl& ACSErr::CompletionImpl::operator= (CompletionImpl &)

CompletionImpl& ACSErr::CompletionImpl::operator= (Completion * c) assignment for remote (CORBA) completions.


c pointer to the remote (CORBA) completion It takes over the memory managment of Completion, so the Completion is deleted.

CompletionImpl& ACSErr::CompletionImpl::operator= (Completion_var & c) assignment for remote (CORBA) completion that is contained in a Completion_var.


c pointer to the Completion_var. This assigment makes a copy of Completion that is contained inside the Completion_var, so after the Completion_var still conatins Completion.

ACSErr::Completion* ACSErr::CompletionImpl::outCompletion (bool del = false) [inline] Returns copy of completion structure (ACSErr::Completion) which can be assign to ACSErr::Completion_out. This method should be used when ACSErrCompletion is used as out(put) parameter of a method (ACSErr::Completion_out). DO NOT use this method on client side !!


deletion flag indicates if CompletionImpl has to be deleted. Default value is false what means that CompletionImpl object will not be deleted (oposit than in returnCompeltion()). DO NOT use true value when CompletionImpl is allocated on the stack !!!


pointer to the CORBA ACSErr::Completion structure.

References returnCompletion().

ACSErr::Completion* ACSErr::CompletionImpl::returnCompletion (bool deletion = true) [inline] Returns copy of completion structure (and delete CompletionImpl object). This method should be used in a method when we retrun ACSErr::Completion (when we go from local (C++) to remote (CORBA)


deletion flag indicates if CompletionImpl has to be deleted. Default value is true what means that CompletionImpl object will be deleted. DO NOT use true (default) value when CompletionImpl is allocated on the stack !!!


pointer to the CORBA ACSErr::Completion structure.

Referenced by outCompletion().

Member Data Documentation

ErrorTraceHelper ACSErr::CompletionImpl::m_errorTraceHelper [protected]

Referenced by addData(), and getErrorTraceHelper().


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