
Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Friends And Related Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper −


#include <acserr.h>

Inherited by ACSErr::ACSbaseExImpl.

Public Member Functions

void log (ACE_Log_Priority priorty=LM_ERROR)

std::string toString ()

void addData (const char *name, const char *value)

void addData (const char *name, char *value)

template<typename T > void addData (const char *name, T value)

void setMemberValue (const char *name, const char *value)

void setMemberValue (const char *name, ACE_CString &value)

template<typename T > void setMemberValue (const char *name, T value)

ACE_CString getData (const char *name)

void getMemberValue (const char *name, char *&value)

template<typename T > void getMemberValue (const char *name, T &value)

template<typename T > T getMemberValue (const char *name)

char * getDescription ()

char * getShortDescription ()

char * getFileName ()

CORBA::ULong getLineNumber ()

char * getRoutine ()

char * getHostName ()

char * getProcessName ()

char * getThread ()

char * getSourceObject ()

CORBA::ULongLong getTimeStamp ()

ACSErr::ErrorCode getErrorCode ()

ACSErr::ACSErrType getErrorType ()

ACSErr::Severity getSeverity ()

unsigned int getDepth ()

void setTimeStamp (CORBA::ULongLong time)

void setSourceObject (const char *so)

void setFileName (const char *fn)

void setLineNumber (CORBA::ULong ln)

void setError (ACSErr::ACSErrType ty, ACSErr::ErrorCode ec)

void setSeverity (ACSErr::Severity severity)

ACSErr::ErrorTrace * getNext ()

bool last ()

ACSErr::ErrorTrace * top ()

ACSErr::ErrorTrace & getErrorTrace ()

ErrorTraceHelper * getErrorTraceHelper ()

template<> char * getMemberValue (const char *name)

template<> ACE_CString getMemberValue (const char *name)

Static Public Member Functions

static void setHostName (const char *hn)

static void setProcessName (const char *pn)

static ACS::Time getTime ()

Protected Member Functions

ErrorTraceHelper (ACSErr::ErrorTrace &et)

void setErrorTrace (ACSErr::ErrorTrace &et, int depth)

ErrorTraceHelper ()

ErrorTraceHelper (ACSErr::ACSErrType et, ACSErr::ErrorCode ec, const char *file, int line, const char *routine, const char *sd, ACSErr::Severity severity, ACSErr::ErrorTrace &errortrace)

ErrorTraceHelper (const ACSErr::ErrorTrace &pet, ACSErr::ACSErrType et, ACSErr::ErrorCode ec, const char *file, int line, const char *routine, const char *sd, ACSErr::Severity severity, ACSErr::ErrorTrace &errortrace)

ErrorTraceHelper & operator= (ACSErr::ErrorTrace &eth)

void fill (ACSErr::ACSErrType et, ACSErr::ErrorCode ec, ACSErr::Severity severity, const char *file, int line, const char *routine, const char *sd)

void log (ACSErr::ErrorTrace *c, int level, char *stackId, ACE_Log_Priority priorty=LM_ERROR)

void toString (ACSErr::ErrorTrace *c, int level, std::ostringstream &oss)

Protected Attributes

ACSErr::ErrorTrace * m_errorTracePtr

ACSErr::ErrorTrace * m_current

unsigned int m_depth

Static Protected Attributes

static char m_hostName [64]

static char m_processName [64]

static const unsigned int m_maxDepth


class CompletionImpl

class ::ACSLogImpl

class ::ACSError

Detailed Description

Helper class for CORBA error trace (ACSErr::ErrorTrace)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::ErrorTraceHelper (ACSErr::ErrorTrace & et) [protected]

ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::ErrorTraceHelper () [inline, protected]

ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::ErrorTraceHelper (ACSErr::ACSErrType et, ACSErr::ErrorCode ec, const char * file, int line, const char * routine, const char * sd, ACSErr::Severity severity, ACSErr::ErrorTrace & errortrace) [protected]

ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::ErrorTraceHelper (const ACSErr::ErrorTrace & pet, ACSErr::ACSErrType et, ACSErr::ErrorCode ec, const char * file, int line, const char * routine, const char * sd, ACSErr::Severity severity, ACSErr::ErrorTrace & errortrace) [protected]

Member Function Documentation

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::addData (const char * name, const char * value) Adds data to the current error trace. If the name apperas more than one time it adds it more times.


name data name, which should be shorter than 255 characters otherwise is truncated. If name is NULL the method return w/o setting anything.
string data value , which should be shorter than 255 characters, otherwise is truncated. If value is NULL the method return w/o setting anything.

Referenced by ACSErr::CompletionImpl::addData(), and addData().

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::addData (const char * name, char * value) [inline] Variation of addData for non cons char* value, otherwise the template versioin is taken. It just pass work to addData(const char* name, const char* value).

References addData().

template<typename T > void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::addData (const char * name, T value) [inline] Templated version of addData adds data (pair of name-value) It works for all types that can be put to std::ostringstream.


name data name, which should be shorter than 255 characters otherwise is truncated. If name is NULL the method return w/o setting anything.
data value. The stringified length of value should not exceed 255 characters, otherwise it is truncated. If value is NULL the method return w/o setting anything.

References addData().

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::fill (ACSErr::ACSErrType et, ACSErr::ErrorCode ec, ACSErr::Severity severity, const char * file, int line, const char * routine, const char * sd) [protected]

ACE_CString ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getData (const char * name) Gets data value for data name (first occurrence). If data for name is not found it returns an empty string.


name data name. If name is NULL an empty string is returned.


value string data value

Referenced by getMemberValue().

unsigned int ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getDepth () [inline] Returns depth of error stack


unsigned int depth

References m_depth.

char* ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getDescription () Returns copy of short (!) description of current error. User have to take care of releasing it!


pointer to the char (=string). TBD: should return description if it is possible to retreive it. To be changed or removed. short description should be retreived using getShortDescription

ACSErr::ErrorCode ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getErrorCode () [inline] Returns error code



References m_current.

ACSErr::ErrorTrace& ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getErrorTrace () [inline] Gets reference to errortrace structure. User must take care for makeing copy of structure or should use method returnErrorTrace


reference to the current errortrace structure


if current is NULL than exception should be thrown

References m_current.

ErrorTraceHelper* ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getErrorTraceHelper () [inline] Return pointer to ErrorTraceHelper what is itself (=this). It is here just to make generated code simpler.


pointer to itself

ACSErr::ACSErrType ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getErrorType () [inline] Returns error type



References m_current.

char* ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getFileName () [inline] Returns file name information of the error


pointer to char contains file name

References m_current.

char* ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getHostName () [inline] Returns host name information of the error


pointer to char contains host name

References m_current.

CORBA::ULong ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getLineNumber () [inline] Returns line number information of the error


CORBA::ULong line number

References m_current.

template<> char* ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getMemberValue (const char * name)

template<> ACE_CString ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getMemberValue (const char * name)

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getMemberValue (const char * name, char *& value) [inline] Gets data value for data name (first occurrence). This method is mainly used by generated code. If data for name is not found it returns an empty string.


name data name
string data value

References getData().

template<typename T > void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getMemberValue (const char * name, T & value) [inline] Template version of getMemberValue. Gets data value for data name (first occurrence). It works for all types that can be retreived from std::istringstream like: int, string and double. If data name is not found it returns empty string.


name data name
data value

References getData().

template<typename T > T ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getMemberValue (const char * name) Another version of getMemberValue, which is more elegant since it returns value. This function is mainly used by generated code. It works for all types that can be retreived from std::istringstream like: int, string and double.


name data name


data vlaue of right type

References getData().

ACSErr::ErrorTrace* ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getNext () Moves to the next errortrace element and return its pointer (not copy). If there is no next errortrace element NULL will be returned


pointer to the errortrace structure

char* ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getProcessName () [inline] Retruns process information of the error. Its name or process ID.


pointer to the char points to the copy of process information

References m_current.

char* ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getRoutine () [inline] Returns routine information of tehe error


pointer to char contains routine name

References m_current.

ACSErr::Severity ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getSeverity () [inline] Returns error severity

References m_current.

char* ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getShortDescription () Returns copy of short description of current error. User have to take care of releasing it!


pointer to the char (=string)

char* ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getSourceObject () [inline] Returns source object information of the error.


pointer to the char points to the copy of the source object (caller has to delete it).

References m_current.

char* ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getThread () [inline] Returns thread information of the error. The name of thread or its ID.


pointer to the char points to the copy of thread information

References m_current.

static ACS::Time ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getTime () [static]

CORBA::ULongLong ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::getTimeStamp () [inline] Returns time stamp of the error in 100th of nanoseconds.


CORBA::ULongLong time stamp

References m_current.

bool ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::last () [inline] Tells if we are at the end of error trace. This method should be used with combination of getNext to find out when the end of the error trace is reached.


true if we reach the end of error trace otherwise false

References m_current, and m_depth.

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::log (ACE_Log_Priority priorty = LM_ERROR) Logs the complete error trace into the logging system. For each such exception in the trace, a separate log entry is created, in accordance with the ACS error logging specification.


priorty,: priorty with which the error trace will be logged If priorty is not specified the completion/error trace will be logged with ERROR priorty. The priority can be used to log an important error trace at LM_DEBUG level before sending it to a remote client. The responsibility of ultimately decide is an error trace shall be logged or closed is ultimately left to the higher level client, but a bad behaving client could ’forget’ to log. In order to make sure potentially critical information is not lost, the servant application can decide to log anyway the error trace as debug information before sending it to the client.

Referenced by AcsBulkdata::BulkDataDistributerNotifCb< BulkDataDistributerStreamCb, BulkDataSenderDefaultCallback >::done(), BaciTestClassImpl::turnOffMonitoring(), and BaciTestClassImpl::turnOnMonitoring().

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::log (ACSErr::ErrorTrace * c, int level, char * stackId, ACE_Log_Priority priorty = LM_ERROR) [protected] Logs just a single part (item) of an errortrace into the logging system. This method is used internaly by the log method


c pointer to error trace structure
error trace level
priorty with which the error trace will be logged If priorty is not specified the completuion/error trace will be logged with ERROR priorty.

ErrorTraceHelper& ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::operator= (ACSErr::ErrorTrace & eth) [protected] assigning ACSErr::ErrorTrace directly

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::setError (ACSErr::ACSErrType ty, ACSErr::ErrorCode ec) [inline] Sets current error code


ty error type (should be of type ACSErr::ACSErrType defined in acserrType.idl)
erro code

References m_current.

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::setErrorTrace (ACSErr::ErrorTrace & et, int depth) [protected]

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::setFileName (const char * fn) [inline] Sets file name


fn file name

References m_current.

static void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::setHostName (const char * hn) [static] Sets host name


hn host name

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::setLineNumber (CORBA::ULong ln) [inline] Sets line number


ln line number

References m_current.

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::setMemberValue (const char * name, const char * value) Sets member value of current error. This method is mainly used by generated code. If this function is used the fist time it adds new name-value pair.


name data name. If name or value are NULL it returns w/o setting anything.
string data value

Referenced by setMemberValue().

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::setMemberValue (const char * name, ACE_CString & value) Version of setMember that takes value as ACE_CString. This method is mainly used by generated code. If this function is used the fist time it adds new name-value pair.


name data name. If name is NULL it returns w/o setting anything.
string data value

template<typename T > void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::setMemberValue (const char * name, T value) [inline] Sets member value. Template version of setMemberValue. This method is mainly used by generated code. It works for all types that can be put to std::ostringstream like: int, string and double.


name member name. If name is NULL it returns w/o setting anything.
member value

References setMemberValue().

static void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::setProcessName (const char * pn) [static] Sets process name


process name

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::setSeverity (ACSErr::Severity severity) [inline] Sets error severity


severity errro severity

References m_current.

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::setSourceObject (const char * so) [inline] Sets source object


source object

References m_current.

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::setTimeStamp (CORBA::ULongLong time) [inline] Sets time stamp of the error in 100th of nanoseconds. time CORBA::ULongLong time stamp

References m_current.

ACSErr::ErrorTrace* ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::top () [inline] Moves to the first (top) errortrace element and return its pointer (not copy).


pointer to the errortrace structure

References m_current, and m_errorTracePtr.

void ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::toString (ACSErr::ErrorTrace * c, int level, std::ostringstream & oss) [protected]

std::string ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::toString () Returns a string describing the error on top of the error trace.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class ::ACSError [friend]

friend class ::ACSLogImpl [friend]

friend class CompletionImpl [friend]

Member Data Documentation

ACSErr::ErrorTrace* ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::m_current [protected]

Referenced by getErrorCode(), getErrorTrace(), getErrorType(), getFileName(), getHostName(), getLineNumber(), getProcessName(), getRoutine(), getSeverity(), getSourceObject(), getThread(), getTimeStamp(), last(), setError(), setFileName(), setLineNumber(), setSeverity(), setSourceObject(), setTimeStamp(), and top().

unsigned int ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::m_depth [protected]

Referenced by getDepth(), and last().

ACSErr::ErrorTrace* ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::m_errorTracePtr [protected]

Referenced by top().

char ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::m_hostName[64] [static, protected]

const unsigned int ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::m_maxDepth [static, protected]

char ACSErr::ErrorTraceHelper::m_processName[64] [static, protected]


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