
Member Typedef Documentation
Member Enumeration Documentation
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser −


#include <bulkDataNTConfigurationParser.h>


struct _ReceiverCfg

struct _SenderCfg

the name of the library that Qos should use as a base

struct ParsingInfo

Public Member Functions

BulkDataConfigurationParser (const char *baseLibraryName)

~BulkDataConfigurationParser ()

void parseSenderConfig (char const *configXML)

void parseReceiverConfig (char const *configXML)

std::set< char const * > getAllSenderStreamNames ()

std::set< char const * > getAllReceiverStreamNames ()

std::set< char const * > getAllSenderFlowNames (char const *streamName)

std::set< char const * > getAllReceiverFlowNames (char const *streamName)

SenderStreamConfiguration * getSenderStreamConfiguration (char const *streamName)

SenderFlowConfiguration * getSenderFlowConfiguration (char const *streamName, char const *flowName)

ReceiverStreamConfiguration * getReceiverStreamConfiguration (char const *streamName)

ReceiverFlowConfiguration * getReceiverFlowConfiguration (char const *streamName, char const *flowName)

Private Types

enum ParsingType { SENDER, RECEIVER }

typedef struct AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::_SenderCfg SenderCfg

the name of the library that Qos should use as a base

typedef struct AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::_ReceiverCfg ReceiverCfg

typedef std::map< std::string, ReceiverCfg > ReceiverCfgMap

typedef std::map< std::string, SenderCfg > SenderCfgMap

Private Member Functions

void parseConfig (const char *config, const struct ParsingInfo &parsingInfo)

const XMLCh * getAttrValue (xercesc::DOMNode *node, const char *name)

unsigned short getUnsignedShortFromAttribute (xercesc::DOMNode *node, const char *attribute, unsigned short defaultVal)

double getDoubleFromAttribute (xercesc::DOMNode *node, const char *attribute, double defaultVal)

std::string getStringFromAttribute (xercesc::DOMNode *node, const char *attribute, std::string defaultVal)

bool getBooleanFromAttribute (xercesc::DOMNode *node, const char *attribute, bool defaultVal)

std::string getQosProfile (const char *profileName, const char *baseProfile, xercesc::DOMNode *node)

std::string getStrURIforStream (std::list< std::string > profiles)

void cleanReceiverConfigs ()

void cleanSenderConfigs ()

void cleanConfig (ReceiverCfg *recvConfig, SenderCfg *senderConfig, ParsingType type)

std::string getElementLocalName (xercesc::DOMNode *node)

Private Attributes

const char * m_baseLibrary

xercesc::DOMWriter * m_writer

used for the Qos library name of generated XML

xercesc::AbstractDOMParser * m_parser

std::string m_baseQoSlibrary

ReceiverCfgMap receiverConfigMap_m

SenderCfgMap senderConfigMap_m

Static Private Attributes

static const char *const SENDER_STREAM_NODENAME

static const char *const SENDER_STREAM_QOS_NODENAME

static const char *const SENDER_FLOW_NODENAME

static const char *const SENDER_FLOW_QOS_NODENAME

static const char *const RECEIVER_STREAM_NODENAME

static const char *const RECEIVER_STREAM_QOS_NODENAME

static const char *const RECEIVER_FLOW_NODENAME

static const char *const RECEIVER_FLOW_QOS_NODENAME

static const char *const DYNAMIC_LIBRARY_NAME

static const char *const DEFAULT_QOS_LIBRARY_NAME

static const struct ParsingInfo SENDER_PARSING_INFO

static const struct ParsingInfo RECEIVER_PARSING_INFO

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef struct AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::_ReceiverCfg AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::ReceiverCfg [private]

typedef std::map<std::string, ReceiverCfg> AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::ReceiverCfgMap [private]

typedef struct AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::_SenderCfg AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::SenderCfg [private]

the name of the library that Qos should use as a base

typedef std::map<std::string, SenderCfg> AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::SenderCfgMap [private]

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::ParsingType [private]




Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::BulkDataConfigurationParser (const char * baseLibraryName) Parser constructor. Its creation needs a base library as a mandatory argument, which will prevent name duplication among configured entities. An example of potential danger would be a process that creates the same streams/flows combinations in two separate places. Such a process would get a failure when creating the second set of streams/flows, since the ’QoS profiles’ (internal representations of the DDS configuration entities) would belong to the same ’library’, and would already exists on the RTI world.


baseLibraryName The base library name to be used by all the configuration objects that this parser creates. An example would be the ACS component name, or any other particular identification string.

AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::~BulkDataConfigurationParser () Destructor

Member Function Documentation

void AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::cleanConfig (ReceiverCfg * recvConfig, SenderCfg * senderConfig, ParsingType type) [private]

void AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::cleanReceiverConfigs () [private]

void AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::cleanSenderConfigs () [private]

std::set<char const *> AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getAllReceiverFlowNames (char const * streamName) Returns, for the given Receiver stream name, a set of strings containing all Receiver Flow names found in the parsed XML document. If none was found, an empty set is returned

std::set<char const *> AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getAllReceiverStreamNames () Returns a set of strings containing all Receiver Stream names found in the parsed XML document. If none was found, an empty set is returned

std::set<char const *> AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getAllSenderFlowNames (char const * streamName) Returns, for the given Sender stream name, a set of strings containing all Sender Flow names found in the parsed XML document. If none was found, an empty set is returned


streamName The name of the sender stream


A set containing all flow names for the given stream name

std::set<char const *> AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getAllSenderStreamNames () Returns a set of strings containing all Sender Stream names found in the parsed XML document. If none was found, an empty set is returned

const XMLCh* AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getAttrValue (xercesc::DOMNode * node, const char * name) [private]

bool AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getBooleanFromAttribute (xercesc::DOMNode * node, const char * attribute, bool defaultVal) [private]

double AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getDoubleFromAttribute (xercesc::DOMNode * node, const char * attribute, double defaultVal) [private]

std::string AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getElementLocalName (xercesc::DOMNode * node) [private]

std::string AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getQosProfile (const char * profileName, const char * baseProfile, xercesc::DOMNode * node) [private]

ReceiverFlowConfiguration* AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getReceiverFlowConfiguration (char const * streamName, char const * flowName) Returns, if found during parsing, the configuration object for the given Receiver flow.


streamName The name of the Receiver stream where the given flow resides
The name of the Receiver flow


The configuration for the given Receiver flow, NULL if it doesn’t exist

ReceiverStreamConfiguration* AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getReceiverStreamConfiguration (char const * streamName) Returns, if found during parsing, the configuration object for the given Receiver stream.


streamName The name of the Receiver stream


The configuration for the given Receiver stream, NULL if it doesn’t exist

SenderFlowConfiguration* AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getSenderFlowConfiguration (char const * streamName, char const * flowName) Returns, if found during parsing, the configuration object for the given Sender flow.


streamName The name of the Sender stream where the given flow resides
The name of the Sender flow


The configuration for the given Sender flow, NULL if it doesn’t exist

SenderStreamConfiguration* AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getSenderStreamConfiguration (char const * streamName) Returns, if found during parsing, the configuration object for the given Sender stream.


streamName The name of the Sender stream


The configuration for the given Sender stream, NULL if it doesn’t exist

std::string AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getStringFromAttribute (xercesc::DOMNode * node, const char * attribute, std::string defaultVal) [private]

std::string AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getStrURIforStream (std::list< std::string > profiles) [private]

unsigned short AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::getUnsignedShortFromAttribute (xercesc::DOMNode * node, const char * attribute, unsigned short defaultVal) [private]

void AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::parseConfig (const char * config, const struct ParsingInfo & parsingInfo) [private]

void AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::parseReceiverConfig (char const * configXML) Given an XML document, parses it an retrieves the list of receiver streams that can be found. Each stream, and its corresponding flows, are properly configured depending on the QoS settings coming from the XML document

void AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::parseSenderConfig (char const * configXML) Given an XML document, parses it an retrieves the list of sender streams that can be found. Each stream, and its corresponding flows, are properly configured depending on the QoS settings coming from the XML document

Member Data Documentation

const char* const AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::DEFAULT_QOS_LIBRARY_NAME [static, private]

const char* const AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::DYNAMIC_LIBRARY_NAME [static, private]

const char* AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::m_baseLibrary [private]

std::string AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::m_baseQoSlibrary [private]

xercesc::AbstractDOMParser* AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::m_parser [private]

xercesc::DOMWriter* AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::m_writer [private]

used for the Qos library name of generated XML

const char* const AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::RECEIVER_FLOW_NODENAME [static, private]

const char* const AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::RECEIVER_FLOW_QOS_NODENAME [static, private]

const struct ParsingInfo AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::RECEIVER_PARSING_INFO [static, private]

const char* const AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::RECEIVER_STREAM_NODENAME [static, private]

const char* const AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::RECEIVER_STREAM_QOS_NODENAME [static, private]

ReceiverCfgMap AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::receiverConfigMap_m [private]

const char* const AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::SENDER_FLOW_NODENAME [static, private]

const char* const AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::SENDER_FLOW_QOS_NODENAME [static, private]

const struct ParsingInfo AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::SENDER_PARSING_INFO [static, private]

const char* const AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::SENDER_STREAM_NODENAME [static, private]

const char* const AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::SENDER_STREAM_QOS_NODENAME [static, private]

SenderCfgMap AcsBulkdata::BulkDataConfigurationParser::senderConfigMap_m [private]


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