
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


AcsDaemonUtils −


#include <acsDaemonUtils.h>

Public Member Functions

AcsDaemonUtils ()

std::string getLogDirectory ()

std::string getLogDirectoryForContainer (std::string containerName)

std::string getTimestamp ()

std::string getSimpleContainerName (std::string containerName)

int checkWritePermission ()

int checkWritePermissionForContainer (std::string containerName)

Private Member Functions

int initLogDirectory ()

bool makeFolder (std::string path)

int checkWritePermission (std::string folder)

Private Attributes

std::string m_logDirectory

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AcsDaemonUtils::AcsDaemonUtils () Constructor

Member Function Documentation

int AcsDaemonUtils::checkWritePermission () Check if the process has permission to write in the log folder where the log folder is returned by getLogDirectory()


0 means that the folder is writable

int AcsDaemonUtils::checkWritePermission (std::string folder) [private] Check if the process has permission to write in the passed log folder.

The test is done by creating a temporary file as this should be the most portable way.

int AcsDaemonUtils::checkWritePermissionForContainer (std::string containerName) Check if the process has permission to write in the log folder for the passed container name. The folder for the logs of container is built by AcsDaemonUtils::getLogDirectoryForContainer(...)


0 means that the folder is writable

std::string AcsDaemonUtils::getLogDirectory () [inline] Get the directory to write the log files into.


The returned path is usually $ACSDATA/logs/<HOST>/

References m_logDirectory.

std::string AcsDaemonUtils::getLogDirectoryForContainer (std::string containerName) The folder for the logs of a container is usually $ACSDATA/logs/<HOST>. If the container is hierarchical i.e it has a name like CONTROL/ACC/containerName then the logs go in $ACSDATA/logs/<HOST>/CONTROL/ACC/

If the folder does not exist, this method tries to build the folder setting the permissions too.

In case of error building the folder, it returns m_logDirectory.


containerName The name of the container


The returned path is $ACSDATA/logs/<HOST>/containerName or $ACSDATA/logs/<HOST>/AAA/BBB/... if the container name is hierarchical

std::string AcsDaemonUtils::getSimpleContainerName (std::string containerName) Return the container name without the hierarchical part, that is:

the name if the container if it is not hierarchical

the last word after ’\’ if it is hierarchical


the name of the container

std::string AcsDaemonUtils::getTimestamp () Build a return a well formatted timestamp

int AcsDaemonUtils::initLogDirectory () [private] Init the log directory, m_logDirectory, from the ACSDATA environment variable, if defined.

If the folder does not exist, then initLogDirectory tries to create .
Note that this is the base folder for the logs i.e. ACSDATA/logs/host.


0 if the folder exists and is writable 1 if ACSDATA does not exist or can’t write in ACSDATA 2 error creating ACSDATA/logs 3 Can’t write ACSDATA/logs 4 error getting the host name for HOST environment variable 5 Error creating ACSDATA/logs/<HOST> 6 Can’t write ACSDATA/logs/<HOST>

bool AcsDaemonUtils::makeFolder (std::string path) [private] Make the folder with the passed path.


path The path of the folder to create


true If the folder has been successfully created false otherwise

Member Data Documentation

std::string AcsDaemonUtils::m_logDirectory [private] The directory to write the logs.

Referenced by getLogDirectory().


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