
Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation


AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory −


#include <AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory.h>

Inherited by laserSource::CERNAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory ()

virtual bool init ()=0

virtual void done ()=0

virtual acsalarm::AlarmSystemInterface * createSource (std::string sourceName)=0

virtual acsalarm::AlarmSystemInterface * createSource ()=0

virtual std::auto_ptr< acsalarm::FaultState > createFaultState (std::string family, std::string member, int code)

virtual std::auto_ptr< acsalarm::FaultState > createFaultState ()

Detailed Description

The abstract base class (actually just an interface) to create sources and fault states.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::~AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory () [inline, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual std::auto_ptr<acsalarm::FaultState> AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::createFaultState (std::string family, std::string member, int code) [virtual] Create a fault state with the given family, member and code

virtual std::auto_ptr<acsalarm::FaultState> AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::createFaultState () [virtual] Create a fault state

virtual acsalarm::AlarmSystemInterface* AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::createSource () [pure virtual] Create a new instance of an alarm system interface without binding it to any source.


the interface instance.

Implemented in laserSource::CERNAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory.

virtual acsalarm::AlarmSystemInterface* AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::createSource (std::string sourceName) [pure virtual] Create a new instance of an alarm system interface.


sourceName the source name.


the interface instance.

Implemented in laserSource::CERNAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory.

virtual void AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::done () [pure virtual] Release the resources: must be called when finished using the methods of this class

Implemented in laserSource::CERNAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory.

virtual bool AlarmSystemInterfaceFactory::init () [pure virtual] Init the object of the class: must be called before using the other methods of this class otherwise an exception will be thrown. Return true if the initialization went ok

Implemented in laserSource::CERNAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory.


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