Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation




#include <bulkDataNTGenEx.h>

Public Member Functions


BDNTEx (const std::string &msg, const std::string &fileName, int lineNumber)

BDNTEx (ACSErr::ErrorCode errorCode, const std::string &msg, const std::string &fileName, int lineNumber)

std::string asString () const

const char * asCString () const

void getMessage (std::string &msg) const

void getFileName (std::string &fileName) const

int getLineNumber () const

bool isError () const

Protected Attributes

ACSErr::ErrorCode m_errorCode

std::string m_errMsg

std::string m_errFileName

int m_errLineNumber

bool m_isError

Detailed Description

This class defines a generic C++ exception to use with non-CORBA classes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BDNTEx::BDNTEx () [inline] Default constructor.

BDNTEx::BDNTEx (const std::string & msg, const std::string & fileName, int lineNumber) [inline] Parameterized constructor defines a message, filename & linenumber


pMsg The error message - usually the cause of the exception
The filename location of the error -- use C macro __FILE__
The line number of the file -- use C macro __LINE__

BDNTEx::BDNTEx (ACSErr::ErrorCode errorCode, const std::string & msg, const std::string & fileName, int lineNumber) [inline] Parameterized constructor defines an error code message, filename and linenumber. The error code is assumed to be a code in CorrErrC.h, which would then be used for creating a corresponding Impl exception that the client could use for throwing a CORBA exception to a remote invokation of some related interface method.


pMsg The error message - usually the cause of the exception
The filename location of the error -- use C macro __FILE__
The line number of the file -- use C macro __LINE__

Member Function Documentation

const char* BDNTEx::asCString () const returns a string containing the full possible description of the exception

std::string BDNTEx::asString () const returns a string containing the full possible description of the exception

void BDNTEx::getFileName (std::string & fileName) const [inline] Get the file name where the exception occurred.

References m_errFileName.

int BDNTEx::getLineNumber () const [inline] Get the line number where the exception occurred.

References m_errLineNumber.

void BDNTEx::getMessage (std::string & msg) const [inline] Get the error message of the exception

References m_errMsg.

bool BDNTEx::isError () const [inline] Get error flag.

References m_isError.

Member Data Documentation

std::string BDNTEx::m_errFileName [protected]

Referenced by getFileName().

int BDNTEx::m_errLineNumber [protected]

Referenced by getLineNumber().

std::string BDNTEx::m_errMsg [protected]

Referenced by getMessage().

ACSErr::ErrorCode BDNTEx::m_errorCode [protected]

bool BDNTEx::m_isError [protected]

Referenced by isError().


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