
Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


BulkDataNTDDSLoggable −


#include <bulkDataNTDDSLoggable.h>

Inherits Logging::Loggable.

Inherited by AcsBulkdata::BulkDataNTReaderListener, and AcsBulkdata::BulkDataNTWriterListener.

Public Member Functions

BulkDataNTDDSLoggable (const std::string &loggerName)

virtual ~BulkDataNTDDSLoggable ()

void initalizeLogging ()

virtual Logging::Logger::LoggerSmartPtr getLogger ()

we override getLogger, so that we can initialize logging system if needed

Static Public Attributes

static LoggingProxy * logger_mp

static unsigned int loggerInitCount_m

Detailed Description

The purpose of this class is to make possible to log from classes that are used by threads created by DDS, where we do not have possibility to do the (per-thread) initialization of the logging system. The class just override getLogger and inside detects if the logging has been already initialized for the thread if not it does the initialization. TBD: at the moment the logs do not go to centralized logger. It has to be added functionality to set centralized logger.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BulkDataNTDDSLoggable::BulkDataNTDDSLoggable (const std::string & loggerName) [inline]

virtual BulkDataNTDDSLoggable::~BulkDataNTDDSLoggable () [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual Logging::Logger::LoggerSmartPtr BulkDataNTDDSLoggable::getLogger () [virtual]

we override getLogger, so that we can initialize logging system if needed

void BulkDataNTDDSLoggable::initalizeLogging () it checks if the logging has been initialized for current thread, and if not it initialize it

Member Data Documentation

LoggingProxy* BulkDataNTDDSLoggable::logger_mp [static]

unsigned int BulkDataNTDDSLoggable::loggerInitCount_m [static]


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