
Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation


ConstrErrorHelloWorld −


#include <acsexmplConstrErrorHelloWorld.h>

Inherits acscomponent::ACSComponentImpl.

Public Member Functions

ConstrErrorHelloWorld (const ACE_CString &name, maci::ContainerServices *containerServices)

virtual ~ConstrErrorHelloWorld ()

virtual void displayMessage ()

virtual void badMethod ()

Detailed Description

This class shows how to make an ACS Hello World component. It provides one synchronous method: displayMessage() which just prints ’Hello World’ to the command-line where the container that activated an instance of this component was started from. badMethod() is a trivial method showing developers how to raise ACS (i.e., CORBA) exceptions. This component will throw an exception during its initialization so this component cannot be activated. It can be used to test the behaviour of the maciContainer when it has to deploy a component which got an error during its construction.

All components should inherit from CharacteristicComponentImpl or it’s superclass, ACSComponentImpl, to remain compatible with ACS tools such as objexp (i.e., a GUI used to manipulate components). This class also derives from POA_acsexmplHelloWorld::HelloWorld which is a class automatically generated by CORBA from HelloWorld’s IDL file.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ConstrErrorHelloWorld::ConstrErrorHelloWorld (const ACE_CString & name, maci::ContainerServices * containerServices) Constructor


poa Poa which will activate this and also all other components. Developers need not be concerned with what a PortableServer does...just pass it to the superclass’s constructor.
component’s name. All components have a name associated with them so other components and clients can access them.


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