
Detailed Description
Member Typedef Documentation
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


LoggingProxy −


#include <loggingLoggingProxy.h>

Public Member Functions

void log (ACE_Log_Record &log_record)

LoggingProxy (const unsigned long cacheSize, const unsigned long minCachePriority, const unsigned long maxCachePriority, Logging::AcsLogService_ptr centralizedLogger=Logging::AcsLogService::_nil(), CosNaming::NamingContext_ptr namingContext=CosNaming::NamingContext::_nil(), const unsigned int autoFlushTimeoutSec=5, const int maxLogsPerSecond=-1)

~LoggingProxy ()


void setCentralizedLogger (Logging::AcsLogService_ptr centralizedLogger)

Set Centralized Logger.

void setNamingContext (CosNaming::NamingContext_ptr namingContext)

Set Naming Context.

void flush ()

Forces logger to flush cache. Thread safe!

void setStdio (int stdio)

Sets ACS_LOG_STDOUT runtime.

void logXML (const ACE_TCHAR *xml, bool cache=true)

Checks xml if it is XML and ’DTD’ string and send it to centralized logger. Thread safe!

void setAlarmSender (LogThrottleAlarm *alarmSender)

int getCacheLogCount () const

For testing only (not tread-safe).

Static Public Member Functions

static void LogEntryType (const ACE_TCHAR *szType)

static void Routine (const ACE_TCHAR *szRoutine)

static void File (const ACE_TCHAR *fileName)

static void Line (long lineNumber)

static void Flags (unsigned int uiFlags)

static void ThreadName (const ACE_TCHAR *szName)

static const ACE_TCHAR * ThreadName ()

Returns the name of the thread.

static void ProcessName (const ACE_TCHAR *szName)

static const ACE_TCHAR * ProcessName ()

Returns the name of the process.

static void ResetAttributes ()

static void AddAttribute (const ACE_TCHAR *szName, const ACE_TCHAR *szValue)

Add an attribute to the list of next log entries attributes.

static void LogId (const ACE_TCHAR *szName)

static void URI (const ACE_TCHAR *szName)

static void StackId (const ACE_TCHAR *szId)

static const ACE_TCHAR * StackId ()

static void PrivateFlags (int privateFlags)

Private flags (to be used only internally).

static const int PrivateFlags ()

Private flags (to be used only internally).

static void LogLevelLocalType (int logLevelLocalType)

static const int LogLevelLocalType ()

static void LogLevelRemoteType (int logLevelRemoteType)

static const int LogLevelRemoteType ()

static void StackLevel (int nLevel)

static int StackLevel ()

Retrieve the stack level in the current logical thread.

static void Context (const ACE_TCHAR *szName)

static const ACE_TCHAR * Context ()

Retrieve the context in which the code is operating.

static void SourceObject (const ACE_TCHAR *soName)

static const ACE_TCHAR * SourceObject ()

static void audience (const ACE_TCHAR *aud)

Set the audience intended for the log message.

static const ACE_TCHAR * audience ()

static void array (const ACE_TCHAR *aud)

Set the array where the log message was generated.

static const ACE_TCHAR * array ()

static void antenna (const ACE_TCHAR *aud)

Set the antenna where the log message was generated.

static const ACE_TCHAR * antenna ()

static void host (const ACE_TCHAR *aud)

Set the host where the log message was generated.

static const ACE_TCHAR * host ()

static void AddData (const ACE_TCHAR *szName, const ACE_TCHAR *szFormat,...)

static ACE_TSS< LoggingTSSStorage > * getTSS ()

static void init (LoggingProxy *loggingProxy)

ACE log type int-to-string mapping.

static void done ()

returns ACE_LOG_MSG to default state

static std::string BinToXml (ACSLoggingLog::LogBinaryRecord *record)

static unsigned long getPriority (ACE_Log_Record &log_record)

static bool isInit ()

Returns true if loggin is initialized otherwise false.

static bool isInitThread ()

Returns true if logging is initialized in this thread.

Protected Attributes

char * oldLog

Private Types

typedef std::deque< ACE_CString > LogDeque

typedef std::deque< ACSLoggingLog::LogBinaryRecord * > LogBinDeque

Private Member Functions

void failedToSend ()

Method to be called when CORBA invocation to the centralized logger failed.

void successfullySent ()

Method to be called when CORBA invocation to the centralized logger was successful.

bool reconnectToLogger ()

Tries to reconnect to the centralized logger (after some amount of time) and return <true> if successful.

void sendCache ()

Send local cache file to the centralized logger (Telecom log service).

void sendCacheInternal ()

Send local cache file to the centralized logger (Telecom log service).

bool sendRecord (CORBA::Any &record)

bool sendRecord (const Logging::XmlLogRecordSeq &reclist)

void sendXmlLogs (ACE_Log_Record &log_record, const ACE_TCHAR *timestamp, const ACE_TCHAR *entryType)

void sendBinLogs (ACE_Log_Record &log_record, const ACE_TCHAR *timestamp, const ACE_TCHAR *entryType)

ACE_CString getTempFileNameAndCreateMissingDirs (const ACE_TCHAR *timestamp)

int makeDirectory (const ACE_TCHAR *dirname, const ACE_TCHAR *timestamp)

Creates the given directory and its parent folders.

int createMissingDirectories (const ACE_TCHAR *dirname, const ACE_TCHAR *timestamp)

Check that the directory having the name given as parameter.

int logNonCentralizedLoggerCache (CacheLogger *logger, const ACE_CString &key, const ACE_TCHAR *timestamp)

Logs the content of the cache to the appropriate logging end point.

ACE_CString getParentFolder (const ACE_TCHAR *filename)

Returns the parent directory name of the file given as parameter.

virtual int svc ()

Thread entry point (thread worker).

Static Private Member Functions

static void formatISO8601inUTC (const ACE_Time_Value &timestamp, ACE_TCHAR str[])

Get time in ISO8601 format in UTC (eg. 2000-12-31T08:12:21.322) - 24 chars (incl. ).

static void * worker (void *)

Static thread worker (calls svc).

Private Attributes

unsigned long m_cacheSize

unsigned long m_minCachePriority

unsigned long m_maxCachePriority

unsigned int m_autoFlushTimeoutSec

int m_maxLogsPerSecond

logging::LogThrottle * logThrottle

LogThrottleAlarm * logThrottleAlarm_p

Logging::AcsLogService_var m_logger

bool m_noLogger

CosNaming::NamingContext_var m_namingContext

int m_failureCount

ACE_Time_Value m_disconnectionTime

LogDeque m_cache

LogBinDeque m_bin_cache

bool m_cacheDisabled

Cache state.

ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex m_mutex

bool m_logBin

ACE_CString m_filename

Local output file, if Centralized Logger is unavailable (set by ACE_LOG_FILE env. var).

bool m_alreadyInformed

Switch to inform client only once about logging to the file.

int m_envStdioPriority

int m_envCentralizePriority

ACE_CString m_syslog


The mutual exclusion mechanism which is required to use the <m_workWorkCond>.


Work condition.

volatile bool m_sendingPending

Sending pending...

volatile bool m_threadCreated

Thread creation flag.

ACE_Barrier m_threadShutdown

Thread start barrier.

volatile bool m_shutdown

Static Private Attributes

static int m_failureLimit

Failure count limit.

static int m_minReconnectionTime

Reconnection retry (minimum time in sec).

static char m_process [256]

static ACE_TSS< LoggingTSSStorage > * tss

static int instances

static bool initialized

Initialization flag.

static ACE_CString sourceObject_m

static unsigned int setClrCount_m

Detailed Description

The Log Message Callback. All ACE logging requests (ACE_DEBUG, ACE_ERROR, or ACS_LOG calls) are to be redirected through this LoggingProxy. One of the first things what an ACS application should do is to initialize LoggingProxy. An example of initialization:

 // initialize ACE logger instance
 ACE_TCHAR hostname[33];
 ACE_OS::hostname (hostname, sizeof(hostname));
 LoggingProxy * logger = new LoggingProxy(cacheSize, minCachePriority, maxCachePriority, telecomLogger.in(), namingContext.in());
 if (logger)

WARNING: When LoggingProxy is configured to log to the centralized logger, this means remote logging using CORBA, user of the LoggingProxy is obligated to disable remote logging before shutting down CORBA, i.e. calling CORBA::ORB::shutdown() or CORBA::ORB::destroy() metods. This is simply done by setting centralized logger refernce to nil. An example: if (logger) { logger->flush(); logger->setCentralizedLogger(Logging::AcsLogService::_nil()); }

LoggingProxy is also configurable via next enivronment variables:


ACS_LOG_STDOUT - variable which controls STDOUT output of logs (default is LM_INFO - 4). All priorities with >= priority are outputed. For instance, to have all logs outputted set variable to 0.


ACS_LOG_SYSLOG - if variable is set, syslog is used to save logging cache (in case of unavailability of centralized logger). The syntax is [facility@]hostname[:port] (default facility is LOG_USER and default port is 514). To take advantage of local syslog calls (on systems supporting it), use ’localhost’ as hostname. If variable is not set, local file is used to save logs.


ACS_LOG_FILE - the name of the file where logger cache is saved (default is /tmp/acs_local_log).


Matej Sekoranja, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia


Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::deque<ACSLoggingLog::LogBinaryRecord *> LoggingProxy::LogBinDeque [private]

typedef std::deque<ACE_CString> LoggingProxy::LogDeque [private] Local cache

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

LoggingProxy::LoggingProxy (const unsigned long cacheSize, const unsigned long minCachePriority, const unsigned long maxCachePriority, Logging::AcsLogService_ptr centralizedLogger = Logging::AcsLogService::_nil(), CosNaming::NamingContext_ptr namingContext = CosNaming::NamingContext::_nil(), const unsigned int autoFlushTimeoutSec = 5, const int maxLogsPerSecond = -1) Constructor WARNING: LoggingProxy MUST be created before calling any of its static methods!

LoggingProxy::~LoggingProxy ()


Member Function Documentation

static void LoggingProxy::AddAttribute (const ACE_TCHAR * szName, const ACE_TCHAR * szValue) [static]

Add an attribute to the list of next log entries attributes.

static void LoggingProxy::AddData (const ACE_TCHAR * szName, const ACE_TCHAR * szFormat, ...) [static] Supply data with the log entry that follows. The maximum lenghth for AddData value is ADD_DATA_VALUE_MAX (255+). If it is too long it will be truncated.

Referenced by Logging::RepeatGuardLogger< ALogger >::log(), and Logging::RepeatGuardLogger< ALogger >::logAndIncrement().

static void LoggingProxy::antenna (const ACE_TCHAR * aud) [static]

Set the antenna where the log message was generated.

static const ACE_TCHAR* LoggingProxy::antenna () [static] Return the antenna. The name is global per thread (stored in thread-specific storage TSS)

static const ACE_TCHAR* LoggingProxy::array () [static] Return the array. The name is global per thread (stored in thread-specific storage TSS)

static void LoggingProxy::array (const ACE_TCHAR * aud) [static]

Set the array where the log message was generated.

static void LoggingProxy::audience (const ACE_TCHAR * aud) [static]

Set the audience intended for the log message.

static const ACE_TCHAR* LoggingProxy::audience () [static] Return the audience. The name is global per thread (stored in thread-specific storage TSS)

static std::string LoggingProxy::BinToXml (ACSLoggingLog::LogBinaryRecord * record) [static]

static const ACE_TCHAR* LoggingProxy::Context () [static]

Retrieve the context in which the code is operating.

static void LoggingProxy::Context (const ACE_TCHAR * szName) [static] Set the context in which the code is operating. Pointer to the name must be stored in the thread-specific storage!

int LoggingProxy::createMissingDirectories (const ACE_TCHAR * dirname, const ACE_TCHAR * timestamp) [private]

Check that the directory having the name given as parameter.

static void LoggingProxy::done () [static]

returns ACE_LOG_MSG to default state

void LoggingProxy::failedToSend () [private]

Method to be called when CORBA invocation to the centralized logger failed.

static void LoggingProxy::File (const ACE_TCHAR * fileName) [static] Specifies the name of the file where the following log entry will be generated. Pointer to the string must be stored in the thread-specific storage!

static void LoggingProxy::Flags (unsigned int uiFlags) [static] Set the flags that will apply to the log entry that will be submitted next. Flags must be stored in thread-specific storage! Flags are obtained by OR-ing appropriate LM_* values above. If priority is 0, the default priority associated with ACE’s log entry type (LM_INFO, LM_ERROR, ...) is implied.

void LoggingProxy::flush ()

Forces logger to flush cache. Thread safe!

static void LoggingProxy::formatISO8601inUTC (const ACE_Time_Value & timestamp, ACE_TCHAR str[]) [static, private]

Get time in ISO8601 format in UTC (eg. 2000-12-31T08:12:21.322) - 24 chars (incl. ).

int LoggingProxy::getCacheLogCount () const [inline]

For testing only (not tread-safe).

ACE_CString LoggingProxy::getParentFolder (const ACE_TCHAR * filename) [private]

Returns the parent directory name of the file given as parameter.

static unsigned long LoggingProxy::getPriority (ACE_Log_Record & log_record) [static] Returns priority of the record (default or overriden). It returns ACS priority which is ACE priority increased by 1. in the past ACE and ACS priorities were aligned, due a bug in ACS’s log2!

ACE_CString LoggingProxy::getTempFileNameAndCreateMissingDirs (const ACE_TCHAR * timestamp) [private] This will return the name of the file that will be used to store the logs locally and will try to create the missing directories if they currently do not exist This will return an empty string ’’ if the directory where the local log file should have been created cannot be created or does not have the correct permissions If ACS_LOG_FILE is defined, this will return the content of this variable unless the file defined by this variable cannot be created (permissions problems). In this case and if ACS_LOG_FILE is not defined, this method will return a filename located under $ACS_TMP directory, if it is defined, or under [$ACSDATA]/tmp/[$HOST]/[ACS_INSTANCE.$ACS_INSTANCE]

static ACE_TSS<LoggingTSSStorage>* LoggingProxy::getTSS () [static]

static void LoggingProxy::host (const ACE_TCHAR * aud) [static]

Set the host where the log message was generated.

static const ACE_TCHAR* LoggingProxy::host () [static] Return the host The name is global per thread (stored in thread-specific storage TSS)

static void LoggingProxy::init (LoggingProxy * loggingProxy) [static]

ACE log type int-to-string mapping. initializes ACE_LOG_MSG (must be done per each thread)

static bool LoggingProxy::isInit () [inline, static]

Returns true if loggin is initialized otherwise false.

static bool LoggingProxy::isInitThread () [static]

Returns true if logging is initialized in this thread.

static void LoggingProxy::Line (long lineNumber) [static] Specifies the name of the file where the following log entry will be generated. Pointer to the string must be stored in the thread-specific storage!

void LoggingProxy::log (ACE_Log_Record & log_record) Receives all log entries submited within the process. Thread safe!

static void LoggingProxy::LogEntryType (const ACE_TCHAR * szType) [static] Specifies the log entry type, if the output representation is different than the one implied with ACEs log entry type. Applies for the next log entry only. Pointer to the string must be stored in the thread-specific storage!

static void LoggingProxy::LogId (const ACE_TCHAR * szName) [static] Specify the LogId attribute of the log entry that follows. Can be 0 (default) in which case no LogId attribute is output.

static void LoggingProxy::LogLevelLocalType (int logLevelLocalType) [static]

static const int LoggingProxy::LogLevelLocalType () [static]

static void LoggingProxy::LogLevelRemoteType (int logLevelRemoteType) [static]

static const int LoggingProxy::LogLevelRemoteType () [static]

int LoggingProxy::logNonCentralizedLoggerCache (CacheLogger * logger, const ACE_CString & key, const ACE_TCHAR * timestamp) [private]

Logs the content of the cache to the appropriate logging end point.

void LoggingProxy::logXML (const ACE_TCHAR * xml, bool cache = true)

Checks xml if it is XML and ’DTD’ string and send it to centralized logger. Thread safe!

int LoggingProxy::makeDirectory (const ACE_TCHAR * dirname, const ACE_TCHAR * timestamp) [private]

Creates the given directory and its parent folders.

static void LoggingProxy::PrivateFlags (int privateFlags) [static]

Private flags (to be used only internally).

static const int LoggingProxy::PrivateFlags () [static]

Private flags (to be used only internally).

static void LoggingProxy::ProcessName (const ACE_TCHAR * szName) [static] Specifies the name of the process. Must be stored in a process-wide global variable!

static const ACE_TCHAR* LoggingProxy::ProcessName () [static]

Returns the name of the process.
Referenced by acsDaemonImpl< T >::acsDaemonImpl().

bool LoggingProxy::reconnectToLogger () [private]

Tries to reconnect to the centralized logger (after some amount of time) and return <true> if successful.

static void LoggingProxy::ResetAttributes () [static] Reset the list of custom attributes. The attributes are applicable to the next log entry only.

static void LoggingProxy::Routine (const ACE_TCHAR * szRoutine) [static] Specifies the name of the routine (function) where the following log entry will be generated. Pointer to the string must be stored in the thread-specific storage!

void LoggingProxy::sendBinLogs (ACE_Log_Record & log_record, const ACE_TCHAR * timestamp, const ACE_TCHAR * entryType) [private]

void LoggingProxy::sendCache () [private]

Send local cache file to the centralized logger (Telecom log service).

void LoggingProxy::sendCacheInternal () [private]

Send local cache file to the centralized logger (Telecom log service).

bool LoggingProxy::sendRecord (CORBA::Any & record) [private] Send given record to the centralized logger (Telecom log service) Return: true if successful, false on failure

bool LoggingProxy::sendRecord (const Logging::XmlLogRecordSeq & reclist) [private] Send given record to the centralized logger (Telecom log service) Return: true if successful, false on failure

void LoggingProxy::sendXmlLogs (ACE_Log_Record & log_record, const ACE_TCHAR * timestamp, const ACE_TCHAR * entryType) [private]

void LoggingProxy::setAlarmSender (LogThrottleAlarm * alarmSender) Set the pointer to raise/clear alarms in case the log throttle inhibits the sending of logs.

If the passed parameter is NULL, the sending of alarms is inhibited.

void LoggingProxy::setCentralizedLogger (Logging::AcsLogService_ptr centralizedLogger)

Set Centralized Logger.

void LoggingProxy::setNamingContext (CosNaming::NamingContext_ptr namingContext) [inline]

Set Naming Context.

void LoggingProxy::setStdio (int stdio) [inline]

Sets ACS_LOG_STDOUT runtime.

static const ACE_TCHAR* LoggingProxy::SourceObject () [static] Return the name of the source object set by SourceObject The name is global per thread (stored in thread-specific storage TSS)

static void LoggingProxy::SourceObject (const ACE_TCHAR * soName) [static] Set the name of the object which is publishing the log. Pointer to the name must be stored in the thread-specific storage!

static const ACE_TCHAR* LoggingProxy::StackId () [static] Returns the the logical thread ID. Must have been set previously using StackId.

static void LoggingProxy::StackId (const ACE_TCHAR * szId) [static] Specifies the stack ID of the current logical thread. Pointer to the name must be stored in the thread-specific storage! Can be set to NULL if the logical thread ID is unknown.

static void LoggingProxy::StackLevel (int nLevel) [static] Set the stack level in the current logical thread. The value must be stored in the thread-specific storage!

static int LoggingProxy::StackLevel () [static]

Retrieve the stack level in the current logical thread.

void LoggingProxy::successfullySent () [private]

Method to be called when CORBA invocation to the centralized logger was successful.

virtual int LoggingProxy::svc () [private, virtual]

Thread entry point (thread worker).

static const ACE_TCHAR* LoggingProxy::ThreadName () [static]

Returns the name of the thread.
Referenced by acsDaemonImpl< T >::acsDaemonImpl().

static void LoggingProxy::ThreadName (const ACE_TCHAR * szName) [static] Specifies the name of the thread. Pointer to the name must be stored in the thread-specific storage!

static void LoggingProxy::URI (const ACE_TCHAR * szName) [static] Specify the URI attribute of the log entry that follows. Can be 0 (default) in which case no URI attribute is output.

static void* LoggingProxy::worker (void *) [static, private]

Static thread worker (calls svc).

Member Data Documentation

bool LoggingProxy::initialized [static, private]

Initialization flag.

int LoggingProxy::instances [static, private]

logging::LogThrottle* LoggingProxy::logThrottle [private]

LogThrottleAlarm* LoggingProxy::logThrottleAlarm_p [private] The object to raise/clear alarms when the throttle inhibits the sending of logs.

It is initially NULL and alarms are pushed only if it is explicitly set

bool LoggingProxy::m_alreadyInformed [private]

Switch to inform client only once about logging to the file.

unsigned int LoggingProxy::m_autoFlushTimeoutSec [private] Timeout in seconds to auto-flush (send cache).

LogBinDeque LoggingProxy::m_bin_cache [private]

LogDeque LoggingProxy::m_cache [private]

bool LoggingProxy::m_cacheDisabled [private]

Cache state.

unsigned long LoggingProxy::m_cacheSize [private] The number of log entries that can be kept in the local cache. When this number is reached, all log entries are transferred to the centralized logging. If network connection is not available, the local cache continues to grow, and every submitting of a log entry will attempt to flush the cache to the centralized logging.

ACE_Time_Value LoggingProxy::m_disconnectionTime [private] The time CL was disabled. LoggingProxy will try to reconnect after some (defined) time.

ACE_SYNCH_CONDITION LoggingProxy::m_doWorkCond [private]

Work condition.

ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX LoggingProxy::m_doWorkMutex [private]

The mutual exclusion mechanism which is required to use the <m_workWorkCond>.

int LoggingProxy::m_envCentralizePriority [private]

int LoggingProxy::m_envStdioPriority [private] Priority of logs to be sent to STDIO (set by ACE_LOG_STDIO env. var.): # < 0 - log only LM_INFO (4) and higher - default # otherwise all >= log all

int LoggingProxy::m_failureCount [private] Failure counter for centralized logger (CL). If the failure counter reaches the limit, CL is disabled.

int LoggingProxy::m_failureLimit [static, private]

Failure count limit.

ACE_CString LoggingProxy::m_filename [private]

Local output file, if Centralized Logger is unavailable (set by ACE_LOG_FILE env. var).

bool LoggingProxy::m_logBin [private]

Logging::AcsLogService_var LoggingProxy::m_logger [private] Reference to the persistent object which implements the Telecom Log Services Log interface, in particular the write_records method.

unsigned long LoggingProxy::m_maxCachePriority [private] Log entries whose priority exceeds (is greater than) the one specified with this property will be directly transmitted to the centralized logging, bypassing the local cache. If this is set to MinCachePriority 1, the local cache feature is disabled.

int LoggingProxy::m_maxLogsPerSecond [private] Throttling, max Log/second allowed to be sent to the logging system. -1 turn off the throttling

unsigned long LoggingProxy::m_minCachePriority [private] Log entries whose priority is below (smaller than) the one specified with this property will be ignored (neither cached nor submitted to the centralized logging). In release version of the system, this will be set to LM_INFO (3), ignoring LM_TRACE and LM_DEBUG log entries. Debug version of the system will set this to LM_DEBUG (2). During development, it will be set to LM_TRACE (1).

int LoggingProxy::m_minReconnectionTime [static, private]

Reconnection retry (minimum time in sec).

ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex LoggingProxy::m_mutex [private] Thread mutex to make log() method thread-safe

CosNaming::NamingContext_var LoggingProxy::m_namingContext [private] Reference to the naming service. Used to get new reference of the Centralized Logger (’Log’) in reconnectToLogger() method.

bool LoggingProxy::m_noLogger [private]

char LoggingProxy::m_process[256] [static, private] Process

volatile bool LoggingProxy::m_sendingPending [private]

Sending pending...

volatile bool LoggingProxy::m_shutdown [private]

ACE_CString LoggingProxy::m_syslog [private] Syslog setting (set by ACE_LOG_SYSLOG env. var.): not defined - local file cache is used ’localhost’ - local syslog is used (if available) hostname - remote syslog is used (by default port 514/udp is used).

volatile bool LoggingProxy::m_threadCreated [private]

Thread creation flag.

ACE_Barrier LoggingProxy::m_threadShutdown [private]

Thread start barrier. Thread shutdown barrier

char* LoggingProxy::oldLog [protected] If the environment variable LOG_SERVICE_USE_EXTENSIONS is set the new log way will be used

unsigned int LoggingProxy::setClrCount_m [static, private] Set /clear flag counter - number of timest that global flags were set cleared

ACE_CString LoggingProxy::sourceObject_m [static, private]

ACE_TSS<LoggingTSSStorage>* LoggingProxy::tss [static, private] Thread specific storage


Generated automatically by Doxygen for ACS-2015.2 C++ API from the source code.