
Detailed Description
Member Typedef Documentation
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Data Documentation


Logging::StopWatch −

the implementation is based on LogTrace. It probably could be merged together.


#include <loggingStopWatch.h>

Public Types

typedef Loki::SmartPtr< StopWatch, Loki::NoCopy, Loki::DisallowConversion, Loki::RejectNull, Loki::DefaultSPStorage > StopWatchSmartPtr

LogTrace smart pointer.

Public Member Functions

StopWatch (Logger::LoggerSmartPtr logger, const std::string &file, unsigned long line, const std::string &msg, double maxTime=0.0)

~StopWatch ()

Protected Attributes

Logger::LoggerSmartPtr logger_m

std::string msg_m

std::string fileName_m

unsigned long lineNumber_m

double maxTime_m

ACE_Time_Value startTime_m

ACE_Time_Value endTime_m

Detailed Description

the implementation is based on LogTrace. It probably could be merged together.

The idea of the StopWatch class is to measure the time a certain operation or block of operations take. In the ctor the timer starts and it stops in dtor, in other words. When a StopWatch object is created the stop watch starts and it stops when the object is deleted - it goes out of scope. At the moment the class is located in the logging module because it uses logging facilities.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef Loki::SmartPtr<StopWatch, Loki::NoCopy, Loki::DisallowConversion, Loki::RejectNull, Loki::DefaultSPStorage> Logging::StopWatch::StopWatchSmartPtr

LogTrace smart pointer.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Logging::StopWatch::StopWatch (Logger::LoggerSmartPtr logger, const std::string & file, unsigned long line, const std::string & msg, double maxTime = 0.0)

Logging::StopWatch::~StopWatch ()

Member Data Documentation

ACE_Time_Value Logging::StopWatch::endTime_m [protected]

std::string Logging::StopWatch::fileName_m [protected]

unsigned long Logging::StopWatch::lineNumber_m [protected]

Logger::LoggerSmartPtr Logging::StopWatch::logger_m [protected]

double Logging::StopWatch::maxTime_m [protected]

std::string Logging::StopWatch::msg_m [protected]

ACE_Time_Value Logging::StopWatch::startTime_m [protected]


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