
Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation


Mount −

Contains the defintion of the standard superclass for C++ components.


#include <acsexmplMountImpl.h>

Inherits acscomponent::ACSComponentImpl, baci::CharacteristicComponentImpl, and baci::ActionImplementator.

Public Member Functions

Mount (ACE_CString name, maci::ContainerServices *containerServices)

virtual ~Mount ()

virtual baci::ActionRequest invokeAction (int function, baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest obstarAction (baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual baci::ActionRequest objfixAction (baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual void obstar (CORBA::Double ra, CORBA::Double dec, CORBA::Double pmRa, CORBA::Double pmDec, CORBA::Double radVel, CORBA::Double par, MOUNT_ACS::Mount::coordType type, ACS::CBvoid_ptr callBack, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual void objfix (CORBA::Double az, CORBA::Double elev, ACS::CBvoid_ptr callBack, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr cmdAz ()

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr cmdEl ()

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr actAz ()

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr actEl ()

Mount (const ACE_CString &name, maci::ContainerServices *containerServices)

virtual ~Mount ()

void faultMount ()

void terminate_faultMount ()

Private Types

typedef baci::ActionRequest(Mount::* ActionFunction )(baci::BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, baci::BACIValue *value_p, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

Private Member Functions

void operator= (const Mount &)

Private Attributes

ActionFunction m_actions [2]

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > m_cmdAz_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > m_cmdEl_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > m_actAz_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > m_actEl_sp

Detailed Description

Contains the defintion of the standard superclass for C++ components.

Simulates the behavior of an antenna interface. The class Mount is a good example of a component and simulates the behaviour of an antenna interface. It provides two asynchronous methods: objstar and objfix. The methods only write the data into virtual properties instead of hardware. Asynchronous calls are implemented using the ...... pattern and the ..... support classes. For each xxx action defined in the IDL interface two methods are provided:

xxx() just registers the action and installs the callback

xxxAction() performs (asyncronously) the action and invokes the callback when finished. The Mount::invokeAction method is called by the asynchronous dispatcher whenever there is an xxx pending action and it calls the xxxAction corresponding method. Also, invokeAction calls these methods by simply using a function pointer (ActionFunction) instead of specifying each method.


CORBA generated servant stub

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Mount::Mount (ACE_CString name, maci::ContainerServices * containerServices) Constructor


name component’s name. This is also the name that will be used to find the configuration data for the component in the Configuration Database.
The pointer to the container services

Mount::Mount (const ACE_CString & name, maci::ContainerServices * containerServices) Constructor

virtual Mount::~Mount () [virtual] Destructor

Member Function Documentation

void Mount::faultMount ()

void Mount::terminate_faultMount ()


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