
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


Mount5Impl −


#include <acscourseMount5Impl.h>

Inherits baci::CharacteristicComponentImpl.

Public Member Functions

Mount5Impl (const ACE_CString &name, maci::ContainerServices *containerServices)

virtual ~Mount5Impl ()

virtual void objfix (CORBA::Double az, CORBA::Double elev)

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr cmdAz ()

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr cmdEl ()

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr actAz ()

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr actEl ()

Protected Attributes

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > m_cmdAz_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > m_cmdEl_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > m_actAz_sp

baci::SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROdouble > m_actEl_sp

Private Member Functions

void operator= (const Mount5Impl &)

Private Attributes

nc::SimpleSupplier * m_MountSupplier_p

nc::SimpleConsumer< ACSCOURSE_MOUNT::MountEventData > * m_simpConsumer_p

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Mount5Impl::Mount5Impl (const ACE_CString & name, maci::ContainerServices * containerServices) Constructor Nearly identical to the Mount1 C++ class’s implementation except that it instantiates both event supplier and consumer objects.


name component’s name.
the container services object for this component

virtual Mount5Impl::~Mount5Impl () [virtual] Destructor Nearly identical to the Mount1 C++ class’s implementation except that it destroys the event supplier and consumer objects.

Member Function Documentation

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr Mount5Impl::actAz () [virtual] Returns a reference to the actAz property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


pointer to read-only double property actAz

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr Mount5Impl::actEl () [virtual] Returns a reference to the actEl property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


pointer to read-only double property actEl

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr Mount5Impl::cmdAz () [virtual] Returns a reference to the cmdAz property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


pointer to read-write double property cmdAz

virtual ACS::ROdouble_ptr Mount5Impl::cmdEl () [virtual] Returns a reference to the cmdEl property Implementation of IDL interface for the property.


pointer to read-only write property cmdEl

virtual void Mount5Impl::objfix (CORBA::Double az, CORBA::Double elev) [virtual] (Pre)sets a new non-moving position for the antenna. The position coordinates are given in azimuth and elevation. The actual az and elev values are written to the properties cmdAz, cmdEl, actAz and actEl.


az position azimuth (degree)
position elevation (degree)





void Mount5Impl::operator= (const Mount5Impl &) [private] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy operators should be disabled.

Member Data Documentation

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> Mount5Impl::m_actAz_sp [protected] m_actAz_p is the antenna’s actual azimuth

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> Mount5Impl::m_actEl_sp [protected] m_actEl_p is the antenna’s actual elevation

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> Mount5Impl::m_cmdAz_sp [protected] m_cmdAz_p is the antenna’s commanded azimuth

baci::SmartPropertyPointer<baci::ROdouble> Mount5Impl::m_cmdEl_sp [protected] m_cmdEl_p is the antenna’s commanded elevation

nc::SimpleSupplier* Mount5Impl::m_MountSupplier_p [private] This is the Supplier class used to publish data to the event channel.

nc::SimpleConsumer<ACSCOURSE_MOUNT::MountEventData>* Mount5Impl::m_simpConsumer_p [private] This is the Consumer class used to consumer data from the event channel. The templated parameter is the type of event that will be subscribed to.


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