
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


Registrar −


#include <baciRegistrar.h>


struct Element

Public Member Functions

Registrar (Handle hOffset=0, int nCapacity=128)

~Registrar ()

T & operator[] (Handle h)

const T & operator[] (Handle h) const

bool setCapacity (int nCapacity)

int getCapacity ()

int getSize ()

Handle allocate (Handle h=0)

Handle deallocate (Handle h)

bool isAllocated (Handle h)

Handle first ()

Handle last ()

Handle next (Handle h)

Handle previous (Handle h)

int checkIntegrity ()

Registrar (Handle hOffset=0, int nCapacity=128)

~Registrar ()

T & operator[] (Handle h)

const T & operator[] (Handle h) const

bool SetCapacity (int nCapacity)

int GetCapacity ()

int GetSize ()

Handle Allocate (Handle h=0)

Handle Preallocate (Handle h=0)

Handle AckAllocate (Handle h)

Handle Deallocate (Handle h)

Handle Depreallocate (Handle h)

bool IsAllocated (Handle h)

Handle First ()

Handle Last ()

Handle Next (Handle h)

Handle Previous (Handle h)

int CheckIntegrity ()

Private Member Functions

void operator= (const Registrar &)

Registrar (const Registrar &)

Private Attributes

int nCapacity_m

int nSize_m

Element * pData_mp

Handle hfirst_m

Handle hlast_m

Handle hOffset_m

int m_nCapacity

int m_nSize

Element * m_pData

Handle m_hFirst

Handle m_hLast

Handle m_hOffset

template<class Handle, class T> class Registrar< Handle, T >

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class Handle, class T> Registrar< Handle, T >::Registrar (Handle hOffset = 0, int nCapacity = 128)

template<class Handle, class T> Registrar< Handle, T >::~Registrar ()

template<class Handle, class T> Registrar< Handle, T >::Registrar (const Registrar< Handle, T > &) [private] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy constructors should be disabled.

template<class Handle, class T> Registrar< Handle, T >::Registrar (Handle hOffset = 0, int nCapacity = 128)

template<class Handle, class T> Registrar< Handle, T >::~Registrar ()

Member Function Documentation

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::AckAllocate (Handle h)

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::allocate (Handle h = 0)

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::Allocate (Handle h = 0)

template<class Handle, class T> int Registrar< Handle, T >::checkIntegrity ()

template<class Handle, class T> int Registrar< Handle, T >::CheckIntegrity ()

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::Deallocate (Handle h)

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::deallocate (Handle h)

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::Depreallocate (Handle h)

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::first () [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::First () [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> int Registrar< Handle, T >::GetCapacity () [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> int Registrar< Handle, T >::getCapacity () [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> int Registrar< Handle, T >::getSize () [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> int Registrar< Handle, T >::GetSize () [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> bool Registrar< Handle, T >::isAllocated (Handle h)

template<class Handle, class T> bool Registrar< Handle, T >::IsAllocated (Handle h)

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::last () [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::Last () [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::next (Handle h) [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::Next (Handle h) [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> void Registrar< Handle, T >::operator= (const Registrar< Handle, T > &) [private] ALMA C++ coding standards state assignment operators should be disabled.

template<class Handle, class T> const T& Registrar< Handle, T >::operator[] (Handle h) const [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> const T& Registrar< Handle, T >::operator[] (Handle h) const [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> T& Registrar< Handle, T >::operator[] (Handle h) [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> T& Registrar< Handle, T >::operator[] (Handle h) [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::Preallocate (Handle h = 0)

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::Previous (Handle h) [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::previous (Handle h) [inline]

template<class Handle, class T> bool Registrar< Handle, T >::setCapacity (int nCapacity)

template<class Handle, class T> bool Registrar< Handle, T >::SetCapacity (int nCapacity)

Member Data Documentation

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::hfirst_m [private]

Referenced by Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::first().

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::hlast_m [private]

Referenced by Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::last().

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::hOffset_m [private]

Referenced by Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::first(), Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::last(), Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::next(), Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::operator[](), and Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::previous().

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::m_hFirst [private]

Referenced by Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::First().

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::m_hLast [private]

Referenced by Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::Last().

template<class Handle, class T> Handle Registrar< Handle, T >::m_hOffset [private]

Referenced by Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::First(), Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::Last(), Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::Next(), Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::operator[](), and Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::Previous().

template<class Handle, class T> int Registrar< Handle, T >::m_nCapacity [private]

Referenced by Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::GetCapacity().

template<class Handle, class T> int Registrar< Handle, T >::m_nSize [private]

Referenced by Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::GetSize().

template<class Handle, class T> Element* Registrar< Handle, T >::m_pData [private]

Referenced by Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::Next(), Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::operator[](), and Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::Previous().

template<class Handle, class T> int Registrar< Handle, T >::nCapacity_m [private]

Referenced by Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::getCapacity().

template<class Handle, class T> int Registrar< Handle, T >::nSize_m [private]

Referenced by Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::getSize().

template<class Handle, class T> Element* Registrar< Handle, T >::pData_mp [private]

Referenced by Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::next(), Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::operator[](), and Registrar< int, BACICallback * >::previous().


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