
Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


RemoteSyslogLogger −


#include <loggingRemoteSyslog.h>

Inherits CacheLogger.


struct facilityPair

Structure used for facility name to int value mapping.

Public Member Functions

RemoteSyslogLogger (int facility=LOG_USER)

virtual ~RemoteSyslogLogger (void)


virtual int open (const ACE_TCHAR *host)

Open a new connection.

virtual int reset (void)

No-op for UDP.

virtual int close (void)

No-op for UDP.

virtual ssize_t log (ACE_Log_Record &log_record)

virtual ssize_t log (int priority, const ACE_TCHAR *msg)

Send log.

virtual const ACE_TCHAR * getIdentification ()

Returns identification string, e.g. ’Remote syslog’.

virtual const ACE_TCHAR * getDestination ()

Returns the destination of the logger, e.g. ’’.

Static Public Attributes

static facilityPair m_facilityNames []

Facility name to int value mapping table.

Private Attributes

ACE_INET_Addr m_remoteAddress

Remote address.

ACE_SOCK_Dgram m_socket

UDP socket object.

int m_facility

syslog facility.

ACE_CString m_address

Remote address.

Detailed Description

Implements an ACE_Log_Msg_Backend that logs to a remote syslog using User Datagram Protocal (UDP).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RemoteSyslogLogger::RemoteSyslogLogger (int facility = LOG_USER) Constructor facility has to be already shifted left by 3 bits.

virtual RemoteSyslogLogger::~RemoteSyslogLogger (void) [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual int RemoteSyslogLogger::close (void) [virtual]

No-op for UDP.

Implements CacheLogger.

virtual const ACE_TCHAR* RemoteSyslogLogger::getDestination () [virtual]

Returns the destination of the logger, e.g. ’’.

Implements CacheLogger.

virtual const ACE_TCHAR* RemoteSyslogLogger::getIdentification () [virtual]

Returns identification string, e.g. ’Remote syslog’.

Implements CacheLogger.

virtual ssize_t RemoteSyslogLogger::log (int priority, const ACE_TCHAR * msg) [virtual]

Send log.

Implements CacheLogger.

virtual ssize_t RemoteSyslogLogger::log (ACE_Log_Record & log_record) [virtual] ACE_Log_Record with msg_data and priority set. Logs the record’s msg_data() and maps ACE priority to syslog priority. ACE_Log_Record.msg_data() copies message (performacne concern).

Implements CacheLogger.

virtual int RemoteSyslogLogger::open (const ACE_TCHAR * host) [virtual]

Open a new connection.

Implements CacheLogger.

virtual int RemoteSyslogLogger::reset (void) [virtual]

No-op for UDP.

Implements CacheLogger.

Member Data Documentation

ACE_CString RemoteSyslogLogger::m_address [private]

Remote address.

int RemoteSyslogLogger::m_facility [private]

syslog facility.

facilityPair RemoteSyslogLogger::m_facilityNames[] [static]

Facility name to int value mapping table.

ACE_INET_Addr RemoteSyslogLogger::m_remoteAddress [private]

Remote address.

ACE_SOCK_Dgram RemoteSyslogLogger::m_socket [private]

UDP socket object.


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