
Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


RepeatGuard −

Guard class against code repetitions.


#include <RepeatGuard.h>

Inherited by Logging::RepeatGuardLogger< ALogger > [private], Logging::RepeatGuardLogger< ACSErr::ACSbaseExImpl > [private], and Logging::RepeatGuardLogger< Logging::BaseLog > [private].

Public Member Functions

RepeatGuard (ACS::TimeInterval interval, unsigned int maxRepetitions, bool or_or_and=true)

~RepeatGuard ()

bool check ()

bool checkAndIncrement ()

void increment ()

unsigned int count ()

void reset ()

void reset (ACS::TimeInterval interval, unsigned int maxRepetitions, bool or_or_and=true)

Protected Attributes

unsigned int counter

unsigned int counterAtLastCheck

unsigned int maxRepetitions

unsigned int method

bool firstTime

ACS::TimeInterval interval

ACS::Time lastTime

ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex mutex

Detailed Description

Guard class against code repetitions.

This class intends to be a generic class to avoid repetition of code blocks. It is also intended as a base class for other specific uses, such as RepetGuardLogger.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RepeatGuard::RepeatGuard (ACS::TimeInterval interval, unsigned int maxRepetitions, bool or_or_and = true) Constructor


interval minimum interval between allowing an action(i.e. check returns true)(in 100ns)(condition 1)
maxRepetitions between logs.(condition 2)
true: conditions 1 or 2 must be met, false: conditions 1 and 2 must be met. Ignored if interval or maxRepetitions is zero.

RepeatGuard::~RepeatGuard ()

Member Function Documentation

bool RepeatGuard::check () This method returns true or false if the next block of code is allowed to be executed or not.


true if the conditions to allow an action have been met(conditions depend on the constructor used)

Referenced by Logging::RepeatGuardLogger< ALogger >::log().

bool RepeatGuard::checkAndIncrement () This method returns true or false if the next block of code is allowed to be executed or not. Also it increments the counter.


true if the conditions to allow an action have been met(conditions depend on the constructor used)

Referenced by Logging::RepeatGuardLogger< ALogger >::logAndIncrement().

unsigned int RepeatGuard::count () To see how many attempts have been made.


the counter at the moment of the last call to check() or checkAndIncrement()

Referenced by Logging::RepeatGuardLogger< ALogger >::log(), and Logging::RepeatGuardLogger< ALogger >::logAndIncrement().

void RepeatGuard::increment () Increments the repetition counter.

void RepeatGuard::reset (ACS::TimeInterval interval, unsigned int maxRepetitions, bool or_or_and = true) Resets counter and time of the last time check() returned true.


interval minimum interval between allowing an action(i.e. check returns true)(in 100ns)(condition 1)
maxRepetitions between logs.(condition 2)
true: conditions 1 or 2 must be met, false: conditions 1 and 2 must be met. Ignored if interval or maxRepetitions is zero.

void RepeatGuard::reset () Resets counter and time of the last time check() returned true.

Member Data Documentation

unsigned int RepeatGuard::counter [protected]

unsigned int RepeatGuard::counterAtLastCheck [protected]

bool RepeatGuard::firstTime [protected]

ACS::TimeInterval RepeatGuard::interval [protected]

ACS::Time RepeatGuard::lastTime [protected]

unsigned int RepeatGuard::maxRepetitions [protected]

unsigned int RepeatGuard::method [protected]

ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex RepeatGuard::mutex [protected]


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