
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


SenderThread −


#include <bulkDataSenderThreadImpl.h>

Inherits ACS::Thread.

Public Member Functions

SenderThread (const ACE_CString &name, BulkDataSenderThreadImpl *sender, CORBA::ULong flowNumber, const ACS::TimeInterval &responseTime=ThreadBase::defaultResponseTime, const ACS::TimeInterval &sleepTime=ThreadBase::defaultSleepTime)

~SenderThread ()

virtual void run ()

Private Attributes

BulkDataSenderThreadImpl * sender_p

ACE_Message_Block * mb_p

CORBA::ULong flowNumber_m

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SenderThread::SenderThread (const ACE_CString & name, BulkDataSenderThreadImpl * sender, CORBA::ULong flowNumber, const ACS::TimeInterval & responseTime = ThreadBase::defaultResponseTime, const ACS::TimeInterval & sleepTime = ThreadBase::defaultSleepTime)

SenderThread::~SenderThread ()

Member Function Documentation

virtual void SenderThread::run () [virtual] Basic used hook to implement the thread functionality. The provided default implementation executes the method runLoop in a loop, to provide periodic loops. If a user wants that his/her thread function is executed periodically, s/he has to override the runLoop. Between two iterations the runLoop sleeps for responseTime 100ns If a user wants that his/her thread function is executed only once, s/he has to override this method.

Reimplemented from ACS::Thread.

Member Data Documentation

CORBA::ULong SenderThread::flowNumber_m [private]

ACE_Message_Block* SenderThread::mb_p [private]

BulkDataSenderThreadImpl* SenderThread::sender_p [private]


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