
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


TMCDB::MonitorPoint −


#include <MonitorPoint.h>

Inherits TMCDB::MonitorPointBase.

Public Member Functions

MonitorPoint (const char *propertyName, const ACS::TimeInterval &monitoringInterval, ACS::Property *property, TMCDB::DataValueType typeOfData, MonitorBlob &mb)

virtual ~MonitorPoint ()

void setMonitorServant (TCB *servant)

virtual void activate (maci::ContainerServices *cs)

activate corba object

virtual void deactivate (maci::ContainerServices *cs)

virtual void startMonitoring ()

start monitoring the property (monitor point)

virtual void stopMonitoring ()

stop monitoring the property (monitor point)

void fillSeq ()

method that puts sequence of data blobDataSeq to the any

void set_archiving_interval (ACS::TimeInterval time)

virtual void suppress_archiving ()

virtual void enable_archiving ()

void working (T value, const ACSErr::Completion &comp, const ACS::CBDescOut &cbdescout)

implementig CB interface

void done (T value, const ACSErr::Completion &comp, const ACS::CBDescOut &cbdescout)

implementig CB interface

Protected Attributes

TPROP * property_m

TBLOB_SEQ blobDataSeq_m

TBLOB_SEQ blobDataSeqTemp_m

TBASE valueTrigger_m

TCB * monitorServant_m

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> class TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::MonitorPoint (const char * propertyName, const ACS::TimeInterval & monitoringInterval, ACS::Property * property, TMCDB::DataValueType typeOfData, MonitorBlob & mb)

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> virtual TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::~MonitorPoint () [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> virtual void TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::activate (maci::ContainerServices * cs) [virtual]

activate corba object

Implements TMCDB::MonitorPointBase.

Reimplemented in TMCDB::ROMonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TMCB, TACB, TBASE, TSEQ, TALARM >.

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> virtual void TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::deactivate (maci::ContainerServices * cs) [virtual]

Implements TMCDB::MonitorPointBase.

Reimplemented in TMCDB::ROMonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TMCB, TACB, TBASE, TSEQ, TALARM >.

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> void TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::done (T value, const ACSErr::Completion & comp, const ACS::CBDescOut & cbdescout)

implementig CB interface

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> virtual void TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::enable_archiving () [virtual]

Implements TMCDB::MonitorPointBase.

Reimplemented in TMCDB::ROMonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TMCB, TACB, TBASE, TSEQ, TALARM >.

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> void TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::fillSeq () [virtual]

method that puts sequence of data blobDataSeq to the any

Implements TMCDB::MonitorPointBase.

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> void TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::set_archiving_interval (ACS::TimeInterval time) [virtual]

Implements TMCDB::MonitorPointBase.

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> void TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::setMonitorServant (TCB * servant)

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> virtual void TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::startMonitoring () [virtual]

start monitoring the property (monitor point)

Implements TMCDB::MonitorPointBase.

Reimplemented in TMCDB::ROMonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TMCB, TACB, TBASE, TSEQ, TALARM >.

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> virtual void TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::stopMonitoring () [virtual]

stop monitoring the property (monitor point)

Implements TMCDB::MonitorPointBase.

Reimplemented in TMCDB::ROMonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TMCB, TACB, TBASE, TSEQ, TALARM >.

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> virtual void TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::suppress_archiving () [virtual]

Implements TMCDB::MonitorPointBase.

Reimplemented in TMCDB::ROMonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TMCB, TACB, TBASE, TSEQ, TALARM >.

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> void TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::working (T value, const ACSErr::Completion & comp, const ACS::CBDescOut & cbdescout)

implementig CB interface

Member Data Documentation

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> TBLOB_SEQ TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::blobDataSeq_m [protected]

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> TBLOB_SEQ TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::blobDataSeqTemp_m [protected]

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> TCB* TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::monitorServant_m [protected]

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> TPROP* TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::property_m [protected]

template<class T, class TBLOB_SEQ, class TPROP, class TCB, class TBASE> TBASE TMCDB::MonitorPoint< T, TBLOB_SEQ, TPROP, TCB, TBASE >::valueTrigger_m [protected]


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