
Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


acsalarm::AlarmsMap −


#include <AlarmsMap.h>

Public Member Functions

AlarmsMap ()

virtual ~AlarmsMap ()

bool raise (std::string alarmID)

void start ()

void shutdown ()

bool clear (std::string alarmID)

virtual void updateInternalDataStructs ()

int size ()

void getAllAlarms (std::vector< AlarmInfo > alarms)

void clear ()

Private Member Functions

bool alarmSet (std::string alarmID, bool state)

Private Attributes

std::map< std::string, AlarmInfo * > alarmsMap

ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex m_mutex

bool m_closed

Static Private Attributes

static const ACS::Time KEEP_ALARMS_TIME = 30

Detailed Description

AlarmsMap is a collection of alarms to avoid resending an alarm if its state did not change.

It stores alarm IDs and the time of their submission and offers methods to tell if a submitted alarm has to be sent to the alarm server or not.
A alarm have to be sent to the AS if

it has never been sent before

its state changed

the last time the alarm has been sent is older then KEEP_ALARMS_TIME

Alarms older then a given number of seconds are deleted from the queue so that they will be resend anyhow. This was initially achieved with a dedicated thread but since we have to reduce the number of thread to save memory, the updated is explicitly requested by an external entity executing updateInternalDataStructs().

Life cycle: start() has to be called before using objects of this class; shutdown() has to be called when terminated. After shutdown is called, the class does not accept any new alarm and always returns false in clear(...) and raise(...)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

acsalarm::AlarmsMap::AlarmsMap () Constructor

virtual acsalarm::AlarmsMap::~AlarmsMap () [inline, virtual] Destructor

Member Function Documentation

bool acsalarm::AlarmsMap::alarmSet (std::string alarmID, bool state) [private] Store the alarm in the map with the passed ID and activation state.


alarmID The ID of the alarm
The state (true means ACTIVE)


true If the alarm must be send to the alarm service

bool acsalarm::AlarmsMap::clear (std::string alarmID) Add a terminate alarm in the map and check if it has to be sent to the alarm server by returning true.


alarmID The ID of the alarm to raise


true if the alarm was already present in the map (i.e. it must not be sent to the alarm server); false otherwise; false is also returned if the object has been shut down

void acsalarm::AlarmsMap::clear () [inline] Clear the map

References alarmsMap.

void acsalarm::AlarmsMap::getAllAlarms (std::vector< AlarmInfo > alarms) Copy of all the elements in the map in the passed vector.


alarms the vector to store all the alarms in the map

bool acsalarm::AlarmsMap::raise (std::string alarmID) Add an active alarm in the map and check if it has to be sent to the alarm server by returning true.


alarmID The ID of the alarm to raise


true if the alarm was already present in the map (i.e. it must not be sent to the alarm server); false otherwise false is also returned if the object has been shut down

void acsalarm::AlarmsMap::shutdown () Lyfe cycle: this method has to be called after using objects from this class.

This method free all the allocated resources

int acsalarm::AlarmsMap::size () [inline] Returns:

the number of items in the map

References alarmsMap.

void acsalarm::AlarmsMap::start () Lyfe cycle: this method has to be called before using objects from this class.

This method initialize the internal data structures

virtual void acsalarm::AlarmsMap::updateInternalDataStructs () [virtual] Removes the alarm older then KEEP_ALARMS_TIME from the map.

Member Data Documentation

std::map<std::string, AlarmInfo*> acsalarm::AlarmsMap::alarmsMap [private]

Referenced by clear(), and size().

const ACS::Time acsalarm::AlarmsMap::KEEP_ALARMS_TIME = 30 [static, private]

bool acsalarm::AlarmsMap::m_closed [private]

ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex acsalarm::AlarmsMap::m_mutex [private]


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