
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


baciTestCBdouble −


#include <baciTestUtils.h>

Public Member Functions

baciTestCBdouble (std::string _prop, int c=5, int dc=1)

virtual void working (CORBA::Double value, const ACSErr::Completion &c, const ACS::CBDescOut &desc)

virtual void done (CORBA::Double value, const ACSErr::Completion &c, const ACS::CBDescOut &desc)

virtual CORBA::Boolean negotiate (ACS::TimeInterval time_to_transmit, const ACS::CBDescOut &desc)

int getCount ()

Protected Attributes

std::string prop

int count

int done_c

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

baciTestCBdouble::baciTestCBdouble (std::string _prop, int c = 5, int dc = 1) [inline]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void baciTestCBdouble::done (CORBA::Double value, const ACSErr::Completion & c, const ACS::CBDescOut & desc) [inline, virtual]

References ACS_SHORT_LOG, done_c, getStringifiedUTC(), and prop.

int baciTestCBdouble::getCount () [inline]

References count, and done_c.

virtual CORBA::Boolean baciTestCBdouble::negotiate (ACS::TimeInterval time_to_transmit, const ACS::CBDescOut & desc) [inline, virtual]

virtual void baciTestCBdouble::working (CORBA::Double value, const ACSErr::Completion & c, const ACS::CBDescOut & desc) [inline, virtual]

References ACS_SHORT_LOG, count, getStringifiedUTC(), ACSErr::CompletionImpl::isErrorFree(), ACSErr::CompletionImpl::log(), and prop.

Member Data Documentation

int baciTestCBdouble::count [protected]

Referenced by getCount(), and working().

int baciTestCBdouble::done_c [protected]

Referenced by done(), and getCount().

std::string baciTestCBdouble::prop [protected]

Referenced by done(), and working().


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