
Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation


baci::MonitorImplementator −


#include <baciBACIMonitor.h>

Inherited by baci::Monitor< ACS_MONITOR_C >, baci::MonitorBasic< ACS_MONITOR_BASIC_C >, and baci::MonitorEventDispatcher< T, TCB, POA_CB >.

Public Member Functions

virtual int initialization ()

virtual void monitorDestroyed (void)=0

virtual void monitorStateChanged (void)=0

virtual ~MonitorImplementator ()

Detailed Description

Abstract class which BACI monitor implementator (e.g. CORBA object) must implement


Matej Sekoranja, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual baci::MonitorImplementator::~MonitorImplementator () [inline, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual int baci::MonitorImplementator::initialization () [inline, virtual] Monitor status method After contruction of a monitor, this method will be called to check if construction was successful; if not, monitor will be destroyed by parent


0 on success or any other value (value can indicate cause of faulire) on faulure

Reimplemented in baci::Monitor< ACS_MONITOR_C >, and baci::MonitorBasic< ACS_MONITOR_BASIC_C >.

virtual void baci::MonitorImplementator::monitorDestroyed (void) [pure virtual] Destructor method This method is called when BACI monitor implementation is beeing destroyed and notifies implementator also to destroy itself.

Implemented in baci::MonitorEventDispatcher< T, TCB, POA_CB >, baci::Monitor< ACS_MONITOR_C >, and baci::MonitorBasic< ACS_MONITOR_BASIC_C >.

virtual void baci::MonitorImplementator::monitorStateChanged (void) [pure virtual] Monitor state changed motification method This method is called when state of BACI monitor state is changed

Implemented in baci::MonitorEventDispatcher< T, TCB, POA_CB >, baci::Monitor< ACS_MONITOR_C >, and baci::MonitorBasic< ACS_MONITOR_BASIC_C >.


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