
Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


baci::RWcontImpl −

! order of inheritance is important: RWcommonImpl has to become befor PcontImpl


#include <baciRWcontImpl_T.h>

Inherits POA_SK, RWcommonImpl< ACS_RW_TL >, and PcontImpl< ACS_P_TL >.

Inherited by PowerSupplyCurrent.

Public Member Functions

RWcontImpl (const ACE_CString &name, BACIComponent *component_p, DevIO< TM > *devIO=0, bool flagdeldevIO=false)

RWcontImpl (bool initValue, const ACE_CString &name, BACIComponent *component_p, DevIO< TM > *devIO=0, bool flagdeldevIO=false)

virtual ~RWcontImpl ()

virtual ActionRequest invokeAction (int function, BACIComponent *component_p, const int &callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, BACIValue *value, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual void setValue (BACIProperty *property, BACIValue *value, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual ActionRequest incrementAction (BACIComponent *component_p, int callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, BACIValue *value, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual ActionRequest decrementAction (BACIComponent *component_p, int callbackID, const CBDescIn &descIn, BACIValue *value, Completion &completion, CBDescOut &descOut)

virtual TS min_value ()

virtual TS max_value ()

virtual void increment (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

virtual void decrement (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn &desc)

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool readCharacteristics ()

Private Attributes

TSM min_value_m

TSM max_value_m

Detailed Description

template<ACS_RW_C> class baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >

! order of inheritance is important: RWcommonImpl has to become befor PcontImpl

Implementation of RWcontImpl property


We have virtual inheritance from PortableServer::RefCountServantBase because of a bug in gcc 2.95 (see SPR. ALMASW2001075)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<ACS_RW_C > baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >::RWcontImpl (const ACE_CString & name, BACIComponent * component_p, DevIO< TM > * devIO = 0, bool flagdeldevIO = false) Constuctor


name property name (e.q. AMSMount:decliantion)
parent of the property

template<ACS_RW_C > baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >::RWcontImpl (bool initValue, const ACE_CString & name, BACIComponent * component_p, DevIO< TM > * devIO = 0, bool flagdeldevIO = false) Constuctor that has to be called from superclasses


name property name (e.q. AMSMount:decliantion)
parent of the property

template<ACS_RW_C > virtual baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >::~RWcontImpl () [virtual] Destructor

Member Function Documentation

template<ACS_RW_C > virtual void baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >::decrement (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual]

template<ACS_RW_C > virtual ActionRequest baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >::decrementAction (BACIComponent * component_p, int callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, BACIValue * value, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual] Implementation of async. decrement method

Reimplemented in baci::RWSeqContImpl< ACS_RW_C >.

template<ACS_RW_C > virtual void baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >::increment (ACS::CBvoid_ptr cb, const ACS::CBDescIn & desc) [virtual]

template<ACS_RW_C > virtual ActionRequest baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >::incrementAction (BACIComponent * component_p, int callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, BACIValue * value, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual] Implementation of async. increment method

Reimplemented in baci::RWSeqContImpl< ACS_RW_C >.

template<ACS_RW_C > virtual ActionRequest baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >::invokeAction (int function, BACIComponent * component_p, const int & callbackID, const CBDescIn & descIn, BACIValue * value, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual] Action dispatcher function (overrides from Pcommon)


function action funtion to be invoked
owner of the action
id of the callback to be notified
callback descriptor (passed by client)
action data (e.g. value to be set)
error handing structure
callback descriptor which will be passed to client


request to be performed by BACI

reqNone - do nothing (action will be kept in queue)

reqInvokeWorking - invoke <type>Callback::working

reqInvokeDone - invoke <type>Callback::done and destroy callback

reqDestroy - destroy callback (callback should has been called already by function)

template<ACS_RW_C > virtual TS baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >::max_value () [virtual]

template<ACS_RW_C > virtual TS baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >::min_value () [virtual]

template<ACS_RW_C > virtual bool baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >::readCharacteristics () [protected, virtual]

template<ACS_RW_C > virtual void baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >::setValue (BACIProperty * property, BACIValue * value, Completion & completion, CBDescOut & descOut) [virtual] Set value method (value mutator) overriden from RWcommon To make RW property simetric to RO property


property property which requested value
value to be returned
error handling structure
callback descriptor

Reimplemented in PowerSupplyCurrent, and baci::RWSeqContImpl< ACS_RW_C >.

Member Data Documentation

template<ACS_RW_C > TSM baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >::max_value_m [private]

template<ACS_RW_C > TSM baci::RWcontImpl< ACS_RW_C >::min_value_m [private]


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