
Detailed Description
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


baci::SmartPropertyPointer −


#include <baciSmartPropertyPointer.h>

Inherits baci::SmartServantPointer< T >.

Public Member Functions

SmartPropertyPointer (CharacteristicComponentImpl *component_p)

SmartPropertyPointer (T *prop, CharacteristicComponentImpl *component_p)

~SmartPropertyPointer ()

SmartPropertyPointer< T > * operator= (const T *)

Private Member Functions

SmartPropertyPointer ()

void init ()

Private Attributes

CharacteristicComponentImpl * component_mp

The Characteristic Component that owns the property.

Detailed Description

template<class T> class baci::SmartPropertyPointer< T >

The smart pointer for a property It is derived form the SmartServantProperty class to ensure to destroy the object when it is deleted.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T> baci::SmartPropertyPointer< T >::SmartPropertyPointer (CharacteristicComponentImpl * component_p) Constructor

template<class T> baci::SmartPropertyPointer< T >::SmartPropertyPointer (T * prop, CharacteristicComponentImpl * component_p) Constructor


prop The pointer to the property

template<class T> baci::SmartPropertyPointer< T >::~SmartPropertyPointer () Destructor

template<class T> baci::SmartPropertyPointer< T >::SmartPropertyPointer () [private] Declared to inhibit the usage of the smart pointer without passing the component

Member Function Documentation

template<class T> void baci::SmartPropertyPointer< T >::init () [private] Add the characteristics of the property to the component It calls the addPropertyDesc method of the Characteristic Component

template<class T> SmartPropertyPointer<T>* baci::SmartPropertyPointer< T >::operator= (const T *) Redefine the equal operator initing adding the property to the descriptor struct of the Characteristic Component

Member Data Documentation

template<class T> CharacteristicComponentImpl* baci::SmartPropertyPointer< T >::component_mp [private]

The Characteristic Component that owns the property.


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