
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


cdb::CCS −


#include <cdbCCS.h>

Inherits cdb::Table.

Public Member Functions

CCS (String process)

virtual ~CCS ()

virtual Boolean isInitialized ()

Boolean CreateRecord (const String &strRecordName, Boolean bTruncate=FALSE)

ULong GetRecordState (const String &strRecordName)

Boolean GetField (const String &strRecordName, const String &strFieldName, Field &fld)

Boolean SetField (const String &strRecordName, const String &strFieldName, const Field &fld, Boolean bCreate=TRUE)

Boolean RemoveField (const String &strRecordName, const String &strFieldName)

Boolean GetRecord (const String &strRecordName, Record &rec, Boolean bCreate=FALSE, Boolean bAppend=FALSE)

Boolean SetRecord (const String &strRecordName, const Record &rec, Boolean bCreate=TRUE, Boolean bAll=TRUE)

Boolean RemoveRecord (const String &strRecordName)

virtual Boolean GetChildren (const String &strRecordName, StringArray &astrChildren)

Static Public Member Functions

static Table * createTable (int argc, char **argv, CORBA::ORB_ptr orb)

Private Attributes

Boolean isInit

ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex cdbMutex

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cdb::CCS::CCS (String process) Class to intialize access to ACS configuration database. It is necessary to create an instance of this class before any access to the ACS configuration database can be done

virtual cdb::CCS::~CCS () [virtual] CCS class destructor

Member Function Documentation

Boolean cdb::CCS::CreateRecord (const String & strRecordName, Boolean bTruncate = FALSE) [virtual]

Implements cdb::Table.

static Table* cdb::CCS::createTable (int argc, char ** argv, CORBA::ORB_ptr orb) [static]

virtual Boolean cdb::CCS::GetChildren (const String & strRecordName, StringArray & astrChildren) [virtual]

Implements cdb::Table.

Boolean cdb::CCS::GetField (const String & strRecordName, const String & strFieldName, Field & fld) [virtual] Get data from ACS configuration database.


strRecordName name of the database record
name of the field in the record
data returned

EXAMPLE include ’cdbCCS.h’

double val; Field fld; DBManager::myClass->GetField(’Appl_data:Mount:cmdAz’,’min_value’,fld); fld.GetDouble(val);

Implements cdb::Table.

Boolean cdb::CCS::GetRecord (const String & strRecordName, Record & rec, Boolean bCreate = FALSE, Boolean bAppend = FALSE) [virtual]

Implements cdb::Table.

ULong cdb::CCS::GetRecordState (const String & strRecordName) [virtual]

Implements cdb::Table.

virtual Boolean cdb::CCS::isInitialized () [inline, virtual] Method to check if the access to the database is initialized.

Implements cdb::Table.

References isInit.

Boolean cdb::CCS::RemoveField (const String & strRecordName, const String & strFieldName) [virtual]

Implements cdb::Table.

Boolean cdb::CCS::RemoveRecord (const String & strRecordName) [virtual]

Implements cdb::Table.

Boolean cdb::CCS::SetField (const String & strRecordName, const String & strFieldName, const Field & fld, Boolean bCreate = TRUE) [virtual] Set field in the ACS configuration database.


strRecordName name of the database record
name of the field in the record
data returned
creat flag, not used in the present implementation

EXAMPLE include ’cdbCCS.h’

DBManager::myClass->SetField(’Appl_data:Mount:cmdAz’,’value’, Field(Double(1.5)),FALSE);

Implements cdb::Table.

Boolean cdb::CCS::SetRecord (const String & strRecordName, const Record & rec, Boolean bCreate = TRUE, Boolean bAll = TRUE) [virtual]

Implements cdb::Table.

Member Data Documentation

ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex cdb::CCS::cdbMutex [private]

Boolean cdb::CCS::isInit [private]

Referenced by isInitialized().


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