
Detailed Description
Member Typedef Documentation
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


cdb::DAOProxy −


#include <cdbDAOProxy.h>

Public Types

typedef std::vector< std::string > VectorString

Public Member Functions

DAOProxy (const char *nodeName, CDB::DAO_ptr dao)

DAOProxy (const char *nodeName, const char *xml)

virtual ~DAOProxy ()

void get_field (const char *name, std::string &value)

virtual CORBA::Long get_long (const char *propertyName)

virtual CORBA::Double get_double (const char *propertyName)

virtual char * get_string (const char *propertyName)

virtual char * get_field_data (const char *propertyName)

virtual ::CDB::stringSeq * get_string_seq (const char *propertyName)

virtual ::CDB::longSeq * get_long_seq (const char *propertyName)

virtual ::CDB::doubleSeq * get_double_seq (const char *propertyName)

virtual void destroy ()

Static Public Member Functions

static bool split (const std::string &str, VectorString &array)

Public Attributes

std::string m_nodeName

Node name.

std::string m_errorMessage

Error message.

Protected Member Functions

void Start (const char *el, const char **attr)

void End (const char *el)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void start (void *data, const char *el, const char **attr)

static void end (void *data, const char *el)

Protected Attributes

bool m_destroyed

bool m_inArray

std::string m_arrayName

std::string m_arrayContent

CXMLTreeNode * m_rootNode

CXMLTreeNode * m_currNode

CDB::DAO_var m_dao

Detailed Description

Internal class for XML tree handling.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<std::string> cdb::DAOProxy::VectorString

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cdb::DAOProxy::DAOProxy (const char * nodeName, CDB::DAO_ptr dao) Constrcutor (remote mode).

cdb::DAOProxy::DAOProxy (const char * nodeName, const char * xml) Constrcutor (local mode).


xml XML represendation (to be parsed).

virtual cdb::DAOProxy::~DAOProxy () [virtual] Destructor.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void cdb::DAOProxy::destroy () [virtual]

void cdb::DAOProxy::End (const char * el) [protected]

static void cdb::DAOProxy::end (void * data, const char * el) [static, protected]

virtual CORBA::Double cdb::DAOProxy::get_double (const char * propertyName) [virtual]

virtual ::CDB::doubleSeq* cdb::DAOProxy::get_double_seq (const char * propertyName)

void cdb::DAOProxy::get_field (const char * name, std::string & value) Internal helper method.


name attribute name.
out parameter.



virtual char* cdb::DAOProxy::get_field_data (const char * propertyName) [virtual]

virtual CORBA::Long cdb::DAOProxy::get_long (const char * propertyName) [virtual]

virtual ::CDB::longSeq* cdb::DAOProxy::get_long_seq (const char * propertyName)

virtual char* cdb::DAOProxy::get_string (const char * propertyName) [virtual]

virtual ::CDB::stringSeq* cdb::DAOProxy::get_string_seq (const char * propertyName)

static bool cdb::DAOProxy::split (const std::string & str, VectorString & array) [static] Split std::string str into several substrings, which are separated with commas. If quotes are used, then substrings are considered to be enclosed in them. Quotes can be escaped so that they can be treated verbatim.

static void cdb::DAOProxy::start (void * data, const char * el, const char ** attr) [static, protected]

void cdb::DAOProxy::Start (const char * el, const char ** attr) [protected]

Member Data Documentation

std::string cdb::DAOProxy::m_arrayContent [protected]

std::string cdb::DAOProxy::m_arrayName [protected]

CXMLTreeNode* cdb::DAOProxy::m_currNode [protected]

CDB::DAO_var cdb::DAOProxy::m_dao [protected]

bool cdb::DAOProxy::m_destroyed [protected]

std::string cdb::DAOProxy::m_errorMessage

Error message.

bool cdb::DAOProxy::m_inArray [protected]

std::string cdb::DAOProxy::m_nodeName

Node name.

CXMLTreeNode* cdb::DAOProxy::m_rootNode [protected]


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