
Detailed Description
Member Typedef Documentation
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation


nc::SimpleConsumer −


#include <acsncSimpleConsumer.h>

Inherits nc::Consumer.

Public Types

typedef void(* eventHandlerFunction )(T eventData, void *handlerParam)

Public Member Functions

SimpleConsumer (const char *channelName, const char *acsNCDomainName=0)

template<class J > void addSubscription (eventHandlerFunction templateFunction, void *handlerParam=0)

virtual void push_structured_event (const CosNotification::StructuredEvent &notification)

bool stopConsumerThread ()

virtual void disconnect ()

void processEvent ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~SimpleConsumer ()

Protected Attributes

eventHandlerFunction templateFunction_mp

void * handlerParam_mp

Private Member Functions

void operator= (const SimpleConsumer &)

SimpleConsumer (const SimpleConsumer &)

void addSubscription (const char *type_name, eventHandlerFunction templateFunction, void *handlerParam=0)

Static Private Member Functions

static void * dispatchEvent (void *args)

Private Attributes

blocking_queue< T > buffer

bool stop_thread

pthread_t dispatching_thread

RepeatGuard receiverTooSlowLogRepeatGuard

unsigned int numEventsDiscarded

Detailed Description

template<class T> class nc::SimpleConsumer< T >

SimpleConsumer is used to consume data from a notification channel defined by the string passed to SimpleConsumer’s constructor. In a nutshell, this class has been provided so that developers do not have to subclass Consumer and can instead use a generic function to process events.

To begin consuming data, simply invoke the consumerReady method. After that, the eventHandlerFunction will be invoked asynchronously each time an event is received.


add a check on the datatype in push_structured_event

support subscriptions to multiple event types...may not be feasible

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class T> typedef void(* nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::eventHandlerFunction)(T eventData, void *handlerParam)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T> nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::SimpleConsumer (const char * channelName, const char * acsNCDomainName = 0) Constructor to be used within components.


channelName The channel’s name
name of the ACS NC domain name. This is an optional parameter. It will default to acscommon::NAMESERVICE_BINDING_NC_DOMAIN_DEFAULT if it is not specified.

template<class T> virtual nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::~SimpleConsumer () [protected, virtual] Destructor is protected.

template<class T> nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::SimpleConsumer (const SimpleConsumer< T > &) [private] ALMA C++ coding standards state copy constructors should be disabled.

Member Function Documentation

template<class T> template<class J > void nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::addSubscription (eventHandlerFunction templateFunction, void * handlerParam = 0) [inline] A special version of the addSubscription method. Not only subscribes to an event_type, but it also saves a function pointer and an extra paremter to the function to be utilized when an event of type_name is received. Currently the implementation only allows this method to be invoked once (and that is done from the ACSNC_NEW_SIMPLE_CONSUMER macro). The template paramter is the type_name of the event to be received.


templateFunction A (static) method which will be invoked each time a type_name event is received. The method must accept a <T> structure as it’s first parameter.
A void pointer that will be passed to templateFunction (in addition to the actual ICD <T> event) each time a type_name event is received.





template<class T> void nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::addSubscription (const char * type_name, eventHandlerFunction templateFunction, void * handlerParam = 0) [private] A special version of the addSubscription method. Not only subscribes to an event_type, but it also saves a function pointer and an extra paremter to the function to be utilized when an event of type_name is received. Currently the implementation only allows this method to be invoked once (and that is done from the ACSNC_NEW_SIMPLE_CONSUMER macro).


type_name Type of the event to be received
A (static) method which will be invoked each time a type_name event is received. The method must accept a <T> structure as it’s first parameter.
A void pointer that will be passed to templateFunction (in addition to the actual ICD <T> event) each time a type_name event is received.



template<class T> virtual void nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::disconnect () [virtual] Disconnect from the channel. Call this instead of deleting the object. Once disconnect has been invoked, developers should treat the object as if it has been deleted.



Reimplemented from nc::Consumer.

template<class T> static void* nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::dispatchEvent (void * args) [static, private] Entry point for the buffer’s consumer thread

template<class T> void nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::operator= (const SimpleConsumer< T > &) [private] ALMA C++ coding standards state assignment operators should be disabled.

template<class T> void nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::processEvent () It just invokes some function registered via the addSubscription method

template<class T> virtual void nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::push_structured_event (const CosNotification::StructuredEvent & notification) [virtual] This is the abstract method inherited Consumer which must be overridden. In the SimpleConsumer class, it just invokes some function registered via the addSubscription method. In doing this, one does not have to override SimpleConsumer. Note that this method must not be invoked by your code!





Implements nc::Consumer.

template<class T> bool nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::stopConsumerThread ()

Member Data Documentation

template<class T> blocking_queue<T> nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::buffer [private]

template<class T> pthread_t nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::dispatching_thread [private]

template<class T> void* nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::handlerParam_mp [protected] This is a single parameter that will be passed to the handler function in addition to the ICD <T> event.

template<class T> unsigned int nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::numEventsDiscarded [private]

template<class T> RepeatGuard nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::receiverTooSlowLogRepeatGuard [private]

template<class T> bool nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::stop_thread [private]

template<class T> eventHandlerFunction nc::SimpleConsumer< T >::templateFunction_mp [protected] This function does something with T events.


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