ACS 2016.2 Distribution

Current official revision is: Linux ACS 2016.2 (RH 5.5 and RH6.6)

The ACS Distribution for Linux is available in two versions:

Online Documentation for this release is available here

ACS Download:

ftp server

ACS is released by means of tar files To install ACS from the tars:
  1. login as almamgr
  2. go to the root foledr (/)
  3. unpack both the tars preserving the attributes (tar xpzf....)
  4. ensure to source the ACS bash profile (/alma/ACS-YYYY.n/ACSSW/config/.acs/.bash_profile.acs)
The URL of the ftp server is Please drop us a email to get the username and password.

SVN mirror

ACS source and tools are kept under configuration control in a SVN archive.

All parts of the ACS archive publicly available as LGPL are mirrored in read only mode in a publicly accessible SVN repository, while development is done on a separate SVN, that contains also some developments and tools that we cannot publicly distribute. The mirror is updated once a week.

SVN repository URL is
Login with username anonymous and password anonymous.

The following URL are available in the repository:

eclipse users should configure the repository with the full URL like for example

RTOS Installation

RTOS support requires a proper Linux kernel with Real Time patches and libraries. The procedures to install the kernel and the real time support are described here: here.