A Quick Pattern Summary

Pattern name Solves what problem?
Delegation Defers implementatian af a methad ta a data member
Template method Defers implementation of part of a method to a subclass
Iterator Encapsulates traversal of a collection
Singleton Ensures that on I y a single instance of a class exists
Proxy Provides an extra level of indirection in an interface
Façade Provides a single interface object to many implementation objects
Adapter Converts one interface object to a different implementation object
Bridge Decouples an interface object from its implementation object
Composite Interfaces to objects that may be simple or nested composites
Observer Keeps objects and dependent views consistent
Mediator Provides an interface object to mediate interaction
Command Encapsulates a request as an object
Chain of responsibility Decouples senders from request receivers
Visitor Applies various algorithms to object hierarchies
Prototype Clones objects
Builder Builds composite objects with different representations
Factory method Defers instantiation to subclasses
Abstract factory Creates families of objects of varying subclasses
Memento Saves and restores an object's state
Flyweight Allows many objects to share state efficiently
Strategy Encapsulates an operation as an object
Interpreter Inputs analysis and language processing
State Allows objects to appear to change their state
Decorator Adds properties and operations to objects dynamically

Gang of Four (Gof) pattern classification


Class (static)

Factory Method Adapter (class) Interpreter
Template Method
Object (dynamic) Abstract Factory Adapter (object) Chain of Respnsability
Builder Bridge Command
Prototype Composite Iterator
Singleton Decorator Mediator
  Façade Memento

Application-based pattern classification

Views and Controllers
Database and persistence
Table-driven Control
Delegation Proxy Observer Prototype Interpreter State
Template Method Façade Mediator Builder Strategy Decorator
Iterator Adapter Command Factory Method    
Singleton Bridge Chain of Reponsability Abstract Factory    
  Composite Visitor Memento    