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This chapter is intended for the people who have to write/maintain the VLT Common Software installation procedures. It contains the information needed to create the proper scripts for the generation and installation of the Tcl/Tk core and extensions as part of the VLT Common Software.


The Tcl-extensions which are incorporated into the Sequencer must have been installed properly before the installation of the Sequencer is attempted. The cookbook recipe for that is:

1. install mSQL as documented elsewhere.
2. install the tar file for Tcl, Tk, TclX, BLT, Msqltcl, Img, TkTable, Snack and [incr Tcl] on your directory. Remark that several of these packages as provided with the VLT software distribution have been patched for known problems, i.e. one should not use tar-files downloaded straight from the internet.
3. extract each this tar-file with
$ tar -xvof <file>.tar
or if the tar-file was compressed, with
$ gunzip <file>.tar.gz -c | tar -xvof -
This will create subdirectories as appropriate
4. Make sure you will be compiling with gcc:
$ setenv CC gcc
5. install the static version of Tcl, Tk, and [incr Tcl] by typing from your shell the following:
$ ./configure --prefix=$TCLTK_ROOT --enable-shared=NO
and then:
$ make; make -k install
6. Install the shared-lib version of Tcl, Tk, and [incr Tcl] by typing from your shell the following:
$ rm -rf config.cache ; make clean
$ ./configure --prefix=$TCLTK_ROOT --enable-shared
and then:
$ make; make -k install
7. Install TclX as follows (it does the static and shared-lib versions in one go)
$ cd tclX8.3/unix
$ ./configure --prefix=$TCLTK_ROOT --enable-shared --with-help
$ make; make -k install
8. Install BLT as follows:
$ cd blt2.4u
$ ./configure --prefix=$TCLTK_ROOT --enable-shared
and then:
$ make; make -k install
9. Install MsqlTcl as follows:
$ cd ../msqltcl-1.99
$ ./configure --prefix=$TCLTK_ROOT --enable-shared

and then:
$ make; make -k install
10. Install the Img extension as follows:
$ cd ../img1.2.4
$ ./configure --prefix=$TCLTK_ROOT --enable-shared --disable-stubs
and then:
$ make; make -k install
11. Install TkTable as follows:
$ cd ../Tktable2.7/unix
$ ./configure --prefix=$TCLTK_ROOT --enable-shared
and then:
$ make; make -k install
12. Install Snack as follows:
$ cd ../snack2.1/unix
$ ./configure --prefix=$TCLTK_ROOT --enable-shared \
--with-tcl=../../tcl8.3.3/unix --with-tk=../../tk8.3.3/unix \
and then:
$ make; make -k install

This will leave all the required libraries, programs and scripts in directories under the $TCLTK_ROOT hierarchy, e.g. $TCLTK_ROOT/lib and $TCLTK_ROOT/lib/tclX8.3, hence you will need write access to these. If you do not (want to) have the $TCLTK_ROOT directory on your system, scan through the README and INSTALL files of all these packages for precise instructions.


The standard procedures to install VLT SW modules apply to the Sequencer:

1. Set your working directory to the VLT SW installation directory:
2. Compile and install the Sequencer (as part of HOS):
3. Make sure you have a clean environment; if necessary, reboot your workstation.

If the environment variable NOCCS exists when the installation procedure is started, the Sequencer shells will not contain any CCS extensions, i.e. they will be Tcl/Tk (windowing) shells containing the extensions as described in the introduction of 2.3. Otherwise, if RTAPROOT exists, the CCS functionality based on RTAP calls will be included. If both NOCCS and RTAPROOT are undefined, the CCS-light libraries will be used.

Remark that the settings of NOCCS and RTAPROOT should reflect the real status of the workstation the Sequencer shells are generated and supposed to be executed on. Trying to generate e.g. a CCS-light seqWish on a workstation equipped with RTAP and full CCS is not a good idea, and may fail at any one stage.


The proper installation of the Sequencer can be tested as follows:

· start up the Sequencer shell:
$ seqWish -noTkCon
The sequencer prompt (seqWish>) should show up in the window where you started the Sequencer from.
· type at the sequencer prompt:
wm deiconify .
Now a small window (the Tk main window) should pop up. Continue with
info commands seq*
and a list of all the Sequencer extensions to Tcl should be printed. Do the same thing for BLT:
namespace eval ::blt info commands *
and [incr Tcl]
info command itcl*
· exit the shell:

If any of this fails, the error messages should be a first and concise help for what went wrong. One should in particular pay attention to the availability of script files on the right directories.

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