Organisation Européenne pour des Recherches Astronomiques dans l'Hémisphère Austral

Europäische Organisation für astronomische Forschung in der südlichen Hemisphäre












VLT Software


HOS / Audio Software User Manual





Issue 1


Date: 26/10/2005










Prepared:            E. Allaert............................... 26/10/2005.....................................................

                                        Name                                                       Date                                                                Signature



Approved:       K. Wirenstrand............................................... .................................................................................

                                        Name                                                       Date                                                                Signature



Released:           M. Cullum....................................... .................................................................................

                                        Name                                                       Date                                                                Signature





Affected Paragraphs(s)





First version



















1.1       Purpose. 5

1.2       Scope. 5

1.3       Applicable Documents. 5

1.4       Reference Documents. 5

1.5       List of Abbreviations/Acronyms. 5

1.6       Glossary.. 6

1.7       Stylistic Conventions. 6

1.8       Problem Reporting.. 6

2.     USER’s guide. 7

2.1       The basis: snack.. 7

2.2       Architecture. 8

2.3       The audioServer application.. 9

2.4       The audioPlay procedure. 9

2.5       The audioPlay utility.. 9

2.6       audioVolume. 10

2.7       A cookbook recipe for Tcl-applications. 10

2.8       The audioCtrl panel. 11

2.9       Compatibility matrix.. 12


3.1       HP-UX.. 13

3.2       Linux.. 13

3.3       Solaris. 13

3.4       The audio module. 13

4.     Troubleshooting.. 14

4.1       Frequently Asked Questions. 14

5.     Reference. 17

5.1       Error messages. 17

5.2       Manpages. 17

5.2.1    audioCtrl 17

5.2.2    audioFlush. 17

5.2.3    audioPlay. 18

5.2.4    audioServer. 20

5.2.5    audioVerify. 21

5.2.6    audioVolume. 22



Table 1: compatibility of the audio package with various client/server platforms. 12




Figure 1: flow of audio request 8

Figure 2: the volume control panel 11
















































The information contained in this manual is intended to be used in the ESO VLT project by ESO and authorized contractors only.


While every precaution has been taken in the development of the software and in the preparation of this documentation, ESO assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damage resulting from the use of the software of the information contained herein.

1.             INTRODUCTION

1.1         Purpose

This document is the User Manual for the HOS / Audio Software, version 1.12 and is intended to provide all the necessary information for the installation, configuration and use of the software, from a system administrator’s and application programmer’s point of view.

1.2         Scope

This document describes how to configure and use the audio module, as a component of high level tools and utilities.

1.3         Applicable Documents

The following documents, of the exact issue shown, form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. In the event of conflict between the documents referenced herein and the contents of this document, the contents of this document shall be considered as a superseding requirement.



Document Number




[AD 01]




VLT Software Requirements Specification

[AD 02]




VLT Software Programming Standards

[AD 03]




Guidelines for VLT applications.


1.4         Reference Documents

The following documents are referenced in this document.



Document Number




[RD 01]




VLT Common SW – Combined Installation Manual

[RD 02]




VLT Common SW – Linux Installation Mnl

[RD 03]




VLT Common Software Installation Manual

[RD 04]




HOS - Sequencer User Manual


1.5         List of Abbreviations/Acronyms

This document employs several abbreviations and acronyms to refer concisely to an item, after it has been introduced. The following list is aimed to help the reader in recalling the extended meaning of each short expression:


Graphical User Interface






Local Area Network


Not Applicable




To Be Clarified


To Be Defined


(Portable) User Interface (Toolkit)


Very Large Telescope



1.6         Glossary

No special definition is introduced in this manual. The following concepts are repeated here for clarity’s sake:

The application process that wants to have an audio file played on the server.

local host
Host where a particular application runs; in the absence of a reference to such application, the client application is meant.

The process that receives requests to play a sound-file from a client. Also the host where this server process executes.

1.7         Stylistic Conventions

The following styles are used:


in the text, for commands, filenames, pre/suffixes as they have to be typed.


In the text, for parts that have to be substituted with the real content before typing.


for examples.


in the examples, for parts that have to be substituted with the real content before typing.

bold and italic are also used to highlight words.

1.8         Problem Reporting

The form described in [RD 03] shall be used.

2.             USER’s guide

2.1         The basis: snack

Users can benefit from applications that have the possibility to give audio messages, e.g. warnings if particular ranges are about to be exceeded, or indications that during longer processing a particular stage is reached. Typically this involves an application running on one piece of hardware (e.g. an application server machine in the computer room) which would like to produce some sounds on a different box (e.g. a PC used as an X-terminal). There are plenty of solutions available for networked audio in the Unix/Linux world, but several of these are proprietary, have not been tested on all the HW combinations we use, are no longer maintained, do not have matching versions for our HW, or are not very practical to install, configure or operate:

·         HP Envizex X-terminals can have audio HW and corresponding audio-server software can run on these boxes, but the audio clients need to access this server via HP’s proprietary HP-UX audio library software. In other words, the use of audio on an HP-Envizex X-terminal requires that the application is running on an HP-UX box.

·         NCD X-terminals come with audio-HW and some binaries to be used from an HP-UX workstation to send sound-files to these X-terminals. In fact, rather than sending the audio-files across the network, the name of the audio file is passed, and the X-terminal will require accessing this file via NFS. In other words, this requires that some directories on the HP-UX workstations are exported to the NCD X-terminals.

·         The Enlightened Sound Daemon or EsounD (see also is audio server software that comes from the Linux world, but it also compiles under HP-UX. It works similar as HP’s send_sound application, sending the content of an audio file from a client to the audio server. However, EsounD has not been maintained since 2000 so it is not a good candidate to start any new project.

·         The Network Audio System or NAS (see also NAS has the same software architecture as HP has for its proprietary implementation, it is still actively maintained and it provides a far completer set of utilities than EsounD does. But building this software on HP and Solaris in a VLTSW environment is not trivial (due to its use of imake, which relies on a bunch of specific configuration files), and it requires quite some tweaking, as the directory paths it expects by default is not what you find in a VLTSW environment. Although there is also a binary NAS distribution for MS-Windows available, it is however not up-to-date, and on top of that it requires CygWin. As mentioned before, NAS cannot talk to the HP proprietary Audio Server on HP-UX boxes or Envizex terminals – and there is no documented way to cross-compile the NAS server for these terminals either.

·         Agnula (see is a pretty new sound project funded by the European Commission. However, it is exclusively targeted at Linux platforms.

·         aRts (see is KDE's sound project. Doesn’t seem to have evolved since 2002.

Fortunately one of the components of the VLT Common Software can deal very well with sound: the snack Tcl-extension (see It actually takes very few lines of Tcl-code to create an audio server using this snack audio extension. And as there are also binary Tcl-binaries including snack for MS-Windows freely available, we can use the same audio-server source code on MS-Windows (relevant in
development environments using MS-Windows based PCs with X-emulator applications). This option is superior to ones listed above for following reasons:

·         snack can play most audio formats (WAV, MP3, AU, SND, AIFF, SD, SMP, CSL, and RAW)

·         runtime control over many audio parameters like selection of output devices. I.e. one can with snack switch between internal loudspeaker and line-out. With NAS e.g. this is in a configuration file read at start-up of the server; to change any of these properties, the configuration-file needs to be modified, the server needs to be stopped and re-started.

·         out-of-the-box compilation of the snack extension on Windows 95/98/NT/2K/XP, Linux, Macintosh, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and SGI IRIX. E.g. in the case of HP-UX, snack uses the HP audio library to communicate with HP audio devices, i.e. it can be used to play sounds either locally on an HP-UX WS or to an HP X-terminal. In fact, we've included the snack sound extension to our TCLTK_ROOT since many releases.  This means no extra effort, compared to e.g. NAS for HP-UX and Solaris, with its dependency on imake – which we normally don’t use.

·         only a minimal amount of extra code to add to current VLT Common SW; obviously we have full control over this source code.

·         all snack code ends up under standard directories; for NAS we'd have to edit some of the source code if we don't want e.g. to add directories to PATH.

·         availability of excellent documentation and plenty of sample code (incl. powerful user interfaces) to deal with audio - if anyone wants to do more serious work with audio.

2.2         Architecture

From a Tcl-application programmer’s perspective, the use of audio is very simple: (s)he just has to request to play a sound-file. This is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1: flow of audio request

As shown in this figure with the full arrows, the application is not even concerned about the communication with the audioServer – it relies on the audio library functions to deal with that. It is then up to this audioServer to ensure that the message arrives at the end-user. While the application uses to the audio-library on the local machine, the audio-server can also be hosted locally, or on a different workstation, or even on an X-terminal (provided the local workstation is an HP-UX host – see further below).

The audio library will determine at run-time where the audio-server is (presumably) running, based on the settings of the AUDIO and/or DISPLAY environment variable settings when the application started.

Remark that a single workstation (HP-UX, Solaris or Linux) can have only one audioServer process running.

2.3         The audioServer application

The audioServer application is an implementation of an audio-server for workstations (i.e. not for HP Envizex or NCD X-terminals). It is implemented in Tcl/Tk and relies on the snack audio extension. It is a server process, listening on a particular TCP/IP port. It reacts on the data it receives, assuming this data is structured according to the conventions of the internal audio protocol. After receiving the audio file, it will send it to the audio hardware of its own local host, by means of snack commands.

As it is based on snack, it can perfectly deal with all the platforms and audio HW for which snack offers support, whereby the particular platforms of our own interest are HP-UX, Solaris, Linux and to some extent MS-Windows.

Remark that in the current implementation there are no access-limitations to audioServer. I.e. hosts that can communicate over the network with the box hosting the audioServer can also play sounds on it - provided the audioServer itself has been started by a user who can read/write from/to the audio devices.

2.4         The audioPlay procedure

This procedure will play a sound-file. Before doing so, it will first of all look at the AUDIO or DISPLAY environment variables to determine the host where the audio-server is supposed to reside. Then it will apply the following strategy trying to determine the nature of the audio-server:

1.       Try if there is an audioServer based on the audio module listening on a particular TCP/IP port on the audio-host - see section 2.3. If this fails, it means the host pointed to by AUDIO/DISPLAY does not currently have an active audioServer application, and the next steps are attempted.

2.       If the client process is running on HP-UX, try the client application for NCD X-terminals, i.e. check if the audio-host is an NCD X-terminal. If this fails, proceed to the next step.

3.       If the client application calling audioPlay is running on HP-UX, try directly the local snack Tcl-extension, which uses the HP proprietary audio library and HP’s audio server (Aserver). This allows sending sounds to either other HP-UX boxes or HP Envizex X-terminals (local or remote according to the AUDIO or DISPLAY environment variables settings).

This determination of the server type takes place the first time a sound file is sent to a particular server. If none of the types fit, subsequent calls to this procedure will only look for an audioServer – hoping the absence of this server will be noted and will be corrected at some point.

Both audioServer and HP’s Aserver can be running on a different host than the local one (where the audioPlay client application executes). But due to the proprietary nature of HP’s audio software library, access to Aserver can only work if the audioPlay client too is running on HP-UX.

For NCD X-terminals, the NCD client software must be installed on the local machine – and this is only available for HP-UX; the AUDIO or DISPLAY variable must of course in this case point to the NCD X-terminal (on top of some other requirements listed in the manpages).

Remark that the check for an HP Aserver will take ~30 seconds if AUDIO/DISPLAY is pointing to an HP box without audio hardware (or with HP’s Aserver not active), due to HP’s audio software library implementation. However, this will only be for the first attempt to play a sound on that server. Subsequent attempts will fail immediately, as only the existence of an active audioServer will be verified - see above.

2.5         The audioPlay utility

The audioPlay utility is a Tcl script – which of course uses internally the audioPlay procedure mentioned above in section 2.4. This utility will play a single sound-file and terminate.

As it relies on the audioPlay procedure, all what has been said about this procedure is also applicable to this utility: the AUDIO or DISPLAY environment variables will determine the host where the audio-server presumably resides, and the same strategy is applied trying to determine the nature of the audio-server.

Remark that the check for an HP server will take ~30 seconds if AUDIO/DISPLAY is pointing to an HP box without audio hardware (or with HP’s Aserver not active). In this case the audioPlay utility will be “hanging” for that amount of time, and finally terminate in silence, after printing an error message to stderr.

2.6         audioVolume

The audioVolume utility is also a Tcl script, allowing to retrieve or to set the volume of the mixer-device. It will get/set the master volume, print out the current setting, and terminate. The master volume usually regulates the volume of the internal loudspeaker(s) of the audio server, and depending on the audio hardware, the line-out volume may or may not be linked to this master volume setting.

Similar to audioPlay, it relies on the audioVolume procedure, i.e. there is a Tcl library procedure of the same name with the same functionality. These procedures and utilities share the library functions to determine e.g. the host where the audio-server presumably resides, and the nature of the audio-server.

2.7         A cookbook recipe for Tcl-applications

What follows is a short set of instructions to use sounds from within a Tcl-application, using the VLT Common SW (release JAN2006 or newer):

1.       Call the audioPlay procedure, which is part of the audio package. In other words, insert code like the following at the appropriate place(s):

# load package audio (typically at start-up)
package require Audio
# import the audio* commands into the local namespace
# if you do not want to prefix them with "::audio::"
###namespace import ::audio::audio*
# if you want to verify if the audio system is OK before
# actually attempting to play a sound, do the following
if {[catch {::audio::audioVerify} msg]} {
    error "audio(Server) problem: $msg"
# now play the soundfile
if {[catch {::audio::audioPlay $soundFile} msg]} {
    error "audio(Server) problem: $msg"

      Remark that this assumes the presence of the audio module, i.e. this requires JAN2006 or newer. If you need to produce code that runs under both APR2004 and JAN2006, and if installing the audio module on APR2004 would not be a valid option, check the FAQ in the troubleshooting section.

2.       Indicate to which host you want to send audio output by setting the AUDIO environment variable to a hostname or an IP address; if AUDIO is not set, the audioPlay library procedure will take the value of the DISPLAY environment variable. If neither is set, the "localhost" will be taken (i.e. you will then only be able to play sounds on the host where your Tcl-application is running)

3.       The next step depends on what type of host this audio-server actually is running on:

a.   If the host selected to play sounds is an HP-UX, Solaris or Linux box, ensure that on this host the audioServer is running. If it is not, start it up as follows:

audioServer &

Remark that there can be only one such audioServer per host.

b.       If the host selected to play sounds is an MS-Windows box, ensure that it has Tcl installed (this installation requires admin rights; a binary distribution of Tcl for MS-Windows can be obtained from Now copy $VLTROOT/bin/audioServer into audioServer.tcl (e.g. on your MS-Windows Desktop), and double click the latter file on your MS-Windows box. Here too there can be only one such audioServer per host.

c.       If you want to have sounds on e.g. an HP Envizex terminal, you don't need this audioServer; but sound on X terminals will work only if the application sending sounds is running on HP-UX.

4.       Run your Tcl-application.

The above recipe is surely not the only way to do things - there are options, alternatives, and additional tools. See the previous sections and also the manpages of audioPlay(1), audioCtrl(1), audioVerify(1), audioVolume(1) and audioServer(1) in section 5.2.

2.8         The audioCtrl panel

The audioCtrl utility is an auxiliary panel made to control the audio-volume of a sound server. It can do so for any audioServer sound server just as well as local HP sound servers (using the snack Tcl-extension). To determine what kind of audio-server it is dealing with and where this server is hosted, it uses the same library procedures as audioPlay (see section 2.4).

Figure 2: the volume control panel

To communicate with audioServer, it will use the usual TCP/IP port assigned for this purpose. In other words, it is a client-server networked application: the audioCtrl utility does not need to run on the same host as where audioServer is running.

The “Mute” button will effectively change the hardware audio-volume setting to zero, i.e. it is just an alternative to moving the slider to the extreme left; it is not linked to any hardware “mute” function of the audio devices (as these are not accessible to Snack). This implies that native audio-mixer applications will show their volume-slider at 0 when this “Mute” button has been pressed. On the other hand, the effect on the audioCtrl slider position depends on the type of audioServer: for HP sound servers the slider will be moved to the zero position, while for the other cases the slider will not move (thereby allowing to restore the original volume quickly). This difference in behaviour has to do with the availability of internal flags - for details see the FAQ section 4.1. Remark that while muted, moving the audioCtrl slider will have no audible effect. And in the case of HP server hardware, the slider will remain locked at the zero position until the muting has been disabled.

There can in principle be any amount of audioCtrl applications running for the same audio-server – although that would not be very practical for obvious reasons. The actual status of the server is updated via a polling loop. So although setting the volume, or muting, is sent immediately to the sound server, the feedback of the actual server status to audioCtrl may be delayed due to this polling loop. This is of course most obvious if several audioCtrl applications are simultaneously controlling the same audio server, or if the utility/procedure audioPlay is invoked passing it a particular volume setting.

Remark that this application is not intended as a replacement for audio-mixer applications or native volume control applications; audioCtrl should rather be seen as an example on how the volume can be controlled or monitored. The constraints listed above, in particular in the case of multiple instances of this panel, and the potential conflicts with audioPlay or native volume control panels for the “ownership” of the volume-setting and the muting for the mixer-device make it clear that this application can under certain circumstances confuse users. Still, it is very useful if you want e.g. to control the audio-volume of your own HP X-terminal.

2.9         Compatibility matrix

Table 1demonstrates which combinations are possible/supported with the audio software package. Of course, this assumes that on the server side there is the corresponding audio-HW, and the system has been configured such that there are e.g. no permission problems.











a, b




b, c
















Table 1: compatibility of the audio package with various client/server platforms

a.       with audioServer running on this server

b.       without audioServer, but with HP’s Aserver running on this server

c.       with audioServer on the client (thereby converting it into an intermediate audio-server of Snack type), and with HP’s Aserver running on this X-terminal; remark that this is not recommended, as it introduces an additional step to the transfer of the sound-file, and on top of that – as there can be only one audioServer process per host – this one process would then be dedicated to play sounds on an HP X-terminal, for which there are alternatives (see b).

d.       without audioServer, but with the NCD client software on the client side


3.             CONFIGURATION

If the VLT Common SW has been properly installed on a host which itself is installed according to the Installation Manual (see [RD 01], [RD 02] and [RD 03]), audio is likely to work out of the box – if the audio HW itself has no problems. In any case, below follow a few instructions that may help to customize some settings or diagnose and cure some of the most common issues.

3.1         HP-UX

For audio to work on HP-UX, the Aserver process must be running. This is normally the case if the instructions in the VLT Combined Installation Manual (see [RD 03]) have been followed. On top of that, HP’s audio system is “secured”, i.e. by default only users logged in on the console can access the audio services. To modify this, the asecure command needs to be issued with the proper options.


See also the manpages of aserver(1) and asecure(1).

3.2         Linux

On a standard RedHat or Scientific Linux installation, the ownership and permissions for the sound-devices (/dev/dsp*, /dev/audio*, /dev/midi*, /dev/mixer*, /dev/sequencer, /dev/sound/* and /dev/beep) will be modified when someone logs in/out on the system – see /etc/security/console.perms. Therefore the VLT SW has its own modified version of that file, giving read/write permissions to all users for these sound-devices.

3.3         Solaris

See the audio(7I) manpage.

3.4         The audio module

The audio module as installed by default comes with a number of settings that should permit it to operate out-of-the-box. There are however a number of settings that if needed can be modified, simply by editing the file audio/src/Makefile. They are in particular:

·         PORT: the port number used by the audioServer. Defaults to 33962.

·         SERVERTYPES: types of audio servers to support. Can be "Snack", "HP" or "NCD", plus any combination (list separated by blanks). Remark that the order in which such list is given determines the sequence of type checking when a particular server is accessed the first time. It is by default set to “Snack NCD HP”.

·         NCDPATH: path where the xpsh local client application for NCD X-terminals can be found. Set to /opt/tekxp/bin/hp700.

·         POLLPERIOD: for the audioCtrl application, the period for polling the audioServer (units: ms). Currently set to 2000.





4.             Troubleshooting

4.1         Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. I have a Tcl- application that needs to run unmodified both in an APR2004 and a JAN2006 VLT SW environment. How do I deal with this?

For applications that need backward compatibility with APR2004 (i.e. you do not know in advance if the audio module is available): suppose the original APR2004 of your sound-procedure is in a library file <mod>Sound.tcl and contains


proc <mod>Sound {soundFile} {
    # Snack commands here
    # or exec HP-UX send_sound there
    # or use of the NCD utilities

Change this procedure to look as follows:

# Try to find the "audio" package and load the audioPlay proc. This
# will be executed only the first time the <mod>Sound procedure is
# called, as Tcl's "unknown" procedure will source this file.
catch {package require Audio; auto_load audio::audioPlay}

proc <mod>Sound {soundFile} {
    if {[string equal [info command ::audio::audioPlay] ::audio::audioPlay]} {
        # means the Audio package was found
        if {[catch {::audio::audioPlay $soundFile} msg]} {
            error "audio(Server) problem: $msg"
    # If we get here, it means Audio is not available; must be APR2004
    # Snack commands here
    # or exec HP-UX send_sound there
    # or use the NCD utilities


Q2. I followed all your instructions to have audioServer running on a Linux box, but yet I do not manage to play any sounds on that box. What could be wrong?

It is possible that your PC does not have (standard) audio HW, or the audio HW is defect. Verify this by logging in on the console, and use one of the Linux utilities to try to play a sound on the internal loudspeaker(s). If this works, check that the permissions of the sound-devices are OK (see section 3.2). If the file /etc/security/console.perms does not specify the right permissions, it means the VLT installation procedure was not followed to the letter, or there is a problem with this installation procedure. In the latter case, please report the problem to ESO.

Remark that the audioVolume utility regulates only the master volume (or at least, the volume of the sub-device considered by snack to be the master). If you have e.g. an external amplifier and loudspeakers connected via the server’s line-out plug, this volume is possibly not controlled via the master volume.

Q3. I have a short Tcl-application that uses audioPlay to send sounds to an audio-server. Sometimes when this application finishes, I get an error and/or the sound currently playing is interrupted before it gets to the end. How do I prevent this?

Call the audioFlush procedure before exiting (see section 5.2.2). The point is that audioPlay will just initiate the transfer of the file to the audio-server, and return before the entire audio-file has been transmitted. Your application must be finishing before this transmission is complete. Stopping this data-stream in the middle may of course confuse the audio server. The audioFlush procedure ensures that the currently transmitted audio-file is sent completely, before it returns to the calling level. Remark that this does NOT mean that this audio-file has been played as well – it has merely been received by the server, playing is a different issue.

Q4. If I play 2 sounds within quick succession, their audio output overlaps. Is this normal?

Yes, it is. Although audioPlay will only transmit one file at a time, the play-back is a different matter, left in the capable hands of the snack software and the audio hardware.

Q5. If I play 2 sounds within quick succession, only one is played, and this one can be re-played as often as one wants, while other sound-files do not produce any output from that point on. Why is this?

There is apparently an issue with Snack 2.2.9, when playing simultaneously sound-streams with different sample rates. When this occurs, the only solution is to stop and re-start the audioServer.

The audioServer software could in principle attempt to avoid this simultaneous play in such cases, provided it is able to know in advance what these individual sample rates are. Unfortunately, Snack itself gives only access to this parameter once a sound is playing (or when it reads the sound-file - which is at the client side, i.e. not accessible by audioServer).

If this needs to be fixed (i.e. working around the Snack problem), the audioServer code will have to be modified to either first store the data-stream into a temporary file, or use another tool (e.g. SndInfo from the Stanford SndLib) to determine the sample rate.

By the way, one can easily determine the sampling rate of a sound-file with the following shell command:

echo "package require sound; \
      puts [lindex [[snack::sound -file [lindex \$argv 1]] info] 1]; \
      exit" |
tclsh -- <soundFile>

Remark that this is best done on a host with working audio-hardware, to avoid that Snack would throw errors or takes its time to initialize when the sound package is loaded.

Q6. Why does  audioCtrl’s mute-button impact the volume slider of native sound-mixer panels?

As there is no API available in snack to control or monitor the audio hardware property corresponding to muting, independent from the volume setting, audioCtrl’s mute-button is rather linked to the hardware volume setting. Native mixer panels will usually monitor periodically the current volume setting, and therefore activating the mute-button in audioCtrl will lead the native mixer’s volume setting to go down to zero. This means as well that this muting status is only known and shared between applications using the audio utilities/procedures.

Q7. Why is the behaviour of audioCtrl’s mute-button different on HP audio hardware?

As there is no API available in snack to control or monitor the audio hardware property corresponding to muting, independent from the volume setting, the separation of these two properties requires the use of flags internal to the audioCtrl and audioServer applications. In the case of audioCtrl controlling directly an HP Aserver (e.g. an HP Envizex X-terminal), there is no central audioServer application to administers these flags. For that reason, the only way audioCtrl can in such case truthfully represent the actual status when the mute-button is pressed is by moving the volume-slider to the zero position.

If this is disturbing, one can of course use a more indirect path, i.e. passing over an audioServer to address the HP Aserver.

5.             Reference

5.1         Error messages

5.2         Manpages

5.2.1   audioCtrl




audioCtrl - control the volume of a sound server



audioCtrl ?-server <hostname>?



audioCtrl will start up a panel made to control an audio server. It

can do so for any audioServer just as well as any HP Aserver. To

communicate with audioServer, it will use the TCP/IP port as set in a

macro defined in the Makefile of the audio module.


To determine where the audio server is located, the AUDIO or DISPLAY

environment variable settings are used, as explained in the section

ENVIRONMENT below, unless the option -server <hostname> is specified.


There can be any amount of audioCtrl applications running for the same

audio server. The actual status of the server is updated via a polling

loop, with period as defined in the Makefile.



The environment variable AUDIO is used to determine the hostname of the

audio-server. It can be set to a hostname or IP address. If AUDIO is not

set, the environment variable DISPLAY will be used (i.e. the value up to

the colon). If neither is set, it is assumed that the audio-server runs

on the localhost. This algorithm can be overridden by specifying

explicitly the option -server <hostname>.



Setting the volume, or muting, is sent immediately to the sound server.

The feedback of the actual server settings to audioCtrl however may be

delayed by the polling loop. This is of course most obvious if several

audioCtrl applications are simultaneously controlling the same audio

server, or if the utility/procedure audioPlay is invoked passing it a

particular volume setting.



audioServer(1), audioPlay(n),

The Snack Sound Toolkit (





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5.2.2   audioFlush




audioFlush - flush the sounds currently being sent






This procedure will wait till the sending of any audio-file initiated

previously via an audioPlay call is completed. This guarantees that the

corresponding sound server will deal with the full audio-file.

This is useful if you need to ensure that the sound is being played before

you proceed, or also if you want to exit your application without

interrupting the sounds being played.











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5.2.3   audioPlay




audioPlay - play a soundfile



audioPlay ?-volume <volume>? <soundFile>



audioPlay will play a <soundFile>. If the -volume option is specified,

the gain will first be adjusted to <volume> (on a scale from 0 to 100); in

the latter case (option -volume specified) the audio-server will also

be un-muted if it was muted; after playing the <soundFile>, the volume will

be set back to its original setting.


The supported formats of <soundFile> are of course determined by

the sound server. For the Snack-based server this is WAV, AU, AIFF, MP3,

CSL, SND, SD, SMP, RAW and NIST/Sphere. For the HP audio-server, this is



The list of supported servers is given by the macro SUPPORT, which is

set in the Makefile. It can be any list of the words Snack, HP and

NCD. Apart from specifying which audio-servers are supported, it also

sets the order in which they will be tested in case a sound is sent to

a not yet known audio-server.


The following strategy is applied trying to determine the nature of the

various types of sound servers:

1. First, the host of the server is given by the AUDIO/DISPLAY

   environment variable (see below).

2. For Snack, try to connect to an audioServer. These servers are

   listening on a particular TCP/IP port, as defined by the macro PORT.

   If this fails, the audioServer is not (anymore) active.

3. For NCD, and if the client process is running on HP-UX, try the

   local client application for NCD X-terminals. The path to this client

   program is given in the Makefile by the variable NCDPATH.

4. For HP, and if the client process is running on HP-UX, try directly

   the local snack Tcl-extension, which uses the HP audio library.


This determination of the server type takes place the first time a sound

file is sent to a particular server. If none of the types fit, subsequent

calls to this procedure will only look for an audioServer.


Remark that the check for an HP server will take ~30 seconds if

AUDIO/DISPLAY is pointing to an HP box without audio hardware (or with

the Aserver not active). However, if audioPlay is used as a procedure,

this will only be for the first attempt to play a sound on that server.

Subsequent attempts will fail immediately, as only the existence of an

active audioServer will be verified - see above.



The environment variable AUDIO is used to determine the hostname of the

audio-server. It can be set to a hostname or IP address. If AUDIO is not

set, the environment variable DISPLAY will be used (i.e. the value up to

the colon). If neither is set, it is assumed that the audio-server runs

on the localhost.



In case of success, the audio-server type is returned. It can take the

value of Snack, HP or NCD, depending also on the set of supported

devices audioPlay has been configured for via the Makefile.



Use of audio on NCD terminals requires that the sound files are on a

directory which the terminal can NFS-mount. On top of that, the NCD

software must on the HP-UX box be installed under a particular directory,

as defined in the module's Makefile. If this is not the case, there will

be no audio played on the NCD terminal.


Both audioServer and HP's Aserver can be running on a different host than

where the audioPlay client runs. But due to the proprietary nature of HP's

audio software library, the use of HP's Aserver can only work if the

audioPlay client too is running on HP-UX. For NCD X-terminals, the NCD

client software must be installed on the local machine - and this is only

available for HP-UX; the AUDIO or DISPLAY variable must of course in this

case point to the NCD X-terminal (on top of the other requirements listed




You have the choice between giving the fully qualified commandname (i.e.

including its namespace) or importing it into your current namespace.

For that reason, the following 2 examples are equivalent:


tcl>package require Audio


tcl>namespace import audio::*

tcl>audioPlay -volume 92 $env(VLTROOT)/sounds/





tcl>package require Audio


tcl>audio::audioPlay -volume 92 $env(VLTROOT)/sounds/





audioServer(1), audioCtrl(1),

The Snack Sound Toolkit (





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5.2.4   audioServer




audioServer - start up a Snack-based sound server






audioServer will start up a server process, listening on a particular

TCP/IP port (as set in a macro defined in the Makefile of the audio

module). It will react on the following commands coming in via this port:

- play: play a sound-stream

- fply: forced play, i.e. override the mute setting

- stop: stop the sound-stream

- setv: set the volume to a value (on a scale from 0 to 100)

- getv: return the current actual audio-gain and the set volume (they

        can be different, e.g. if the "mute" command is active)

- mute: mute the sound; remark that the procedure/utility audioPlay can

     override this setting, by passing explicitly a volume level.

- voce: opposite to mute

- exit: close the port and quit.

- vers: return the versionr; format: "audioServer $Revision: 1.11 $"



In the current implementation there are no access limitations to

audioServer, i.e. hosts that can communicate over the network with the

box hosting the audioServer can also play sounds on it - provided the

audioServer itself has been started by a user who can read/write from/to

the audio devices.



audioPlay(n), audioCtrl(1),

The Snack Sound Toolkit (





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5.2.5   audioVerify




audioVerify - verify the audio system






audioVerify will check the audio-server. The list of supported servers is

given by the macro SUPPORT, which is set in the Makefile. It can be any

list of the words Snack, HP and NCD. Apart from specifying which

audio-servers are supported, it also sets the order in which they will be



The following strategy is applied trying to determine the nature of the

various types of sound servers:

1. First, the host of the server is given by the AUDIO/DISPLAY

   environment variable (see below).

2. For type Snack, try to connect to an audioServer. These servers are

   listening on a particular TCP/IP port, as defined by the macro PORT.

   If this fails, the audioServer is not (anymore) active.

3. For NCD, and if the client process is running on HP-UX, try the

   local client application for NCD X-terminals. The path to this client

   program is given in the Makefile by the variable NCDPATH.

4. For HP, and if the client process is running on HP-UX, try directly

   the local snack Tcl-extension, which uses the HP audio library.


This determination of the server type takes place the first time a sound

file is sent to a particular server, or the first time this procedure is

called. If none of the types fit, subsequent calls to audioPlay or this

procedure will only look for an audioServer.


Remark that the check for an HP server will take ~30 seconds if

AUDIO/DISPLAY is pointing to an HP box without audio hardware (or with

the Aserver not active). However, if audioVerify is used as a procedure,

this will only be for the first attempt to play a sound on that server.

Subsequent attempts will fail immediately, as only the existence of an

active audioServer will be verified - see above.



The environment variable AUDIO is used to determine the hostname of the

audio-server. It can be set to a hostname or IP address. If AUDIO is not

set, the environment variable DISPLAY will be used (i.e. the value up to

the colon). If neither is set, it is assumed that the audio-server runs

on the localhost.



In case of success, the audio-server type is returned. It can take the

value of Snack, HP or NCD, depending also on the set of supported

devices audioVerify has been configured for via the Makefile.



Use of audio on NCD terminals requires that the sound files are on a

directory which the terminal can NFS-mount. On top of that, the NCD

software must on the HP-UX box be installed under a particular directory,

as defined in the module's Makefile. If this is not the case, there will

be no audio played on the NCD terminal.


Both audioServer and HP's Aserver can be running on a different host than

where the audioVerify client runs. But due to the proprietary nature of HP's

audio software library, the use of HP's Aserver can only work if the

audioVerify client too is running on HP-UX. For NCD X-terminals, the NCD

client software must be installed on the local machine - and this is only

available for HP-UX; the AUDIO or DISPLAY variable must of course in this

case point to the NCD X-terminal (on top of the other requirements listed




You have the choice between giving the fully qualified commandname (i.e.

including its namespace) or importing it into your current namespace.

For that reason, the following 2 examples are equivalent:


tcl>package require Audio


tcl>namespace import audio::*






tcl>package require Audio







audioServer(1), audioCtrl(1), audioPlay(1)

The Snack Sound Toolkit (





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5.2.6   audioVolume




audioVolume - get or set the audio volume



audioVolume ?<volume>?



audioVolume without further arguments will return the current setting of

the audio-gain, on a scale from 0 to 100.

If <volume> is given, on a scale from 0 to 100, the audio-gain will be set

to <volume>; if the audio-server was muted, muting will be turned off.


The strategy trying to determine the type of the sound server is the one

implemented in the audioVerify procedure.



The environment variables AUDIO or DISPLAY will be used to determine

the hostname of the audio-server. See the manpage of audioVerify.



In case of success, the volume is returned.



NCD terminals are not really supported by this procedure/utility. Getting

the volume will always return 100, setting it will have no effect.


In the case of HP's Aserver, the volume returned will be 0 if the server

is muted, even if the audioCtrl application shows that the gain is

not 0. This is because for HP's Aserver there is no way to distinguish

between a gain of 0 and muting. In an attempt to keep these two things

apart, setting the <volume> to 0 on such server will actually set it to 1.

For Snack-based audio-servers, the audio-gain and muting are two separate




You have the choice between giving the fully qualified commandname (i.e.

including its namespace) or importing it into your current namespace.

For that reason, the following 2 examples are equivalent:


tcl>package require Audio


tcl>namespace import audio::*






tcl>package require Audio


tcl>audio::audioVolume 85





audioServer(1), audioCtrl(1), audioVerify(n),

The Snack Sound Toolkit (





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