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NACO: AO System efficiency
Strehl ratio of the fiber image | Peak counts and integrated flux of the fiber PSF | Position of the fiber image

PSF peak
PSF flux
PSF x position
PSF y position
PSF xy position
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The daily AO (adaptive optics) check is a pipeline supported technical calibration. About once a day the CheckAOCorrection template is executed for 5 different AO configurations:

  • dichroic = VIS, WFS type = VIS, WFS mode = 1-3, camera = S27
  • dichroic = VIS, WFS type = VIS, WFS mode = 5-1, camera = S27
  • dichroic = N20C80, WFS type = IR, WFS mode = 3-2, camera = S27
  • dichroic = N20C80, WFS type = IR, WFS mode = 6-1, camera = S27
  • dichroic = N20C80, WFS type = IR, WFS mode = 9-1, camera = S27
The set of frames contain a dark exposure and a exposure, that shows an image of the internal PSF fiber source. According to the NACO operations manual the shape of the PSF fiber image can be either
  • diffuse, meaning at least one of the optical components of the AO system is not aligned,
  • a circular image, meaning the optical path is well aligned, but AO loop is not closed
  • a nearly diffraction limited Airy pattern, meaning the AO loop is closed. In this latter case the pipeline retrieves the Strehl ratio as a the key performance of the NACO adaptive optics system. In this situation, the AO system has to corrected well a more static wave front distortion induced by the reflections inside the optical system. While in the case of observing stars through the earth atmosphere (see here), the NACO AO system has to correct a dynamically modulated wave front with a high frequency (~30Hz).

CHECK AO frame This is an example of the master calibration CHECK AO frame. It is a pipeline product of the "naco_img_strehl" recipe. The point like source is an image of the instrument internal NIR PSF

Zoomed, the AO loop is closed and diffraction rings are resolved.

Example: the AO loop is not well closed

Example: the AO loop is not well closed

Example: the AO loop is not well closed

Example of a badly aligned calibration fiber optics

Strehl ratio of the fiber image
Strehl ratio of the fiber image | Peak counts and integrated flux of the fiber PSF | Position of the fiber image

An ideal optical system projects a point source into a circular image with a central core surrounded by Newton rings, the Airy pattern. The ratio between the peak and the integrated counts of the Airy function is the Strehl value for this optical system. The observed Strehl value, which is usually smaller, divided by the theoretical Strehl value is the Strehl ratio and serves as a measure of the optical performance (image quality) in the environment of disturbing diffraction sources like optical surfaces, wind, medium turbulence.

The NACO internal fiber image (no atmospheric seeing) is statically disturbed by the reflections within the optical system. The Strehl ratio of the fiber image measures the quality of the AO system in the absence of atmospheric turbulence.


FITS key QC1 database: table, name definition class* HC_plot** more docu
QC.STREHL naco_checkao..strehl mean Strehl ratio ENG [docuSys coming]
*Class: KPI - instrument performance; HC - instrument health; CAL - calibration quality; ENG - engineering parameter
**There might be more than one.


Strehl ratio of the fiber image is acquired (nearly) daily for five AO configurations. science observations.

Scoring&thresholds Strehl ratio of the fiber image

The lower threshold is set for engineering reasons to 0.4.


Date event
2015 The laser guide star and hence the AO mode used for the LGS is decommissioned.

Algorithm Strehl ratio of the fiber image

The Strehl is measured from a dark subtracted raw frame.

Peak counts and integrated flux of the fiber PSF
Strehl ratio of the fiber image | Peak counts and integrated flux of the fiber PSF | Position of the fiber image


FITS key QC1 database: table, name definition class* HC_plot** more docu
QC.STREHL.PEAK naco_checkao..strehl_peak mean peak intensity in counts ENG [docuSys coming]
QC.STREHL.FLUX naco_checkao..strehl_flux mean flux in countsENG [docuSys coming]
*Class: KPI - instrument performance; HC - instrument health; CAL - calibration quality; ENG - engineering parameter
**There might be more than one.


Both parameters serve as secondary QC parameters to check that the fiber input is well illuminated.

Scoring&thresholds Peak counts and integrated flux of the fiber PSF

These values are not scored


Date event
2015 The laser guide star and hence the AO mode used for the LGS is decommissioned.

Algorithm Peak counts and integrated flux of the fiber PSF

The peak counts and the integrated flux of the dark subtracted fiber image is directly obtained.

Position of the fiber image
Strehl ratio of the fiber image | Peak counts and integrated flux of the fiber PSF | Position of the fiber image


FITS key QC1 database: table, name definition class* HC_plot** more docu
QC.STREHL.POSX naco_checkao..strehl_posx NULLENG [docuSys coming]
QC.STREHL.POSY naco_checkao..strehl_posy NULLENG [docuSys coming]
*Class: KPI - instrument performance; HC - instrument health; CAL - calibration quality; ENG - engineering parameter
**There might be more than one.


The position of the fiber PSF center on the detector in CCD pixel units.

Scoring&thresholds Position of the fiber image

The QC parameter is not scored


Since 2015, the fiber is most often positioned in the upper left detector quadrant
Date event
2015 The laser guide star (LGS) and hence the AO mode used for the LGS is decommissioned.

Algorithm Position of the fiber image

The Strehl is measured from a dark subtracted raw frame.

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