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UVES trending system: HEALTH CHECK report
Last update: 2024-09-20T11:24:00 (UT)
  | now: 2024-09-20T15:38:36 (UT) muc02 QC pipeline: uves-6.1.11 (installed 2023-06-22)
same group: Mean RMS
close window history: 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023   2024   HEALTH
  ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
*Date on this monitor changes at 21:00 UT
png: Information and research:
- png file - advanced studies: QC1 browser | QC1 plotter
Average ? Thresholds ? N_
method value unit method value
1 QC1DB MEDIAN 0.0204 Pix OFF± 1.5 90 ydiffavg this | last_yr | all Mean of Y-Differences between the two frames, CD#1
2 QC1DB MEDIAN 0.0483 Pix OFF± 1.5 90 ydiffavg this | last_yr | all same, for CD#2
3 QC1DB MEDIAN -0.0301 Pix OFF± 1.5 92 ydiffavg this | last_yr | all same, for CD#3
4 QC1DB MEDIAN -0.0544 Pix OFF± 1.5 91 ydiffavg this | last_yr | all same, for CD#4
*Data sources: QC1DB: QC1 database; LOCAL: local data source
Plot 1
scores: not implemented
data source:uves_zflat
(QC1 database)
rel. thresholds: -1.47955...1.52045Pix
N_data plotted:90
[click plot for closeup]
Plot 2
scores: not implemented
data source:uves_zflat
(QC1 database)
rel. thresholds: -1.45175...1.54825Pix
N_data plotted:90
[click plot for closeup]
Plot 3
scores: not implemented
data source:uves_zflat
(QC1 database)
rel. thresholds: -1.5301...1.4699Pix
N_data plotted:92
[click plot for closeup]
Plot 4
scores: not implemented
data source:uves_zflat
(QC1 database)
rel. thresholds: -1.5544...1.4456Pix
N_data plotted:91
[click plot for closeup]
This plot

This is the trending report for UVES QC parameters derived from the Cross-Disperser Alignment reproducibility frames.

These data are taken daily. Each Cross-Disperser [CD] is moved into position such that the zeroth order from the echelle falls on the detector and the first frame is exposed, then the CD is moved away, and then moved back into position and the second frame is taken. Ideally, if the mechanical mechanisms are working perfectly, the zeroth order will appear at exactly the same position in the two frames. So this data tests the reproducability of the instrumental setup, in particular that the instrumental setups used during the night can be accurately reproduced during daytime calibrations.

The spatial position of the zeroth order is then measured at a number (~25) positions along the order in the two frames. Plots 1 to 4 display the mean of the differences between the measured positions in the two frames.

Find more information about UVES CD_ALIGN frames here.  

General information

Click on any of the plots to see a close-up version.

The latest date is indicated on top of the plot.

If configured,

  • data points belonging to the latest date are specially marked
  • statistical averages are indicated by a solid line, and thresholds by broken lines
  • outliers are marked by a red asterisk. They are defined as data points outside the threshold lines
  • "aliens" (= data points outside the plot Y limits) are marked by a red arrow ( or )
  • you can download the data for each parameter set if the 'Data downloads' link shows up