Title Dust in gravitationally lensed Lyman Break Galaxies Pi M. Sawicki Time 94.2 hrs 1. Name of program and authors Title: Dust in gravitationally lensed Lyman Break Galaxies. Author: Marcin Sawicki, marcin.sawicki@nrc.ca 2. One short paragraph with science goal(s) Star-formation rates and other properties of z~3 Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) remain only poorly constrained because of the presence of starlight-absorbing interstellar dust which can only be properly understood by combining rest-far-IR data with rest-frame optical and UV observations. Normal LBGs are expected to be too faint at sub-mm wavelengths to yield anything but integrated fluxes even with ALMA. Therefore, to gain understanding of the spatial distribution of dust and star formation in LBGs, we propose to observe three gravitationally lensed LBGs, whose fluxes are magnified by factors of 10-30. These observations, to be carried out at 450 and 900 um, will provide information about the spatial distribution of dust in LBGs that will be directly comparable to rest-frame UV and optical HST observations of these objects. These observations will allow us to study each of these gravitational arcs with ~25-100 spatial resolution elements having a S/N=10 per spatial resolution element. 3. Number of sources: 3 4. Coordinates: 4.1. Rough RA and DEC RA(2000) Dec(2000) MS1512-cB58 15:14:22.2 +36:36:24 Cl1053-arc 10:53:47.2 +57:35:10 A2218-arc 16:35:49.3 +66:13:07 4.2. Moving target: no 4.3. Time critical: no 5. Spatial scales: 5.1. Angular resolution (arcsec): 0.1 5.2. Range of spatial scales/FOV (arcsec): individual point sources - one per field 5.3. Single dish total power data: no 5.4. ACA: no 5.5. Subarrays: no 6. Frequencies: 6.1. Receiver band: Bands 7 and 9 6.2. Lines and Frequencies (GHz): continuum 6.3. Spectral resolution (km/s): N/A 6.4. Bandwidth or spectral coverage (km/s or GHz): N/A 7. Continuum flux density: 7.1. Typical value (Jy): Total flux density per object 1-4 mJy at 900um 10-40 mJy at 450um 7.2. Required continuum rms (Jy or K): 0.004 mJy in Band 7 0.04 mJy in Band 9 7.3. Dynamic range within image: 7 8. Line intensity: 8.1. Typical value (K or Jy): N/A 8.2. Required rms per channel (K or Jy): N/A 8.3. Spectral dynamic range: N/A 9. Polarization: no 9.1. Required Stokes N/A 9.2. Total polarized flux density (Jy) N/A 9.3. Required polarization rms and/or dynamic range N/A 9.4. Polarization fidelity N/A 10. Integration time for each observing mode/receiver setting (hr): Band 7 continuum: 3x20.3 hr Band 9 continuum: 3x11.1 hr 11. Total integration time for program (hr): 94.2 hrs 12. Comments on observing strategy (e.g. line surveys, Target of Opportunity, Sun, ...): (optional) Review Chris Carilli: OK, integration times checked -------------------------------------------------- Review v2.0: 1.2.5 Dust in gravitationally lensed Lyman Break Galaxies (Sawicki) Not revised since DRSP 1.1. No further comment, no need for ACA or ACA/12m array cross-correlation.