Title SNR-cloud interaction search in LMC Pi K. Tatematsu Time 86 hrs 1. Name: SNR-cloud interaction search in LMC Authors: K. Tatematsu, Y. Fukui,.... 2. LMC contains many supernova remnants (e.g. Mathewson et al. 1985). It is of our interest how supernova remnants affect the global properties in a galaxy. SNRs will input enrmous energy into the interstellar medium, and this will affect the evolution of the interstellar medium and the star formation activity. Then this will caracterize the evolution of the galaxy. Because LMC is the galaxy closest to us, this provides us with a great opportunity for a detailed scrutiny. With ALMA, we will be able to study the SNR-cloud interaction with appropriate angular resolution for the first time. Previouslly, SNR-cloud interaction was studied with SEST (Banas et al. 1997), but the angular resolution is too low to see the direct evidence of the interaction. We will take a census of the SNR-cloud in a galaxy with sufficient angular resolution and sensitivity for the first time. Arikawa, Tatematsu et al. (1999, PASJ 51, L7) have studied the supernova remnant W28 by using JCMT (beam size is about 15"=0.25 pc at 3 kpc). This study showed that CO 3-2 is one of the best tracers of the shocked molecular gas. The linear resolution of 0.25 pc corresponds to 1" at the distance of LMC, and with ALMA we will reach even better angular resolution. We can carry out a very promising statistical study of SNR-cloud interaction in LMC. This study will help our understanding the dynamical and thermal evolution of a galaxy. For a comparison, we will also observe CO 1-0 to distinguish the shocked and unshocked gas. References Arikawa et al. 1999 Banas et al. 1997 Mathewson et al. 1985 3. Number of sources: 30 4. Coordinates: 4.1. 30 sources in LMC (RA=05:30, DEC=-69:45) 4.2. Moving target: no 4.3. Time critical: no 5. Spatial scales: 5.1. Angular resolution: 1.5" at 115GHz, 0.5" at 345 GHz 5.2. Range of spatial scales/FOV: 1' (16-field mosaic at 345 GHz) 5.3. Single dish: yes 5.4. ACA: yes 5.5. Subarrays: no 6. Frequencies: 6.1. Receiver band: Bands 3 and 7 6.2. Line: CO 1-0 and 3-2 Frequency: 115 GHz and 345 GHz 6.3. Spectral resolution (km/s): 0.5 km/s 6.4. Spectral coverage (km/s or GHz): 100 km/s 7. Continuum flux density: 7.1. Typical value: N/A 7.2. Continuum peak value: N/A 7.3. Required continuum rms: N/A 7.4. Dynamic range in image: N/A 8. Line intensity: 8.1. Typical value: 2-10 K 8.2. Required rms per channel: 0.3 K 8.3. Spectral dynamic range: 10-30 9. Polarization: no 10. Integration time per setting: 115 GHz: 30 sources x 4 mosaic x 3min 345 GHz: 30 sources x 16 mosaic x 10min 11. Total integration time for program: 86 hr