Characterization of blue straggler stars in the galactic field Blue straggler stars (BSS) are main sequence stars that exhibit an apparent evolutionary delay over the region where they are found. They were initially identified in the main sequence of globular clusters above the turnoff point. Since then, they have been found in many different stellar environments: globular and open clusters, near dwarf galaxies, and also in the field of the Galaxy. The main goal of this work is to build a large sample of BSS in the galactic field region. In order to accomplish this task, classical methods of separation of BSS from BHB stars were compared with new proposed restrictions based on their atmospheric parameters, which are estimated by the SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline (SSPP). The latter procedure allowed to include stars with magnitudes g > 18, not handled by traditional methods when ratio is smaller than 9. The selection methods gathered a sample of BS 8001 stars. These stars were kinematically analyzed through their radial velocities. The results suggest that many of them (~1000) can have extragalactic origin, associated with Sagittarius stream.