Type Ia Supernovae from violent white dwarf mergers Abstract: The progenitor system(s) and explosion mechanism of Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) are still unknown. Recently, increasing evidence has been accumulated, that at least some SNe Ia are mergers of two white dwarfs. As we have shown in previous studies, violent mergers reproduce observed lightcurves and spectra of normal SNe Ia well. In the violent merger scenario, a detonation forms directly during the merger and the whole merging object is disrupted in the SN explosion. Similar to most SNe Ia scenarios, the critical point for the violent merger scenario is whether the detonation forms during the merger or not. Although high-resolution smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of white dwarf mergers have shown indications that a detonation may form, it is not enough to decide this question yet. Here, I will present latest results of high-resolution merger simulations obtained with SPH and a finite-volume moving-mesh code. I will show how the properties of the white dwarf merger depend on the hydrodynamics scheme employed and focus particularly on the part that may lead to the formation of a detonation. Moreover, I will show how a merger of two carbon-oxygen white dwarf robustly causes the formation of a detonation. Finally, I will discuss the implications of this explosion mechanism of violent mergers for the general population of SNe Ia.