Is SN2010lp a member of a new class of underluminous type Ia supernovae? Abstract: We present preliminary results of the observational campaign on SN2010lp carried out by the Millennium Center for Supernova Science (MCSS). This SN is peculiar is several aspects. It has a low luminosity, red colors and absence of a secondary maximum typical of SN1991bg-like SNe, but it displays a slow rice to maximum and also a slow post-maximum decline. The SN2010lp spectra resemble that of SN1991bg-like objects, but differences are present, also with SN2002cx-like SNe. We use the well sampled high quality spectral and photometric evolution of SN2010lp as a template to search for objects with similar characteristic, finding indications for a new class of underluminous SN Ia.