Title: Color gradients in field and cluster ETGs at z~1.4: constraining their radial metallicity and age variation. Abstract: We present a study of colour gradients in a sample of elliptical galaxies at z~1.4. The sample is composed of 20 field ellipticals and 20 cluster ellipticals. We detect in all of them radial variations of the UV-U and U-R restframe colour showing evidence of multiple stellar components. While we found negative U-R colour gradients both in field and in cluster ellipticals, UV-U color gradients are almost always positive with the few exceptions only among field ellipticals. We found that the observed colour gradients cannot be accounted for by a pure radial variation of stellar population metallicity. On the contrary, the analysis performed shows the presence of at least two main stellar components characterized by both a different age and a different metallicity with the younger (DeltaAge ~ 2Gyr) component contributing for less than 10% to the total stellar mass. Independent analysis based on integrated spectral indeces confirm this result showing evidence of multiple stellar components in elliptical galaxies at this redshift.