Physical conditions and chemistry in starbursts and obscured nuclei Molecular gas plays a fundamental role in feeding and regulating star formation and growth of supermassive black holes (SMBH) in galaxy nuclei and is therefore a primary evolutionary parameter in starburst and AGN activity. ALMA is a powerful instrument for studying galaxy evolution using molecules as observational tools - exploiting their ability to trace dynamical, chemical and physical conditions. I this short review I will discuss recent ALMA/IRAM results and key tracers in probing the nature of buried activity and properties of their associated outflows and winds. Specific examples include how to use emission from vibrationally excited molecules to peek behind the optically thick veil of dust – and how we can use chemistry to address the nature and evolutionary stage of nuclear activity. Recent results also suggest that the astrochemistry of molecular outflows provide important clues to their origin. Finally I will discuss a few examples of potential synergies between studies that we carry out with ALMA/IRAM – and planned projects on the SKA and JWST.