Title: Molecular Cloud Decoupling and Magnetic Binding during Strong Ram Pressure Stripping of the Coma Spiral NGC 4921 Abstract: Remarkable dust extinction features in deep HST images of the face-on Coma cluster spiral galaxy NGC 4921 show in unprecedented ways how ram pressure strips the ISM from the disk of a spiral galaxy. On one side of the disk, there is a well-defined, continuous front of dust that extends over 90 degrees and 20 kpc that separates the dusty from dust-free regions of the galaxy, and which we interpret as galaxy ISM swept up near the leading side of the ICM-ISM interaction. We identify and characterize substructure within this dust front caused by ram pressure, including V-shaped, Y-shaped and linear head-tail filaments, as well as C-shaped features and long smooth dust fronts. The morphology of these features strongly suggests that dense gas clouds partially decouple from surrounding lower density gas during stripping, but decoupling is inhibited, possibly by magnetic fields which link and bind distant parts of the ISM. The decoupling clouds are probably predominantly molecular. Studies like this one are necessary to quantify the efficiency of ram pressure stripping in a real multiphase substructured ISM, which in turn is necessary to understand the importance of stripping as a star formation quenching mechanism throughout the universe.